

I left my people and headed towards the Slavic warriors.

- Bojan, is that you? (Ulf)

The man looked in my direction, although we were separated by a considerable distance, I noticed an expression of surprise on his face. He walked several meters towards me.

- Who you are? (Bojan)

- You have a short memory, you do not remember who gave you freedom, whose bracelet you were wearing? (Ulf)

Instinctively, he looked at his hand, then at me.

- Ulf ?! (Bojan)

I wanted to yell "Bingo!" But it didn't make sense.

- You guessed correctly, but you didn't have to organize such a big greeting for me ... A pot of mead would be enough. (Ulf)

- You killed the guards? (Bojan)

Oops ... I didn't know that, I was a bit annoyed but to kill ... I would never do something like this. I'm not a barbarian.

- When I was leaving, they were still alive ... as an excuse I will add that one of them offended my mother. (Ulf)

This is always a good excuse, and since they are both dead, no one will be able to deny my version.

- The reason is not important, the Prince is unhappy that you killed his people. How do you want to solve it? (Bojan)

- We can fight, or I can pay some compensation for their deaths. Judging from how weak they were, they couldn't be worth much. (Ulf)

- I will talk to the Prince, but think carefully if you are ready to pay the price he says. (Bojan)

I looked at Bojan, patted the pouch with one hand, and then my other hand on the handle of my sword.

- He can have gold or iron ... so don't let him be too greedy. (Ulf)

- Prince does not like threats ... (Bojan)

- And I don't like to repeat myself. (Ulf)

Bojan nodded and returned to his companions ... These were normal trade negotiations, every life had its price, the Prince would want to earn as much as possible, and I did not want to overpay.

A few minutes later Bojan returned and said that the Prince wants to speak to me and gives his word that nothing will happen to me ... It was one of the advantages and disadvantages of the Slavs, but one thing was for sure, if the Prince gave his word, I would be fine.

- My name is Jaksa and I am the Prince of these lands. Bojan said you came from the North and you released him from captivity many years ago ... Who are you and what do you want? (Jaksa)

With some difficulty, but I understood Jaksa's words, fortunately that Bojan was nearby who could translate my words.

- I am Ulf Erikson, King of Norway and England ... (Ulf)

Bojan looked surprised, the last time he met me I was just a carpenter from Kattegat ... but he translated my words.

-... I came to visit these lands for several reasons, my mother was from these lands, and the second reason is to check if you are fit for an ally. (Ulf)

- An ally? You killed my people. (Jaksa)

- The bear does not pay attention to the ants, they offended me, they died and that's it. (Ulf)

- If you're looking for a fight, I have more people. (Jaksa)

- I killed your men with my bare hands, with one blow ... imagine that hand holding a sword. I want to pay for their deaths, I admit my mistake ... and as for the fight, tell your Żerca to bring the horse and we'll see who will win. (Ulf)

In the Arkona temple, the Slavs kept a white steed which was devoted to Svantevit, before each battle he was led out of the temple to predict the outcome of the battle from its steps.

- You know a lot about us. (Jaksa)

- My mother and my two slaves came from this area ... and secondly, in order to cooperate better, you need to get to know your ally, similarly with the enemy, you have to get to know him in order to defeat him. (Ulf)

Bojan translated my words, which the Prince thought deeply about, or so it seemed. After a few moments ...

- The weight of your sword in silver, this is my price. (Jaksa)

My sword weighed a little over one kilogram, which could be converted to three pounds or so. The price did not seem excessive to me, in Spain we took one pound of gold or two pounds of silver for a slave... I took the sword from the scabbard and handed it to the Prince, then I took out the purse with the coins and gave it to him in my other hand, I also added the silver bracelet that I wore on my hand.

- The weight is correct? (Ulf)

The prince compared the weight in both hands a few more times. Then they nod and hand me back the sword. The matter was settled ... I returned to my people, I ordered them to camp, but it is to be done as if they were in hostile territory, I also sent people to bring Lagertha, Hild and the children. A few minutes later Bojan came to us and invited us to a feast.

- When did you become King? (Bojan)

- A few years after you left Kattegat, it was not difficult, actually quite simple ... I had to kill the others and convince the survivors that I was the best choice. (Ulf)

- Thank you for my freedom, but know that these are my people, I will not betray them. (Bojan)

- You don't have to, your grandfather has other plans and unfortunately I have to implement them. (Ulf)

- Then, in Kattegat, you said the same thing, but I don't have a grandfather, I was an orphan ... and if I do, I don't know him. (Bojan)

- Unfortunately, I know him ... you don't even know how lucky you are. (Ulf)

Bojan still did not know that he was related to Weles, and I did not intend to explain it to him either ... Slavic mythology was not like Greek, but it is better not to interfere in the personal matters of the Gods.