
Chapter 313: New Tattoo

Following Eyoli and Valaka outside of their house, we stepped out into the cold air and snow covered city of Scythiara; better known to them as home.

The Arese were already up and about, walking around the city with purpose as they laughed with their friends, family, or mates.

Many gave Eyoli and Valaka nods, while the rest came up to clasp forearms with the two women, congratulating them or greeting them after not seeing one another for a long time.

Some of the Arese that stopped to chat with Eyoli or Valaka looked my way as well, their eyes narrowing for a second before they would approach me, asking if I was 'in the market'.

Turning them down, I noticed quickly that they all rather civil about their rejections, giving me a smile and a nod before walking away.