
36. Teaching more people

All sorts of machines could be found around the lab. There were robots driving all around the room transporting equipment from one place to another. After taking some steps, Abraham found the other Green. In front of Emily Green, there were multiple screens. on one screen a particular 3d model of a crystal was displayed. Tom used his ability to inform Emily of their presence through the machine.

After that, she came to meet Abraham and together they talked a lot about all their current experiment and discoveries they have made.

As one of their successful innovation, they made a small teleportation machine that could be connected to a computer. They had also created an online marketplace that would facilitate the selling and buying of crystal and beast weapons. After buying the product, the person would immediately receive the object through the teleportation machine.

After Abraham gave them the cam recorder he took to the first planet, both of them were left speechless from the video feeds. The way Abraham killed so many beasts looked so unfathomable. With some editing and sound effects, the video could be made into an action movie.

The trio continued to walk until they reached the forging room. Unlike the rest of the rooms present in the basement, this one had a transparent side that allowed one to see the inside. The room had a bright orange brightness from all the heat inside.

Through the glass panel, Abraham saw a man hammering a piece of equipment in front of an oven. From the few grey hairs in his beard and curly hair, Abraham could only guess that the man was quite the old fellow.

However, his body told a completely different story. The man was shirtless with nothing but a pair of tight brown trousers that was really tight. He was built like a tank with muscles over muscles. He was exactly as one would picture a forger. Abraham did not disturb the man and let him finish his work. He went to a nearby sofa and sat together with the Green couple.

They continued their talk among which Abraham asked for a communication device that would help him talk with the couple from anywhere. Emily had put the camera feed from the forging room on a screen to know when the man finished his work.

A final clag sound was heard and the man stopped his forging process. When he opened the door to leave the room, a heat wave came bursting through the door.

"Mr. Andrew, meet Abraham". Tom Green presented the man to Abraham.

"I have met most of the VIPs, yet I do not recognize you. You should be someone of utmost importance for the Green family to treat you like that. I can't wait to know the reason for our meeting Mr. Abraham." Andrew gave a bow as a form of greeting.

"It's my pleasure Andrew, as for the reason I'm sure you will like it. In fact, I have the same gift for both of you two." After giving a half bow to Andrew, Abraham began explaining the reason behind the meeting. From meeting Andrew, Abraham could sense that there was a large amount of Qi in his body. Andrew was the only other person that Abraham had met with so much Qi. Yet if he was to compare it to Abraham's Qi, it would look so little. After all, there has never been a single human in entire history that has trained Qi energy since his birth time.

Both Green members were confused about what could help all of them. After all, they did not have anything in common. Both the Green members had tried forging many times but it was not something that they liked doing.

"All of you already know that if I was to give ten different forgers the same crystal, the end product would be different for everyone. Some could make a sword from it while another could make chest armor. But what really makes the difference between an experienced forger like Andrew to a beginner forger is the process of adding an active skill to the equipment. Does any of you know how or why some forger can add an active skill?"

Abraham gave them a moment to think. Andrew gave a quick negative response while Tom and Emily started looking at a screen. after analyzing all data at their disposal, they still could not find an answer.

"I can tell you the answer on one condition. You can't tell anyone else unless I give you permission."

"I agree. I can even come to work for you if there is a way to increase my mastery in forging." Andrew without any hesitation accepted the condition. The Green also approved.

"Everyone thinks that a human without ability is a failure. But what no one knows is that inside every human there is an energy. An energy that is so powerful that it can help someone grow as strong as the leaders of the earth. It is known as Qi energy." The Green was fascinated by such new information from Abraham.

"For most of the population, the people have very little Qi or none. Only those that pushed their body to the limit are able to increase their Qi energy. It is the same energy that allows forgers to be able to integrate active skill in their equipment".

After some more explanation, Andrew and the Green couple had an idea of what Qi was.

A forger required extreme concentration, stamina, strength, and precision in the process of making a beast weapon. This was the reason that forger was among the people who would develop Qi without knowing.

If someone like Leo who has the ability to see a living being energy would look at Andrew, he would notice a huge amount of Qi inside the latter.

Abraham took turns to help them discover the Qi inside them. After they were able to find the Qi energy on their own, Abraham left them and when to a screen. Abraham had asked Emily Green for a close-up image of every portal in human possession.

Using his Inspect skill, he started to gather all the magic circles for every portal inside the system.

After scanning both the arrival and departure magic circles of every portal, Abraham now had the ability to travel to every planet that humans have access to using his Shadow Teleport skill.

He turned around and on seeing the three still training a thought came to his mind.

"Since I have become a vampire, every friend person or someone who I found interesting, one way or another has to lead me to teach them Qi. During my early days, even before I activated the system, Andrew was already someone that I included in my plan to teach Qi. But for the other, it was the moment and event that made me do it. It seems that even a second life can't stop my love for teaching."

In his previous life, before he started the journey of revenge, Abraham was a teacher. It was something that he extremely loved to do. Seeing his student progressing. It was even due to his teacher instinct that he decided to help a student which lead to all the mishaps in his previous life.

After reminiscing about his past life, Abraham could not help but smile. He then went toward a Vr pod inside the room.

Abraham got inside a new type of Vr pod to play the game Power fighter. It was a pod specifically designed based on the requirements of Abraham. He had asked Tom to put a limitation on his game character that would make it have slightly lower stats compared to his opponent. Abraham knew that most fighters inside the game were too weak for his current stat, but he still decided to play the game to improve his fighting style and skill and become versatile against different abilities.

Compared to beasts, humans were very cunning and had lots of techniques and plans that could make a lower-ability user win against a higher one. The exception was humanoid beasts that has a mind of their own.