
Chapter 101: Date with Jahi (2)*

Jahi PoV

Walking down the street, Kat clung to my arm, her breathing strained as she glared up at me, biting her lips.

Grinning down at her, I tapped the strengthen rune, making her shiver on my arm as the plug sped up.

"Come on puppy, we still need to make it to the restaurant~"

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lead the trembling Dogkin past various people, some glancing at us for a moment before looking away.

Leaning over to her, I whispered "Come on puppy, act natural~ After all, it'd be bad if people found out~"

Oh I was loving every second of this~

Her glares, the way her lips trembled as she stifled her moans, and how her ample curves clung to me as she steadied herself.

Panting gently, she screwed her eyes shut for a moment before staring ahead with determination.

Feeling her tail thumping into my leg, I groaned slightly.

She was...

Staring down at her, I held in a chuckle as I saw her try to hide her pleasure filled expression.
