



Drystan's eyes widened in shock when he saw two black horns hanging at either side of her head, will some of her long black hair draping down over it.

Even though sinister, she looked like a charming demoness. He could easily guess that if she willed it, one look at her, a guy would be SPELLBOUND!

"Target in sight. Proceeding to capture."

"Who are you and what do you want?"

She twirled her sharp blades in her hand, bringing his already alarmed eyes to her weapon as she opened her lips to speak again.

"Tsk, Drystan Aiden, Target 048 prepare to meet your doom."


All he saw was a flash of black light and she was no longer there and the next thing he knew, the air behind him suddenly felt more deadlier, as the wi be picked up and…



More of such dangerous wind seeped out in front of him and then they appeared again.

Wait. They?

His eyes popped wide open when realization dawned on him as the lovely blonde hair he had always com Eyo admire flapped about in the wind in front of him.


He did not get to finish his word when that familiar voice did the wake up call for him.

"Not on my watch, Sabrina. Get the hell away from my boyfriend!"

Instantly, the girl in front of him, supposedly Astoria yelled out her last sentence and with it pushed back hard against the other girl and her weapon.


All he knew he was pushed back by a force and Astoria leapt away to the other side. By the time he steadied his feet, he got a clearer view of the situation.

Astoria who stood at the other side held out a black and silver double sword, with her face looking more fierce than anything he had ever seen her as.

He trailed his gaze to where he was just a moment ago and saw three small daggers stuck to the ground and looked back at their attacker.

She still had the same sinister smile on her face, giving him the creep.

"Nice save I must say, Toria but it would take a whole lot more than that to get him away from me."

"Crawl back into the hole you came from," Astoria spat angrily, raising both swords above her head and bringing her hands back down in a swift motion.

"Tsk, tsk, baby girl do not know when to stop. I am not the same Sabrina you used to know. But seeing as you believe so, I would show YOU!"

She jumped up into the air and then turned around fully, with her head facing downwards as she charged at Astoria with her weapon.

"You are welcome to try."

That was all he heard Astoria say and Drystan saw her eye color change from their lovely blue ones to a bloody red one that matched her turning red outfit.

Speaking of outfit, when did her clothes change?

She had a red and black outfit on. A pair of fitted trousers with a leather crop top that hinged her body real tight and some strap designs on her hand, neck and waist, leading down to her thigh where her suspenders and all for her weapons lodged.

His eyes widened again. All of this was just so different and weird.

"Argh!" She barred her fangs against Sabrina and leapt, lounging for an attack. Once more his eyes opened again as what he saw registered in his head.


If he could faint, he may have but he managed to brace up. Now wasn't the time for such. She needed him and he needed her.

No matter what, it was the other girl who was the evil one they needed to escape from. Whoever Astoria was, did not matter now until they were safe and out of danger.


More and more, the fight went on, as both ladies out did themselves, striking like it was a battle of death.

Astoria leapt up slashing her swords towards Sabrina, not giving her even a moment of rest as she charged on and on, on her opponent.

The latter too parried off the attack with ease, while striking with her own force, sending Astoria moving back each time she did.

Regardless of what it was, Astoria wasn't backing down and she made all possible means to protect Ehis. However, as Sabrina said, she was no longer the same person she was known for.

The next thing he knew, she deliberately moved sluggishly, causing Astoria to think she got her and when she was close enough, Sabrina brought out two small daggers and stabbed into her right side.


She twirled a bit, sending a kick straight into Astoria's face, sending her flying back down to hit the ground.

She clutched at her side, pulling out the daggers quickly before more harm was done as she coughed out a bit of blood.

Seeing this, Drystan was alarmed and when he looked back up, he saw Sabrina wasn't done. In fact she was just starting.

The next thing he knew, sphere wicked grin broadened and she dove back down, with her weapon's edge, hoping to stab into Astoria.

Seeing this, his body moved of this own accord. There was no time to call out to Astoria. It was either he saved her himself or she died.


Sanrina's eyes went wide with fear as she started deeply at what her weapon had pierced. It wasn't Astoria but Drystan's left arm close to his shoulder. He was fast enough and managed to block just in time.

"No, no, no, no. Damn it!" She cursed.

Immediately Astoria moved from where she was on the ground and stabbed right into her stomach with the same daggers Sabrina had used on her.

Due to how dpfast she was and her weapon still piercing into Drystan, she was not an, to act in time and got 8njured.

She started back, pulling her weapon with her and she fell to her knees.

Without a second to spare, Astoria he ld Drystan, took out something from the side of her leg and threw it on the ground.


By the time the thick black smoke cleared, they were gone, leaving Sabrina all to herself.

"Congratulations Drystan, you just succeeded in promoting yourself from Target 048 to Target 001. Top priority."

She slid out her tongue, licking the edge of her blade stained with his blood as her eyes dropped to a close, inhaling and enjoying the taste of the blood.

"Hahhhahhaaaahhaaa… PURE!"

The last word brought an echo and a chilly feeling, piercing into the surroundings and sending the air of danger around.

"Hide D.A. I would have you."

My work for the WPC 259 Male Lead Romance.

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