
My Vampire Girlfriend

Drystan Aiden, an unpopular freshman had his heart broken by his crush, leaving him devastated. As a bonus, the most beautiful girl in his faculty confessed her love to him. Just when he felt his world was going to become better, he got attacked and his girlfriend turned into something that was only possible in movies, to protect him. Thrown into a different world, Drystan must face his daily life hiding from danger, fighting against demons who wanted his pure heart and untainted blood. Were the demons his only foe and can he escape his doom or become the sacrifice for the Demon Lord’s revival? ***** A pair of sharp piercing red eyes, shone in the dark as her lips spread a bit to the side. She raised her hand, a sharp double-edged big sword sparkled in the dark with bone-chilling laughter, sending chills down the spine of her prey. “Tsk, Drystan Aiden, Target 048 prepare to meet your doom.” SWOOSH! CLANK! “Not on my watch, Sabrina. Get the hell away from my boyfriend!” ~~~~~~~ Disclaimers: Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owners.

Dei_Amor · 奇幻
8 Chs

Revealed 1



In the brightly lit room, Astoria was seen seated on the chair in the room facing the reading desk.

Opposite from where she sat was Drystan with both hands tucked into his pockets as he lifted one leg back to rest on the wall for support while his lean frame relaxed back into it.

No one spoke, rather the ceiling fan in the room that blew added as their only spice of life.

She had her fingers clenched anf placed on the table while her eyes, no longer red now remained fixed on the blank computer screen.

In the fairly big room was a single dressed bed, a reading table and chair, a clothes basket, a small shelf containing different kinds of book and a second door leading to the restroom.

After what seemed like ages, she took in a deep breath, sat upright and leaned against the chair for support.

She did not know how to where to begin this conversation all she knew was the fact that there was a basket filled with soaked blood cotton wool beside the table and a room smelling of urghh...


Finally she turned the chair around so she could face him and just almost immediately, parted her lips to speak.


No reply.

He did not flinch or say anything, hos gaze remained locked on nothing but she knew he heard her.

"Umm Drystan, I can explain."

Slowly he lifted his eyes and turned his head to face her. There was no response still but at least he made a move.

"What you saw today, that was an attack and yoh were in danger."


His eyes shot open. Was that rhe stupid excuse and explanation she could think of all these time of being silent?

He may be a fool but even him wasn't that dumb.

"I only protected you from beings lile her."

She did not get to finished her sentence when he moved and just in the blink of an eye stood before him, glaring daggers at her, silently urging her ti lie one more time.

For the first time since she had met him she saw him act that way and her heart began to beat faster.

It was both domineering and fascinating how he,damaged to move so swiftly and fast like that when he was a human.


His hands moved on their own accord and he brought them straight up to her neck. Rather than grasping her neck as she had thought he went for her shoulders and pressed down hard.

"I am not a fool. Now tell me what the bloody hell is going on!"

His eyes burned red, showing how angry he was. She felt he was calm all these while but did not realize it was his rage eating him up.

"Tell me, who the hell are you?!"

She could not answer. All she did was to stare up at him in awe and in shock.

"How come you ha e fangs? How could you fly so much and change your clothes and who the hell was that girl calling me target 048?"

He shut his eyes briefly. Reopened them and stared at his arm.

"How come I am like you and I am healing fast even without going to the hospital? Just fucking do not lie to me and tell me the goddamn truth, Astoria Jason!"

After some seconds her shock turned into a sad smile and ahe stood up to stand face to face with him.

"Drystan Aiden, Target 048 as you were called is not your name. I was a fool thinking I could play you off and wipe tour memories but, it isn't working."


Ignoring him, she continued. "Either because I do not want to and make us start of again as strangers or because this time around the threat is bigger and there is no where you can run to again. Besides, you have grown and you have a say in your life now. I also do not think tour mother would be able to stand it."


No matter what she said, he was finding it hard to understand her.

"Wait, you said again. So this has happened before? And you rescued me? No, scratch that, you and I knew before?"

"Yes." Her free hand balled into a fist at her side when she lowered her head. If was like she was contemplating things but finally she made up her mind, clenching her fingers hard till her knuckles turned even paler.

"Fine. It is time I told you the truth. Please take a seat you would need it for all the truth I am going to reveal to you."

"No. I am going to stand and look into your eyes as you explain it all to me, bit by bit."

"Fine big boy. I warned you."

Their gaze met when she looked back up again. Her cheeky grin turning into a smile.

"My real name is Astoria Vlamidor, heir to the bloodline protectors and defenders of the Vampire Royal Family. I have known you since you first activated your bloodline. A unique blood that has enough curative and putative qualities, different from that of any human we have guarded."

"So you are saying..."

"What I am saying, is that you posses a rare bloodline, different from other humans and we do not know why but one thing we know it had made you a target since it activated when tou were five."

"Target by whom or to whom?"

"To the demons. Just like vampires who love to feed on Han blood, the demons kill humans, enslave thwm dor their own selfish gain."

"So why do they want my blood? Just to kill me for their meal?"

"No. It is different."

"Explain because that girl, demon, vampire whatever she was, she was scared to have hurt me. Please tell me why."

"First of," she started in a low tune. "That girl is not a Vampire!" She yelled at the last part, completely infuriated by his comparison to ber kind. "I am the vampire, not her."


"Okay, okay. My bad. Demon then."

"Better. Never mix us up again. We are not as ruthless as they are."

"But the stories say..."

"To hell with the stories!"