
Winning the battle, but losing the war

For the viewers watching through the livestream, when they had seen Hilston Blade defeated, they had been sure that this was the end. Someone of such great power they had never known even existed a couple hours ago, they had lost him as quickly as they had found out about him.

He had powers that surpassed the former Big Four and he had been able to use their powers one after another to a stronger degree. If even someone like him could not defeat the five Spike, then the world couldn't imagine who else could. Their anger and frustration had been directed towards the one that had caused his death, who was none other than Sil, another Blade that belonged to the Cursed faction.

Soon, they thought that his death and the rest of their deaths would quickly come after, something most felt deserving for having gotten involved. They also looked to be losing out against the five Spike, but all of that changed with the arrival of the Cursed faction leader.