
The Heaven

At the time that Lily had arrived in the kitchen. Servants looked all the way to Princess Emile who they could barely see.

Or even if they could see her, they could barely see her that close.

Everyone of the servant was whispering about the reason that made her be here!

Even if the servants had spoken loudly, Lily would not have heard them  because her mind prevented anything from reaching her mind, except one thing,  what she looked at reat now it was the FOOD.

Lily stood by the kitchen door and had a happier moment than she felt when she entered the  royal palace itself.

It was crazy for her

At her house she could barely see the food at a small table,  now she was standing in front of a place that was three or four times the size of her house.

It was just  for food.

Lily looked like an ant found itself in front of a honey bowl.

The scene was like that: