
Chapter 1221: When She Arrives

After giving my mate a thorough demonstration on what my amplified Lust Mana was capable of - and how it sufficiently drained her of everything she had - we both returned to working, though the glances, comments and wandering hands let me know that her spirit was willing even if her body was a bit too tired right now.

She churned out an incredible amount of materials for her to use in the future, and I took some of her finished products and began to get them enchanted with the basics, leaving enough 'juice' in each of them for some proper, advanced enchantments should their new owners desire something more from their weapons.

Where these things were going and who was going to own them was something I wasn't too certain of, but what I did know was that I was relishing this opportunity to simply work without a timeline threatening to constrict around me, and it seemed Anput was as well since... well...