
My vampire system: Abraham(fanfiction)

Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week

ShadowGrim · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

37. The cold woman

The lid of the VR pod was seen open and a human exited from it. Abraham had a painful expression from overclocking his brain. He had done match after match that he lost count of the number of fights he did. Due to the limitations in stats, he was close to his opponent's level and had to constantly come up with new plans for each match. The Green had also implemented fighting against beasts for his specific pod. The game built the environment of a destroyed village and a horde of AI Rattaclaw kept on attacking Abraham. Unlike the situation on plant Pioletic, Abraham didn't have his shadow or blood ability.

The game kept on sending more and more beasts until Abraham was completely surrounded and completely covered by them. It didn't take long for Abraham to die in the game.

He also did some make against multiple Tigonoir at the same time.

When Abraham got out of the pod, Andrew and the Green were nowhere to be found as they had both gone to sleep. Abraham had spent so many hours that it was already night.

when he took a step from the pod, a robot came to guide Abraham to his room.

"For a vampire, you do sleep a lot." Like always the system had to add a little of its pleasantry.

Abraham didn't have any energy to argue with the system and quickly fell asleep. That shows how much Abraham was pushing his mental limits. The next day, Abraham was expecting a new adventure as he plan to go near the dalki settlement and see if he could fight some dalki.


The morning came and Abraham found himself ready for some new fights. Like always as a morning routine, he would train to control all of his abilities. From circulating his Qi and activating all the different stages to controlling his blood and shadow ability. After some time, he returned to the lab where he found all the remaining habitats of the building. Andrew the forger was meditating while both Green members were standing next to him with lots of machines. Abraham approached them and saw them analyzing Andrew's body.

On seeing Abraham, they gave him a bright smile and stopped all the machines. Andrew raised from the sitting position and greeted Abraham. He could not stop thanking Abraham and kept on promising Abraham that he would return the favor one day. On the other side, Tom and Emily were trying to investigate the new source of energy known as Qi that Abraham has just taught them.

After some small talk, Abraham left the building and went toward the center of the settlement to roam around for some time.

Based on what the Green have told him, Abraham had an overall understanding of the dalki situation. The Green was the one that had discovered the dalki's settlement. It was total luck as they had released some tiny robots to search for explosive crystals. One day from the camera feed of a robot they saw the settlement and dalki going inside. From a primary investigation, they found around ten one-spike dalki.

As the dalki settlement was quite far and the monsters have not yet discovered any humans, no siren or emergency state was put upon the human settlement. Everyone was relaxed like no war was upon them.

On the street, there were many different stalls in which travelers were selling either crystals or beast equipment. Using his Inspect skill, Abraham was able to have an overview of the different levels of equipment. Even after reaching the end, Abraham wasn't satisfied with any of them. Instead, he found a stall from which he bought some clothes. Although they were not exactly like what he wanted, they were quite decent. Abraham decided the next time he met the Green, he would ask them to tailor-made his clothes.

After some distance, he came upon a building with the logo of a glass. With all the stalls and now the bar building, the settlement looked completely like a village from a fantasy book.

Abraham pushed open the door and immediately the strong smell of alcohol hit his nose. The bar was not only a place for drinking but it was used to meet up with other travelers. This was the meeting place where Gwen and Robert asked Abraham to meet them. As expected, he found them sitting in the corner of the room.

When Abraham reached halfway, both of them noticed him and signal him to come. They were at a table of four with both of them sitting on the same coach. When Abraham got near, he noticed another person on the other side. Instantly Abraham knew that she was a very beautiful girl even though she had a mask on her face.

Since coming into this world, Abraham had met lots of women including beauties like Julia the suicide girl, and Gwen in front of him. But this girl had something that captivated Abraham's attention. Her hair was white as snow and the little skin visible had a white milky tone. Her body outline was not visible due to her being covered entirely in beast armor. By her side, she had a long white sword.

Through the Inspect skill, Abraham found all her equipment at the Advanced level which was rare for someone to be fully equipped like such.

Most people that had a piece of Advanced equipment would have the other equipment at a lower tier.

She only gave a glance towards Abraham and right away she returned to stare at her hands on the table. As Gwen and Robert were sitting on one couch, Abraham had to sit next to her she move further inside to separate the space between them.

"Abraham, I believe there is no need to introduce the beauty next to you." As soon as Robert said the word beauty, Gwen pinched his arm and gave him a deadly stare.

On the other side, Abraham was confused. The woman next to him was a total stranger. Even though he had knowledge of the world from his past life, the storybook would not describe every human being inside this world.

"I'm sorry, should I know her? I have never seen her before."

All of them quickly turned to Abraham in quick motion with shocked looks on their face. After a second, the girl returned to her quiet and cold self.


{Author's note}

Good news guys. I have already make my notes and plan for the upcoming chapters. So volume 1 should end on chapter 49.

Starting chapter 50 will be volume 2.

keep supporting through your votes and review.
