
Chapter 928: Nua'Fel

A wet, phlegmy chuckle filled the air as we entered the final grotto, and a voice grated into our ears as the speaker turned to stare at us.

A large mountain of fat, the Fiend looked similar to the Goblin Boss that we had seen days prior, but instead of simply being a living, breathing pile of flesh and an icon of gluttony, this Fiend was revolting to look upon, as well as downright nauseating after anything longer than a couple of seconds.

Pallid green flesh hung off of its frame, the fat weighing it down and stretching out its skin, whilst pockmarks scattered across its flesh and revealed the sickly green sinews that wept out pus beneath; alongside the pockmarks that damaged its appearance, large pimples and boils gathered in clumps all over the place.