
My mission

Gin woo was a poor girl with no future until a general adopts her.in the future she must attend and elite school with princes,princesses and children of generals like herself.can she attend this school while juggling her duties as the next general

Quinn_Zayn · 奇幻言情
2 Chs

My past

When I was younger I had nothing,my parents were alcoholics and cared about me as much as they did there image,and that was none.I constantly had to steal in order to survive and I honestly hated the idea of me even stealing but since my parents spent the only ounce of money we had on you guessed it alcoholic beverages I had to resort to this.One day I decided that it was time for me to change my future and stop trying to fix the messed up present I had,so I left I took some food and cloths and decided to leave. At night I took one last look at my shack and my drunk parents and left into the dark,about 15 minutes later I wasn't in my village anymore the dark completely consumed it, I was alone and scared,I thought to myself that maybe my decision wasn't thought of well enough and I should just go back to the village,I mean it was bad living there cause my parents but it was better then standing out here like an idiot. A few more minuets passed by and I was still walking down a dusty path in the distance I heard a carriage,I was really scared so I tried to hide in a nearby bush so I wouldn't get caught but to my luck there were none so I panicked and stood in the road and closed my eyes waiting for the wind to be knocked out of me,to my surprise the wind was still in me so I slowly opened my eyes to see the carriage stopped almost 2 inches from me "what are you doing standing in the middle of the road don't you have any sense" said the man driving the carriage. What meant to come out as a intimidating response came out as a stutter as I tried to say yes I do I'm sorry for being in your way.suddenly a olde man came out the back of the carriage and told the man that it was ok,the man looked like he was in his 40's he was very built and was tall,by the looks of his clothing he was a very wealthy man which made me even more scared."Sir I'm so sorry for getting in your way..I was on my way to another village"I said. "It's fine and im afraid to inform you that the nearest village is about 50 miles you'd be walking forever on foot."he said giving me a worried look."oh well I better start walking then." I said as I looked down at my already swollen feet." Is everything ok,you seem...injured." The man said looking at my feet then looking me up and down,I looked away holding back my tears as I knew that there was no way I was making it anywhere in this condition." Hey..what's your name?"the man said as he went back to his carriage."It's Gin Woo." I said almost yelling. The man came back to me with bandage wrapping and knelt down,"well it's very nice to meet you Gin Woo." The man said as he began to wrap my feet up with the bandage." Sir you really don't have to do this..I'm fine." When I was a young boy i never had the power to save the people who needed it most due to the lack of maturity and strength,but now that I'm older I can do that now." The man said looking at me with worry in his eyes once again I was a little confused on what he was saying but I felt guilty for making this man do all this for someone like me." Would you like to come with me Gin Woo." I looked at him in shock as I saw him smiling." Sir I...you don't have to do that"I said almost on the verge of tears." Well it seems to me that I do, I know a runaway when I see one and based off of the direction you were you were leaving the Green Village,I heard that village is very hard to live in,many people flee that place,but it's rare to see kids running away in the middle of the night,but by the looks of it I understand why,I know that you just met me on weird circumstances but I can assure you that I will take great care of you. I know I can't offer much but I can give you the love your parents weren't able to do".I look at him now at this point crying as he stands up and offers me his hand." Sir i have nothing to repay you with for such kindness." I was so shocked by everything that I just start mumbling and saying random words to the man as he started to laugh." Hey the only thing I want is for you to take my hand I want to help you but I can't if you don't trust me and take my hand.." the man was interrupted by the man driving the carriage. "General..we need to go now". I grab the mans hand as he takes it and smiles at me. "May..I know the name of the man who took me in",I said looking at him. "Oh of course my name is Shoto Todoroki". The man takes out a watch out of his pockets and tells me that we need to go because he had a meeting to attend. We both got into the carriage and I noticed that it was really nice inside I looked around and noticed things on the walls, then looked at Shoto's attire and realized that he wasn't just a regular man.he was a wealthy man." What's wrong Gin,you looked shocked". He said looking at what I was looking at which were medals. "What are these Mr.Shoto". Well they are medals for my work over the years being a general often gets you medals if you do the job right". He said rubbing his head while talking. I then realized his name,it was familiar to me then I realized he's the general of the nation,oh my god my caretaker is a powerful general.

Hello to the readers of my chapter this is a new thing for me so if enough people like the first chapter I will continue to make more but enjoy and comment if you have any questions

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