

Of course, such a large fleet must have caused concern, if not fear. Two days later, a delegation from Lisbon arrived at our camp, it looked like the delegation consisted of a few officials and over a hundred soldiers for protection or to scare us away. I decided to go out and greet them personally. I wanted their gold, not a misunderstanding.

- Greetings. My name is Gaunter O'Dim, I am a trader from the Kingdom of Ulster. How can I be of service to you gentlemen? (Ulf)

They looked at me surprised, they probably did not expect that I knew their language, or that such a large fleet could belong to a merchant. After a while one of them spoke up, he was maybe forty years old, swarthy complexion, plump but not fat ... although not many meals separated him from this. Well dressed as far as I could tell.

- Greetings. My name is Abbas and I am the clerk in charge of the security in this city. What brings you here? The fleet we see causes our concern. (Abbas)

- As I mentioned, I am a merchant and it is merchant affairs that bring me to your beautiful city. (Ulf)

- You don't look like a merchant, but rather a robber ... (Abbas)

I felt offended, I was not suitable for the covers of magazines, but my face was not that scary.

- You don't look like you know which side of the sword to use, and you are responsible for the safety of the city. And what is the conclusion of this? (Ulf)

- I don't know, maybe you will enlighten me, stranger. (Abbas)

- That appearances are deceptive. I am a slave trade, which is a difficult and ungrateful job, but someone has to do it. (Ulf)

- The slave trader? And this big fleet? (Abbas)

- I have 6,000 men and children for sale, all Christians ... a lot of slaves, a lot of ships. (Ulf)

I tried not to antagonize him, but I also did not want to show him my weaknesses and only after I showed him my Anglo-Saxon prisoners, Abbas believed that I was who I say I am ...

We have agreed that my ships will remain at sea, but each day two ships will be able to land and unload their cargo and then return to sea. Of course, the Arabs wanted to impose a tax on us in the amount of 20% on each slave we sold, but after long negotiations and explaining that we will not sell slaves only for gold and silver, but also for spices, ornaments and fabrics, they also agreed to accept payment in slaves.

The negotiations lasted two days, and in the end Abbas sent twenty female slaves to our camp to make our stay more pleasant. Remembering the adventures of Bjorn and Halfdan on the show, I warned my men to make sure these women didn't have dicks ... I didn't want my men to get complex when it turned out that the "woman" had a bigger dick than them.

The next day, under the watchful eye of the local guards, I opened the market officially. At first people were suspicious of us, but after a few hours it started to change ... unfortunately as I was the only one who knew the local language and that's why I had the most work.

- What are you looking for? (Ulf)

- Do you have women? (Customer)

- Unfortunately, only men and boys. Strong, used to bad weather, although I don't know how they can withstand the sun here. They are mainly farmers and former soldiers. (Ulf)

- I wish you had any women. And do they obey? (Customer)

- At the client's request, we can cut off their tongues and castrate them. I would not spare them a whip either, not because they were threatening or disobedient, but a few lashes have not killed anyone yet, but it improved bad habits. (Ulf)

- Where are they from? (Customer)

- From different places, but the mainly from the far north. The Christians, they fought with my king, they lost and they were taken prisoner. (Ulf)

- And the prices? (Customer)

- I liked you, you look like a man who lived in the world ... not like others. The Real deal I normally sell an adult male for a pound of gold or two pounds of silver. There may also be other goods for exchange. Fabrics, spices, ornaments ... but to you, my friend ... If you buy two slaves, you will get the third one for free... but don't tell others about it or I'll go bankrupt. (Ulf)

- Young boys are the same price? (Customer)

It was quite a reasonable question, but despite this I looked at the my client suspiciously, maybe he is one of those ... on the other hand, it's not the 21st century, and I'm not the best person to judge the likes of others. Many Greek scholars had similar tastes.

- Of course not, adults already have some skills and are more valuable. Children still need to be taught everything ... a pound of silver or a half pound of gold. You can buy two and get the third one for free. (Ulf)

Every day I had dozens of such conversations and I was exhausted and unfit for a salesperson, people pissed me off too much.

The only advantage of this situation was gold and silver, which Arabs left large amounts at my market, but not only I worked, these were sporadic cases, but my men had to deprive some prisoners of their tongues and dicks.

There were also a few weirdos, one of the customers wanted to see all young boys up to the age of 8 and told them to sing, and when he liked one of the voices he would buy a boy. As I found out later, he castrated them himself so that their voice would not change during adolescence ... this world is strange and people are strange.