
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · 漫画同人
11 Chs

Joining Fairy Tail

"Oh my god, Alex this would look perfect on you." A woman holding boxers which had her face on them said while holding them up to the naked Alex who had a tired and helpless look... but he couldn't help but look at the boxers, just where did she get them from?

Sadly, before he could speak, another woman holding sexy underwear came running forward. But the next second, another one came rushing forward, completely overwhelming me.

"All of your choices are great, but I can only pick 3, or else I wouldn't be able to repay it?" I said with a bitter smile. At my words, the girls all looked at each other for some time before nodding their heads slightly and looking towards me to pick. Seeing this, I looked around. I couldn't help but question when the number of females had increased, but I picked the boxers I liked above the others.

this to say the least left the rest of the females unhappy, but I straight up ignored them. I was tired of walking on eggshells around these females, if they didn't like my words they could walk off. Although I was a virgin, I didn't find myself drawn to just any random beautiful face.

Honestly, my mindset was changing too fast. but the system explained I was pretty much born right now. Hearing this, and since I have been reborn, it was only right for the Alex of old to go through a rebirth.

"I can't just wear underwear now can I?" I asked with a sigh while taking the 3 underwear. at my words, the girls went on to help me get clothing. I went for something simple, unlike humans I didn't need to take as much bath. It was harder for me to sweat, and I didn't give off a bad smell. pretty much, the time period before I got dirty was wider than that of a human.

Anyway, after buying the clothing, I had the females lead me to Fairy Tail. Although I wanted to explore the city, I instead went on to go first join the Fairy Tail guild, sadly with my clothing, and thanks to the touch of these women, they brought out my charm. this led to a scene of countless women joining the crowd of females following me

"What's going on?" In the northernmost part of the city, sitting on the shore of Lake Scilliora, about 4-5 kilometers up the Magnolia central path, the Fairy Tail stood. From within the Fairy Tail Guild, its members stepped out confused as to why an army of females had gathered. Even the guild master was alerted, stepping outside as well.

"I came here to join the guild... they are just showing me around," I said with a helpless sigh, the fairy tail guild members' eyes all landed on me, and their eyes all widened seeing me. honestly, my looks were not human. my charm was just too great

"Showing you around?" an extremely short, elderly man, with a thick white mustache asked with a hint of envy in his eyes, and eyes filled with confusion and disbelief,

"thats right, when he arrived in the city had nothing. He was in his birthday suit, but luckily I was there to help him go buy clothing." A woman said, only to have daggers thrown at her.

"What are you saying? I was the first one who stepped forward to help him!" 

"What? That was clearly me." And so, a battle was about to break out, causing me to rub my face with an annoyed look. sighing softly, I turned around to calm them down, which quickly brought smiles to their faces.

"Is this charm magic?" A slim, mildly muscular man of average height with short, straight, slicked-back dark blue hair, asked Makarov.

Makarov was the extremely short elderly man, and also the guild master of Fairy Tail. the blue-haired man was known as Macao,

"No... his body gives off the passive effect of charm magic. those with weak will abound to fall under its effect." Makarov said while looking at the annoyed Alex, who had a woman fake crying, wanting him to cheer him up as they was bullied... he was envious.

"I should go speak with the sect master," Alex said while stepping backward from the females, making all of them pout unhappily. with a displeased look, they glared at the members of Fairy Tail, making them feel chills.

Alex wasted no time and entered the sect where he went on to take a breath, those who came outside to see what was going on also entered while sizing me up. at the same time, I also size the group up and down. I knew all of them, Makarov the sect leader, Macao, Wakaba, and so on. although the main cast, like Natsu, Erza, and Gray were not seen,

"You want to join the Fairy Tail guild?" Makarov asked while leading me towards the bar where he asked me some questions. this confused me, as from what I remember, once someone says they want to join the guild they would instantly join... then again, the person I was thinking about was Lucy, and she was brought to the guild by Natsu. so maybe that allowed her to instantly join without trouble.

"Yeah, do I have to do some paperwork?" I asked with a confused look, to which Makarov shook his head slightly.

"You simply have to pass a few questions," Makarov said to which I nodded slightly while taking a seat. and since Makarov was short, short enough that he didn't even reach my kneecap, he stood at the bar table.

"First, tell me about yourself. Name, age, where you came from, and so on." at his words, I nodded slightly.

"My name is Alex Morningstar. I'm 15 years old, i'm from a small island, but I ran away when people there started turning into demons due to a curse. after, I wandered around for some time until I heard of the Fairy Tail Guild. the strongest guild of Fiore, so I came here to learn magic and one day return to the island to break the curse." I said with a smile, leaving Makarov stunned.

this is a story I came up with, from the anime I did remember there was an island with the same curse... well, it wasn't a curse, and instead they were all demons just regaining their true form. the perfect story. 

"You're only 15?" Makarov asked in shock, to which I nodded slightly. although in the eyes of the system I was only a few hours old right now, back on earth I was 15 years old. I was a young kid.

"Yeah... why?" I asked in confusion. Makarov looked me up and down, after all, I looked far older than my real age. 

"You look as if you are in your 20s," Makarov said in a soft voice, to which I touched my face slightly in confusion. Makarov said nothing else and pulled out glasses which he put on, although I was confused as to where he got the glasses and why he put them on, I ignored it.

"I never noticed," I said truthfully, leaving Makarov shaking his head. He thought to himself for some time before asking another question.

"What magic do you use?" He asked to which I shook my head slightly.

"I don't have any magic, although i'm stronger than the average human even without the boost of magical energy... I have yet to also awaken my magical energy." I said leaving Makarov stunned for a moment. 

Magic wasn't for everyone, Only ten percent of the world's population can use Magic. In Makarov's eyes, if I had yet to awaken magic even now, there was even a chance that I would never be able to use magic in a lifetime. But that didn't matter, he pulled out a stamp that had the fairy tail logo, which was a fairy with a tail. although it was hard to tell at first look.

"Alright, where do you want to put the Fairy Tail stamp logo?" He asked with a smile, at those words, I thought for a moment about where I should put the logo. I took some time to think, before removing my shirt, a scene which caused many to blush slightly.

"Since I will join the sect, I plan to see this as my home," I said with a smile, my words were not a lie. the truth is I liked the Fairy Tail Guild. it was a guild of adventurous people. the fairy tail guild was built on the question if the fairy had tails or not. no one had ever seen a fairy, so they wanted to explore the unknown and see for themselves.

Makarov smiled slightly and placed the stamp on my chest, over my heart. with that, I nodded slightly before looking at Makarov for what was next.

"cough... you should go send those females off." Makarov said to which I sighed with a tired look. At this scene, Makarov looked at me with narrowed eyes. how is having so many girls lusting over one so annoying? He wanted to share the burden, how could he watch someone suffer like this?

"By the way, can I borrow some money to repay the girls who took me shopping?" I asked, to which Makarov blinked for a moment, but he nodded and asked for how much.

"The boxers were 1 jewel, and the shirt, pants, and shoes all added up to only 5 jewels. although I don't know how much the cashier lady discount was." I said while scratching my head, everyone hearing my words almost had their eyes fall out. how couldn't they? that was cheap when a mug cost hundreds of jewels, clothing of course cost even more. on top of that, the clothing I was wearing was brand clothing, they should be in the thousands 

"Is that a lot?" I asked, was 6 jewels that much? at my confusion, Makarov sighed slightly. this reaction led to him believing that I was indeed from an island since I had no value for money.

"It's not that much," Makarov said while pulling out cash, which I took and went on to go outside. under the eyes of everyone, I went to the females who jumped in joy seeing I had the fairy tail stamp. after all, I didn't have my shirt on.

"Yeah, the guild master was nice enough to also give me the money to pay you all back. here is the money," I said while holding out the cash, but this caused the females who had bought my clothing to have killing intent toward the members of the fairy tail guild, which caused them to step away back into the guild.

But how couldn't they be angry? these females had lied saying 6 jewels was a lot, and they had wanted to use this as a chance to get closer to Alex. Even the other females didn't block their path as they knew there was a limit, yet now they had to take the money back, destroying their plans.

"No need, you can keep it... instead, how about you treat me to dinner one day?" they asked, leaving me stunned for a moment before I nodded slightly. putting the money into my pocket, I saw them off before returning to the fairy tail guild where I went on to ask Makarov about magic.

I knew I had no talent for magic, I had to find someone who had a talent for magic and sleep with them. after, I should gain 1% of their talent. So, after Makarov gave me the basics, he left me alone to get to know those of the Fairy Tail guild.

I looked around for some time before my eyes landed on a girl around 13 years old drinking alcohol without trouble. Although she was around 13 years old, she looked to be 16 years old. I knew who she was. this was Cana, but she seemed to be slightly different from the one scene in the anime... well, she was younger.

Currently, she doesn't walk around only wearing a bikini. She wasn't an alcoholic just yet, although she did start drinking when she was 13. but the looks of things, the drink she had wasn't her first drink... she seemed lost in her world, she didn't even stand up when everyone else went outside to see what was happening outside.

'She is beautiful...' I thought while looking at her for some time, Makarov saw the look in my eyes and was stunned to see who I was looking at. honestly, Cana was indeed the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Those porn... cough, I mean, those models, I've seen on earth couldn't compare to this girl.

"Thats Cana... go and say hi," Makarov said, making me blush slightly in embarrassment seeing I was seen through. But I didn't reject it and went up to sit next to Cana, a scene which drew everyone's eyes.

"What do you want?" Cana asked with an annoyed look, she threw a side look towards me and was stunned seeing me. She froze for some time, unable to think for a moment as she just looked at me. but after a moment, she snapped out of it and looked at me, her annoyance nowhere to be seen. honestly, a pretty face was playing life on easy mode.

"I just joined the Fairy Tail guild, I wanted to get to know the Fairy Tail members... I couldn't help but notice something was on your heart." I said with a smile, making Cana frown slightly, but before she could say anything I held out my palm.

"I was taught to read palms, although I can't say i'm good, I'm known to be somewhat close to the truth. mind if I give it a try?" I asked, to which Cana placed the mug she was drinking from down,

"If you can't?" Cana asked calmly, to which I shrugged slightly. 

"I will pay for your drinks for the following month," I said with a smile, making Cana's eyes glow slightly. and with a nod, she agreed. why would she pass up on such a good opportunity? So she gave me her palm, which I took.

Copying those palm readers, I placed a finger on Cana's palm. Cana's body shook slightly, my touch held a unique power, she never felt a hand so warm and brought her heart such warmth. She felt like she could hold onto this palm for all time, her heart melted, feeling at peace.

"Okay... man trouble?" I asked with a slight frown, making Cana's heart almost freeze. she felt as if her heart just stopped seeing my frown. it only began racing when she saw me looking at her.

"it's not what you think." She said quickly, to which I just looked at her, awaiting her to explain. I wasn't the best at acting, so I didn't even bother. I of course wasn't a palm reader, I just knew what was troubling her.

"It's my dad... he doesn't know I exist." She said in depression, her whole reason for joining the Fairy Tail guild was to be with her dad after the death of her mother. But she couldn't gather up the strength to announce to her father she was her daughter, after all, she was too intimidated to tell him that she was his daughter upon learning what a powerful Mage he was.

"Oh... why don't you just tell him?" I asked in confusion as if I didn't know. at my words, Cana lowered her head. to others, it sounded simple. just tell him, but to her, it wasn't so simple. 

"I plan to tell him when I become an S-rank mage..." She said softly, an S rank mage, this was the only rank mage within guilds. but not all S-rank mages were equal, the standards for an S-rank mage from in Fairy Tail would be different from those of other guilds. 

"You have big dreams... thats beautiful," I said softly, before shutting my lips, taking my hand back from her hands to cover my mouth, and looking at her, worrying if she heard that last part.

Cana was stunned, although her heart stung slightly feeling me taking my hand back, she couldn't help but smile slightly seeing my reactions. she had of course heard my word, even though I had said it in a low voice.

"Is he 15 years old?" Macao asked looking at Alex and Cana talking, Makarov looked at the two for some time, before nodding slightly. Makarov had learned many forms of magic and had lived for a long time, 83 years. He had means to see someone age, the simplest of which was a magic item. 

The glasses he had put on allowed him to pretty much see the information of things he was looking at. from the glasses, he saw Alex was only a few hours old, which was of course odd. but when it read Alex's soul, it saw he was only 15 years old. this made him confused, and something he planned to speak about with Alex alone

So, when Alex was about to leave with Cana, he jumped up to Alex's side and called him over to speak.

"Is something wrong?" I asked in confusion while looking at Makarov, who nodded slightly.

"I looked at your age and saw you were only a few hours old... and your soul is 15 years old. how is that possible?" Makarov asked seriously, at his words, I panicked for a moment, but I was a quick thinker and quickly saw a way out of this.

"well... you see... the curse affected me as well," I said in a soft voice, making Makarov's eyebrow raise for a moment.

"On the way here, my clothing exploded, and I went through what my tribe called a demon rebirth," I said with a sigh while taking off my shirt, and seeing as no one was watching, I summoned my wings which stunned Makarov for a moment.

"I'm not a demon... it's just that, well... you know." I said softly, to which Makarov nodded slightly in understanding.

"you fear people would fear you? you do not need to worry about that, the guild already has someone who can transform into demons," Makarov said to which I nodded slightly in shock while putting my wings away and putting my shirt on.

"Well, that was all, you should go and not keep her waiting," Makarov said before waving me off, at this I nodded slightly and ran off to where Cana was waiting for me. Makarov watched me leave for some time, lost in his thoughts.

'He isn't human, most likely a demon tribe which had lived thinking they were humans. they should be regaining their true form, which they are calling a curse.' Makarov thought with a shake of his head, but this didn't bother him. unlike others who might fear, he didn't think there was an evil race out there, all races are born pure. it's only the things that they learn that turn them to the path of evil.

But it's this mindset that Alex could at ease join the guild knowing that even if he was seen through, he would have nothing to worry about. Even if he told them he wasn't of this world, he would have nothing to worry about. they would still accept him,

'I should sleep with Cana today...' I thought calmly while looking at Cana who took my hand, wanting to show me around the place.

"... oh, do you have a place to stay?" Cana asked while frowning seeing how many females were looking at Alex. She felt uneasy seeing so many people eyeing him, but she felt at ease seeing how Alex only had eyes for her.

"No... I was thinking of sleeping at the park. tomorrow I plan to take a job." I said calmly, to which Cana thought for a moment.

"How about we go find a place for you to rent, I will pay this month's bill... you owe me." She said to which I smiled slightly, and just nodded. So, with Cana's help, I quickly found a place where I would have to pay 50k Jewels a month. 

"So what do you think?" A beautiful woman, the landlord asked with a smile, showing me around the 3-bedroom apartment. Cana's eyes were wide, as this place should cost hundreds of thousands of jewels, she couldn't understand how the price was so low. 

"It's perfect, thank you," I said with a gentle smile while shaking the landlord's hands. the landlord blushed slightly, she never felt hands that brought her so much warmth and eased her heart. So, even when I tried to break the handshake, she refused as she gave me a look, before letting me go.

"Well, I will leave you two alone... the rent for this month isn't needed." at those words, the landlord left, leaving me and Cana standing there for some time.

"well, that was something..." I said softly, to which Cana nodded with a blush, she only just now realized she was within a guy's house.

"I like you," I said while taking her hand, causing the blush Cana to grow to new heights. she looked at me, but seeing the serious look I had while looking deeply at her, her heart rate reached a state where she almost had a heart attack.

"From the moment I saw you... I knew I wanted to be with you." I said while wrapping my arms around her. She stood at 5'5, so I had to look down to look at her. Cana didn't have the strength to look me in the eyes and could only look down.

"... this is too fast," Cana said weakly, at her words, I got down on one knee and copying the scenes In anime, I held her chin and lifted it slightly to look me in the eyes. 

"If it's true love, why do we have to go slow?" I asked softly, Cana opened her mouth for a moment, but she had nothing to say. She watched as my head got closer and closer to mine, and in the end, she closed her eyes and waited for her first kiss. Alex didn't disappoint as her lips touched Cana's lips, causing Cana to feel as if electricity shocked her body. her body shook slightly, as my lips pulled from hers, and she looked at me with slightly watered eyes.

I was about to speak, but Cana suddenly threw herself at me and pressed her lips hard against mine. I was caught off guard for a moment, but I of course wouldn't reject Cana, instead, I took the kiss to another level and sent my tongue into Cana, causing Cana's eyes to widen for a moment, but her tongue moved to play around with my tongue...