
Why them?

As soon as the names were called out and announced, an uproar began to erupt among the students. Why hadn't they been the ones called? The names were so unfamiliar to them. Apart from Vorden, the rest of the names that had been read out were a complete mystery to the other students.

Although Logan was a high-level user, he rarely ever visited the classes, so there weren't many that knew what he looked like apart from the ones that were in his class, but even the ones that were in Logan's team were confused as to why his name was called out and not theirs. Especially since Logan had gone missing for most of the expedition.

However, the students weren't the only ones that seemed to be confused by their names that had been called out, but so were Quinn and the others. They hardly had the time to scan anything, and even when Peter was underground he didn't use the scanner, because it didn't work while they were down there.