
Packing Up

Han Sofia POV,

A week after the wedding,

"Sofia ssi, are you going home after this?", Asked Hyuna beside me

"Ye, I have to pack up my stuff", I replied as I continued walking toward the campus lobby

"So you'll move tomorrow?", She asked again

"No, not tomorrow ... maybe 2 or 3 days from now. My grandmother asked me to sort out the things that I will bring", I replied while sitting on the long chair in the lobby

"Do you need help?", Asked Hyuna again while sitting beside me

"Gwaenchana ... I'm not bringing many stuff, so it's ok. Thank you for your offer", I smiled at her

"Arasso. But why did your grandmother buy you a house that so far from campus? You need more than 1 hour from Hannam-dong to get here ...", said Hyuna with a sigh

I did not answer her question, I feel bad for my friends for constantly lying to them. I said my grandmother bought me a house in the Hannam-dong area, but didn't tell her the details that I will live in the UN village.

"Where's Jiwoo? Why is he taking so long?", I asked, changing the subject

Our class for today has finished and Jiwoo said that he will go to the administration office to arrange his internship papers.

"He's so excited about his internship haha ​​... I guess he can't wait to get started", replied Hyuna chuckled

"You guys are very lucky to get an internship where you want ...", I said with a sigh

"Sofia~aah, keep your spirit! I'm sure you will find the right place too ... ah! There he is ... hey! Jiwoo~aah, why are you taking so long ?!", said Hyuna shouting at Jiwoo who was running towards us with a big smile on his face

"Mian ... mianhae. I have to queue to get this letter", replied Jiwoo breathlessly when he arrived in front of us while showing us a paper

"Sit down ...", I said sympathetically seeing his flushed face

"Gomawo", he replied, sitting beside me still panting

"When are you going to start the internship ?", Asked Hyuna curiously

"They asked me to start on January 3rd. Looks like I can't go out of town to celebrate the New Year", answered Jiwoo with a beaming face

"You still have plenty of time to prepare yourself then, fighting!", I said smiling at him

"Ye, gomawo", replied Jiwoo, smiling broadly. "How about you, Ginny? Has any company contacted you?", He asked

"Ani. I've submitted my application to several boutiques and companies but there is no answer yet," I replied with a sad face

"Kim Minju nim* hasn't answered yet?", Asked Jiwoo curiously

*famous designer's name

"She has. But according to her team, at this time they have not opened vacancies for apprentices," I answered weakly

"Waah, what a shame ...", replied Jiwoo

"Gwaenchana, there will definitely be a better place. Cheer up Sofia ssi!", Hyuna said encouraging me

"Yeee", I replied smiling at her

Now, my friends have got a place to do their internship. Hyuna will be interning at a fairly well-known bridal clothing boutique, Belle Epoque. Meanwhile, Jiwoo will be doing an internship at Adidas. I'm the only one who hasn't got an internship yet.

Actually, I have submitted applications to several boutiques and companies, such as J. Chung, IMVELY, Kuho, Kim Minju and Gentle Monster. In fact, I also submitted my application to JYP and Bighit Entertainment, because according to the news, these two big agencies will introduce a new boy group and girl group that will debut early next year. But until now there has been no news from these companies and boutiques.

"Kajja, I have to go home early. Today is my mom's birthday and my father wants us to have dinner at home", said Hyuna as she got up

"You're going home now? Arasso. Ginny, let's have samgyeopsal! I want to have some drink (alcohol) tonight", Jiwoo asked

"Mianhae Jiwoo~aah, I have to go home too. I have to pack up my things ", I replied with an apologetic face

"Ah, ye ... you have to prepare your move. Arasso .. I'll just drink with Wo Young then", said Jiwoo while scratching the back of his head

"Okay. See you tomorrow Jiwoo~aah. Sofia, let's go, let me take you home", said Hyuna as she took my hand

"Bye Jiwoo ....", I said waving at Jiwoo while walking out

"Be careful ... see you tomorrow", Jiwoo replied

Hyuna and I walked towards the car park next to our faculty building.

"You don't have to take me home, Hyuna~aah ... I don't want you to arrive home late", I said walking beside her

"Gwaenchana, after all our house is in the same direction ... ," said Hyuna cheerfully as she entered her car

I sat beside her and put on the seatbelt. During the trip, we talked about our internship program.

* ringring

Omo! Why did Yoongi have to call me now, I thought. I pressed the 'reject' button and continued my conversation with Hyuna.

My cell phone rang again. I glanced at my phone screen and hit the 'reject' button again.

"Why don't you pick it up?", Asked Hyuna, frowning

"Gwaenchana, I don't know this number", I replied

And my cell phone rang again for the umpteenth time.

"Aiish, why does he keep calling me", I said irritably

"Maybe there is something important he wants to talk to you about", said Hyuna looking at me

I took a deep breath before finally accepting the call.

"Yeobosseyo?", I replied

"Hey!!! Why do you keep rejecting the call from me ??", Yoongi's annoyed voice heard

"Mian, I'm on my way", I replied trying to speak quietly so as not to attract Hyuna's attention

"Aish!! Why is it so hard to contact my own wife ? ...", he said still with annoyance

"I'm already said sorry ... what's wrong? Why did you called me?", I asked impatiently to end the conversation with him

"Jinjja ?? What's wrong with you? You rejected my calls and now you talk to me like that. Oppa~ ... you should call me oppa ... ah jinjja ...", he said increasingly annoyed

"Ye, ye arasso ... why did you call me oppa~?", I replied a little annoyed

I turned my gaze out the window when I realized Hyuna was glancing at me.

"Do I need a reason to call my wife? Waaahh ... jinjja Sobi~aah ... we're married but you never called or wrote a message to ask how your husband is?", He said, grunting on the phone

"Mianhae, I'm on my way, I'll call you later, okay?", I replied quickly and then I hung up my phone

I sighed and combed my hair, worried that Hyuna could hear our conversation earlier.

"Is everything okay, Sofia?", Asked Hyuna, looking at me curiously

"Ye, that was uh, one of my neighbors ...", I replied nervously

"Why did he call you? Which neighbor? Looks like he was angry ...", she asked again

"Mmmm he ... he's my neighbor, uh, a neighbor on the second floor ... mmm it looks like he thought that I'm making a noise ...", I replied while playing my cell phone nervously

* ringring

I glanced at the cellphone in my hand again, oh my god why he keeps calling, I thought.

"That's strange, it seems he mistook you for being at home, huh ..", replied Hyuna with a chuckle

"Ye ... haha", I replied with a nervous laugh. "I'll just get off here Hyuna~aah ... gomawoyo. Say happy birthday to your mother," I said trying to get out of the car immediately

"Ye Gomawo. Is that him again?", Asked Hyuna looking at me

"Ye, haha ​​... I have to meet him immediately. Bye ... be careful Hyuna ssi", I replied while waving and walked quickly into my apartment building

When I saw Hyuna's car walking away, I immediately picked up the phone from Yoongi.

"Yeobosseyo ...", I replied, getting ready to accept Yoongi's anger

"Yaa!! (Hey!!) Sobi you make me angry ... what's wrong with you ??", said Yoongi with a serious tone

"Mianhae oppa, jinjja mianhae ... I was on my way home with my best friend ... why did you keep calling me? I said I would call you ...", I replied as I climbed the stairs to the 3rd floor

"You ... why did you never contact me Sobi? Are you not worried about me ??", he asked again

"Wae? Are you hurt? Are you sick, oppa?" I asked, stopping in the middle of the stairs

"Aniii ... I'm fine. Jinjja, have you never watched a film or drama? Usually a wife will always call her husband when they are apart to ask how he is, waah jinjja ... but you never contact me even after our wedding day ... ", he said speaking at length

"Mian ... I just don't want to disturb you", I replied softly

"Huh? ... never mind. Where are you now?", Replied Yoongi sighed

"I just arrived at my apartment", I replied walking up the stairs

"Have you had dinner?", He asked again

"Not yet ...", I replied briefly

"Don't forget to eat, don't let yourself get sick ... aaahh you really bother me ... ", he said again with a snort

"Wae? I didn't ask you to worry about me ..." I replied, pouting

"Aaiissh ... never mind. I called to tell you that I will return to Seoul in 3 days. My mother said our house is ready. So, after I come back we will immediately live there, understand?", Said Yoongi

"Ye, Arasso ... is your Japan tour over?", I asked as I opened the door to my apartment

"Yes, but I have to come back to Japan again next week to attend an event ...", his answer was a little calmer

"Ooh ...", I replied briefly

"Okay, I'll hang up the phone then. Take care of your health, Sobi ... call me or send a message, I'm your husband by the way .... ", said Yoongi in a slightly irritated voice

"Yeee ...", I replied

"Ok, see you in a few days Sobi", he said before hanging up the phone

I sighed and looked at my cellphone screen. I feel a little sorry for Yoongi. After I thought about it, I did not even call him after our wedding day. He once called me just to ask how I was doing, but our conversation lasted less than 3 minutes.

I honestly don't know what to do with Yoongi. I sometimes wonder what he is doing, but I don't have the courage to contact him. I'm afraid I will disturb him. I sighed and shook my head, then started typing a message for Yoongi.

"Oppa, I apologize for the incident earlier ... I hope you are fine there. Fighting!", I wrote

I walked into the kitchen and started preparing dinner.


The message came to my cell phone.

"Gwaencana ...", Yoongi's reply message

I frowned at the message which contained only one word. What is this? Is he angry?, Ah never mind ... I turned off my cellphone and continued cooking.

However, my thoughts are constantly filled with Yoongi. Does he want me to pay more attention to him? But isn't our marriage just about status? I don't think he really thinks of me as his wife either. So confusing ... I guess we should talk about this when we meet, I thought.

Right now what I should be worried about is my internship program. I only have less than 3 weeks, I hope I can find a place that will accept me soon. It doesn't matter where the place is, as long as I can intern and work on my final project, I prayed to myself.

I checked my email while finishing my dinner. Not a single email came in. I sighed and prayed once again that I would receive email replies from these companies soon.

After finishing eating I took a shower and changed clothes. Then I continued working on a costume order for a dance cover belonging to one of my customers until 10pm.

Then I started sorting out the things I was going to bring to our new home. My grandmother said that I didn't have to carry heavy things like a sofa, a bed and so on, because my grandmother had bought me a new one.

Frankly, I don't know what kind of house we will live in, for sure the house must be big, because it is located in an elite area of ​​Seoul. UN Village is also known as a residence for executives of big company leaders, artists to diplomats from other countries.

I put photo albums when I was in England into a box. Then sort my clothes into boxes and suitcases. When I was done, I looked around the apartment in which I lived, trying to remember every nook and cranny.

I only lived for 3 years in this apartment. But this apartment keep a lot of my memories with my mother, so I feel a bit heavy to leave it.


Sorry the chapter is short, stay safe and stay gold, borahae💜💜💜