
Chapter 76: Another Ball (2)

Kat PoV

I chuckled at Anput, who was cracking jokes one after another about the so called 'pests' and 'lambs' of the nobility before us.

Her utter disdain, and how open she was with it, was refreshing.

We passed the time talking to one another, my eyes normally glued to Jahi's surroundings now flickering to the exotic woman standing beside me.

Anput leaned against the wall, her muscular midriff in full display as she drank yet another glass.

"You are aware of the various gazes being sent your way, yes?"

Anput scoffed, looking at me before looking over the nobles with a sneer.

"That the weaklings before us wish to bed me? Ha! In their dreams they may, but they'll lose a hand if they even try anything in reality."

I covered my mouth again, masking the large grin that I wore as she said that.

Sliding over to me, Anput whispered "Y'know, a few of the nobles who have just reappeared smell very~ interesting. Wonder what they were doing, hmm?"