
Chapter 276: Bloody Memory (Extra)


Needed a little break today from writing lol, so here's a chapter from a long~ time ago~!


Chordeva PoV

Holding Ria in my arms, I desperately slammed into my petite wife, grunting at how pleasurable she made me feel.

My younger self preferred women with meat on their bones, but now...

I wouldn't trade this pleasure for anything in the world.

My heart soared as Ria moaned under me, her melodic voice stimulating me more than any curves could nowadays.

Capturing her lips, I silenced her for a moment, wanting her sickly sweet taste to permeate my being, before I clenched my eyes shut as she started wringing me dry.

Panting above her, I finished inside my wife before rolling off of her, my arm still around her dainty shoulders.

Nuzzling into my chest, Ria panted as well, her face red.

"W-What brought ah~ t-that on?"