
Chapter 1016: Bared Fangs (2)*

My moans filled the room as I swung my hips like an idiot, unable to help myself as I buried my entire cock inside Anput's throat, the Jackalkin reluctantly giving me a blowjob after I threatened to choke her even more if she didn't start cooperating, which...

Well, was rather different then how I normally functioned as a person, but for some reason tonight I was feeling more... violent than normal; not angry, not murderous, but just violent, wanting to take the energy inside my body and use it to put this Jackalkin in her place by any means necessary.

It had been a slight nagging feeling during the fight, something that whispered at the fringes of my mind; it wasn't invasive either, nor foreign, but instead a part of me that I usually never heard from, a part of me that was silent, even during times of great duress.