
Chapter 1157: Redeployed

"Now you got me thinking I'm crazy... Kat, how the hell did you manage to get something like this without telling anyone?!"

Jahi loomed over me and tugged on my collar, the Demoness rubbing her thumb overtop the new gemstone that I had embedded in the empty space as she gave me a look that demanded an answer of some kind, and specifically an answer that would satisfy her.

Pursing my lips, I stared into those amethyst eyes that I had grown to cherish as one of the most beautiful things in the entire world, drowning myself in their seriousness and losing myself to their brilliant gleam as I eventually managed to mutter "I... acquired it on my own..."

"Uh huh... and how might you have acquired a gemstone as incredible as this one, Kat? This doesn't exactly just grown on trees, and you know that."