
bad News

Emily was standing in front of Mrs. Mila's cry and she didn't know how to behave. How can anyone act. She's in a very critical position. She can now realize that.

The things that a girl can be, it's, of course, in no way that she wants to do anything in that life other than be the nice girl who doesn't hurt anyone. That person you're going to wound is Mrs. Mila herself. For that, Emila didn't know how to be with those things she was doing.

Emily had one thing on her.

It's one thing that can make all the bad things good.

It was simply that that girl was the nice girl.

Meanwhile, Emily was able to do one thing.

That thing Emily was about to do was simply embrace Mrs. Mila.

Without a word, Emily approached Mrs. Mila. Mrs. Milla can now touch and hear Emily's heart.