
No ability, take mine

After the incident with the pen, there were less disturbances and Quinn was allowed to go through and explain everything that was needed. He hated to admit it, but sometimes force, or a show of strength, was one of the best deterrents. At least it was for the way things were now.

Quinn went through the process of how school life would be for them, and the different classes they could attend. Explaining the benefits of each one and answering any questions the students had. Soon after, the students were to select what classes they would like to attend and if their request was accepted, then their schedule that was linked to their watch would automatically update.

After everyone had selected their classes based on the information Quinn had given, the sound for the morning class had gone off, and students were now free to head to their next lesson.

"Before you all leave, can I speak to Shiro please for a little bit." Quinn asked, and the other students soon left.