
Living Armory

Jay decided to leave with his skeletons, marching towards Handy who was still following the other three knights.

As they traveled, Jay placed Blue in command of the formation. Immediately, the skeletons began to move, as Blue kept Sweeper at the rear, Red as Jay’s body guard, and Lamp was sent forward as a scout.

Blue itself marched at Jay’s other side, which was fitting of the second in command.

A few hours later, Jay sensed that Handy had finally stopped.

“Good,” Jay thought, “not long now.”

It was nice for Jay, having his skeletons handle everything while he walked. He was still trying to figure out what the quest to save the innocent meant, and how it connected to the [Needle of the Starved], but couldn’t figure it out, thinking he would probably discover more clues in the knight’s territory.

The party crept through the forest towards Handy - yet as they got closer, Jay sensed Handy moving again, going somewhere to the right of where the party was heading.