
Vile Waters

“Maybe she can heal Asra, but is it worth the risk...” He thought, walking through the swamp grasses at the edge of the water.

“Hmm... But I can minimize the risk, and before I try anything, perhaps I can test the swamp woman’s strength.” He nodded.

As he walked towards Lamp and Dark, Jay thought of a few problems with making contact.

- There was a slight chance she had a communication crystal and would warn Astrata, which would send mage hunters directly to his location, whom he had worked so hard to escape, concealing and throwing them off his trail. Or so he thought.

- She could be so powerful that she could crush him and his skeletons. He didn’t even know what kind of magic she could wield.

- Like the lights stalking them, she may be capable of causing wounds that don’t heal, wounds that shift back to the victim no matter if they cut their leg off.