
My Second Life As A Boy: This Time I will End This Apocalypse!

'Sadly Dropped' When a human dies, no one knows what happens next. Ajena Lawden, an 18-year-old girl admired by the survivors of her bravery, finds her immunity to the zombie virus shattered when a bite begins to spread through her body. In a desperate act, she kills herself—but there's a twist. What if you woke up as a boy? Not just any boy, but your sister's son? Ajena is reborn as her sister's son, named Azriel. In this second life, Azriel faces not only the continuing threat of zombies but also new dangers from meteorites that strike the Earth—that bestowed survivors with extraordinary abilities and the undead also evolved, becoming so powerful that even firearms could not destroy them And Allow Human to see Status. Follow Ajena Lawden’s story as she navigates her second life as Azriel, with her friend Zomma, a baby zombie that became a teenage zombie girl and confronts the perils of this transformed world. Volume 2: Second Life Volume 3: The Real Apocalypse just begun. This is where the apocalypse evolved Zombies and even Human with a Status appeared. (NEW BOOK PUBLISHED: KINDLY CHECK IT OUT PLS. TRY READING THE SYPNOSIS OR 1ST CHAP. TITLE: INFINITE SYSTEM INHERITOR RETURN FROM THE ABYSS.) PS: I'm a newbie author and This is my first ML novel please bear with it if you see errors. I'm not fluent in english and I've wrote this in different language and Use AI for translation. Discord Name: NamhyeBlueMoon link: https://discord.com/invite/cxvAztsn

NamhyeBlueMoon · 奇幻
88 Chs

Chapter 4: A Baby?

Days and months had passed, and I'm bored. I sighed, stood up, and began my routine with the punching bag. I punched and kicked it until sweat drenched my body. I discovered that I could make things appear if I desperately wished for them. Despite four hours of this intense exercise, I didn't feel tired or hungry—just sweaty. And surprisingly, I didn't stink.

I stopped, breathing heavily, but suddenly, dizziness overwhelmed me. I tried to stand, but my vision blurred, and I collapsed. What the hell is happening? I closed my eyes, and minutes later, I felt fine again.

I woke up feeling groggy and disoriented, surrounded by unfamiliar objects. I wasn't in the black void anymore. Finally, I'm out! But wait, I'm in a crib? Why can't I speak? Where am I? Why is everything so big? I moved my tiny hands. Tiny hands?! Am I... a baby? What kind of sick joke is this?!

The door opened, and my sister entered, smiling at me. "Good morning, little Az. Did you sleep well?" Az? Is she talking to me?

Ariela lifted me out of the crib and gently rocked me. Peter entered the room, grinning. "Look at you, Az! Such a strong little guy!"

No, no, no! I'm not a guy!

Peter playfully touched my diaper. This is awkward! "This here, Az, is a penis. One day, you'll understand its power. Haha!"

" Peter. Az is just a baby,"

"Haha, I'm just joking around. He doesn't understand anyway."

Oh, I understand all right. This is a nightmare! I looked down and confirmed my new reality. No! This can't be happening! I'm a boy! Why a boy?!

Ariela gently cradled me in her arms, carrying me out of the room. While walking, Peter kept smiling at me. Damn, his face is huge. I furrowed my eyebrows. Peter is still as annoying as ever.

"Whoa! Look! I think Az likes me, haha!"

What?! Feeling annoyed, I slapped Peter's hand when he touch my cheek, making him laugh.

"Told you, Ariela! Az likes me!" he said happily, holding his chin up.

I looked at Ariela, and her expression showed she didn't think so. I nodded. Suddenly, Dave's face popped out, startling me! These guys are crazy! Dave took me and held me high.

"Look how cute little Az is! Oh boo! Baa! Boo!"

I rolled my eyes and looked ahead. Warmth filled my chest as I saw survivors smiling and laughing together. Just look at them; I'm glad we built these small houses. If you were in my situation, you'd understand how I feel. They were sitting at tables outside, sharing lunch. I wished I could be there, helping to distribute the food.

"Oh oh! Az is crying!" I didn't realize I was crying. I couldn't help it. I'm so sad. Why did I have to die? Just why?

"Oh my baby, why are you crying? Don't worry, Mommy's here." Ariela hugged me, and I burst into tears. I couldn't hold it back.

Someone picked me up, and when I opened my eyes, I saw King smiling at me and wiping my tears. "Why is baby Az crying? Hmm?" They circled around me, making funny faces to cheer me up. I laughed, of course. Who wouldn't?

I calmed down, and King carried me, looking at the people eating happily and peacefully. "I wish Ajena could see this," I heard King whisper. I looked up, and he smiled, but he looked sad. He gazed at me. "Baby Az, grow up to be a fine man, okay? And when you meet a woman like Ajena, don't let her go, okay?" He said softly, and I looked at the people.

There's no other woman like me in this world, King. Then King approached Ariela. "Ariela, I'm going to take Az up," he said, and Ariela nodded with a weak smile.

As we walked to the side, I grew curious. Where is he taking me? After minutes of walking, I saw an elevator-like contraption with visible railings. We got in, and it started going up. I was shocked! Air hit me, and my eyes widened at the sight.

It's a sunset! The view from above was amazing. The sun was setting, casting a golden light over everything. Despite the beauty, the world outside our walls was scary—a world full of zombies. Outside our walls, the world was very different. Tall buildings that used to be full of people were now empty and broken. Roads that were once busy were now cracked and covered with weeds.

The walls around our community were our protection. They were made of strong metal and concrete. They weren't very tall, but they kept the zombies out. We always had people watching the walls to make sure no zombies got in. From up here, I could see the zombies wandering around outside, slow and mindless

As the sun finally set. The elevator started going down, and I took one last look at the world outside. The zombies roamed, but we were safe. Night had fallen. Ariela was waiting for us, smiling as she took me from King's arms.

"Did you enjoy the view, little Az?" she asked.

I made a happy noise, reaching out to touch her face. She laughed and carried me back to our own mini house.

As she laid me in my crib, I felt a wave of gratitude. Now that they're out, I gaze up at the ceiling, contemplating all the things I need to do. There's so much to accomplish. Wait, how old am I anyway? I look at my tiny hands and feet, then attempt to sit up—and I do. I must be around 4 to 6 months old, I sigh, realizing several months have already passed. Feeling sleepy, I lay back down and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, I'm back in the black void. Why am I here again? Ugh, it's so boring in this place! I've spent what feels like days, maybe even months, in this endless expanse of darkness. The monotony is stifling, the silence deafening.

I've tried to make the best of it, though. Exercising has become my routine, a way to keep my body and mind sharp. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats—anything to feel the burn of my muscles and the rush of blood through my veins. The pain is a welcome reminder that I'm still alive, that I'm still here, even in this desolate place.

Writing has been my other escape. I scribble my thoughts on an imaginary notepad, recounting my memories, hopes, and fears. I've written entire novels in my head, stories of adventure, love, and loss. It's a way to pass the time, to keep my mind occupied, but also to cling to some semblance of sanity.

Observing the outside world through the hologram TV is my only connection to reality. It's a thin, flickering window into a life that feels increasingly distant.

I try to interact with the holograms, but they never respond.

But then I feel dizzy, and when I open my eyes, a playground greets me. I furrow my eyebrows. What's going on? I look down and see I'm holding a ball, and I look... bigger.

Suddenly, someone snatches the ball from my hands. A little kid sticking his tounge at me.

"Arrgh! Az! Why did you let him take the ball?! You should have passed it to us!" A kid bumps into me, and it seems we're playing a game.

I fall down, stunned, and look up at them in shock.

"Az! You okay?" Then a girl helps me up. Wait, Euna? The other kids playing approach with worried faces.

"It's BJ! She pushed Azriel!"

"Waah! I didn't! It wasn't me!" The girl who bumped me runs away.

"Told ya, it's BJ's fault. Look at that fool running away. Tsk," says a boy.

Wait? H-how old am I now?

"What happened to you? You're 8 years old, Az," Euna says. I touch my throat. Did I just speak?

"Get inside, kids! I'm taking Az to the doctor," Euna says, carrying me on her back as she runs.

I'm 8 years old now , Wow I've jumped up Things will be easier now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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