
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


"Where Am I?" Within the dark void, a young man blankly looked around in confusion. One moment he was in private mode on his phone to learn something new, and the next moment he found himself in this void.

"Simple... I have summoned you to give you an opportunity." a voice sounded behind the young man. the young man turned around and saw a white orb of light, he was stunned for some time unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Before you, I give you the chance to get 1 out of 7 systems. The Pride System, The Wrath System, The Envy System, The Lust System, The Sloth System, The Greed System, The Gluttony System." the orb said leaving me stunned for a moment, but before I could say anything, information about the 7 systems appeared in my head. 

[The Pride System]- A system that seeks to turn its host into a perfect lifeform. One would gain pride points for all acts of pride they do, which they could in return use to allow them to evolve.

it also gives one the passive abilities of Augmentation, allowing you to break the limits of anything to allow you to become the best. Your talent could be boosted, your strength can be boosted, your skills in anything can be boosted, and so on. this would have the added side effect of making you more prideful than others. 

although the effects are temporary. it strains the body/mind, and Too much improvement too fast will knock you out. but this would improve as you evolve.

[The Wrath System]- A system that seeks to turn its host rage into the most powerful weapon across all existences. The anger you get, the more Rage Points you get, which would be used to buy all types of abilities. you could buy abilities such as Rage Flames, flames which grow hotter with rage, to the point they could burn anything out of existence. there is a skill known as control rage, which allows one to control their rage...

It gives you the passive ability of Rage Strength. the anger you are, the stronger, faster, and more durable you shall become. you would lose your mind, but in return, you would become a perfect martial artist and a perfect killing tool.

Although the effects are temporary, as soon as you're calm your power boost will disappear. you would become easily enraged, and could even attack loved ones without knowing.

[The Envy System]- A system that seeks to help the host become the best at coping with others. the better you are at coping with others before others, the more Envy points you can get. which you can use to level your envy skills. you can reach a point where you can perfectly copy anyone, down to their memories, skills, and abilities. all things you mimic of others would remain.

There is a risk of losing yourself if you mimic too many people, so you should take time to know yourself before mimicking another person.

[The Lust System]- A system that seeks to help the host unleash all of his lust. the more sex one has, the more Lust Points one would get. The stronger and more beautiful the partner, the more Lust points one would get. these lust points would be used to improve one harem.

It gives one the physique, Incubus Physiology. This ability gives one charm, Sex Appeal, and the power to grow stronger through sex, your partner would also benefit, along with many other benefits.

This would lead to you becoming more lustful, you would be weak against holy, light, and other similar abilities. going too long without sex would lead to you growing weaker, and soon death.

[The Sloth System]- A system that helps its host become as lazy as he wishes. the more lazy one is, the more Sloth Points one would get. These points would be used to buy things from the sloth store or upgrade their ability, Telekinesis. this ability would upgrade, at the beginning, you can move small stuff with your mind, in the end, you can even move reality with your mind. a simple thought would allow you to reshape creation.

This ability when overused would put a heavy strain on the user's mind, and might even lead to one's death, would leaving them mentally crippled.

[The Greed System]- A system that helps the host steal anything. The more you steal, the more Greed Points you would get. these points could in return be used to upgrade your thief ability. this ability as it is upgraded could allow you to steal from simple wealth, to powers, to even a person's life.

Although you could steal just about anything, something can't be stolen. As for what they are, you would have to find out on your own.

[The Gluttony System]- A system that helps the host devour the world. the more you eat, the more gluttony points you would get, which can be used to upgrade your devouring capability. it would reach a point that one day all of creation can be devoured by you. remember, you are what you eat.

Although you can devour just about anything, there are some limitations. if you get full, you will not be able to devour anything. 

"Pick a system," the orb of white light said calmly, while I smiled slightly.

"Why Pick? I pick all 7." I said with a smile, at my words, the orb went quiet for some time before it spoke.

"you can only pick one, but the other 6 can be added just weakened to a greater degree. but this would create a whole new system that could need to be either good or bad." The white orb said making me fall into deep thought for some time.

"Deal... I will pick the lust system to be my main system." I said with a smile, to which the white orb grew slightly pink. this made me wonder if this orb was the system.

"then, please go on and pick your appearances, and the world to be reborn into." At the white orb words, a screen appeared in front of me. looking at the screen, it showed my avatar. I was simply an average-looking guy, put in a crowd I would instantly disappear. I had the special power to just disappear when surrounded by others, unless I said anything no one's eyes normally looked towards me. this wasn't bad or anything, I wasn't bullied, or anything like that growing up. I grew up living an average life... although I had an abnormal attraction towards anime, movies, and other stuff

the avatar did look like me, but I quickly began to change the way it looked. I wasn't the best at this stuff, but oddly the orb was able to quickly form an avatar which I liked greatly. I liked red hair, so I gave the avatar red hair. of course, I had to make him handsome. As for the pupils, I made them gold. I had also made him tall, 6'3.

After all was done, I stepped back and gave the image a look over. seeing as everything was to my liking, I went on to look for a world to be sent into. there were many worlds, from anime, novels, and even movie worlds.

"You can go to other worlds after reaching a said level of power. As you picked the Lust system, strength might not be the main condition, but instead might be the conquest of a said amount of women." the orb said, making me freeze slightly. I thought for some time about the world to pick, I had to pick a world that would allow me to enjoy the most beauty.

One Piece, Fairy Tail, and Naruto were among the few I wanted. One Piece had beauty and also had a huge world I wanted to explore.

Fairy Tail was overwhelming with fanservice. since I had a chance to enjoy the beauty of that world, it would be a shame not to enter and enjoy this world.

Naruto was also a good world, it was stable and wasn't too dangerous.... cough, it was only second to One Piece in being the most dangerous world. if I showed too much talent, I would risk being captured and brainwashed.

"Would I just appear or would I have some kind of background? how strong would I be? Would I be able to use the powers of that world?" I asked causing the system to go quiet for a good long time, before speaking.

"due to what you pick, the answer is unclear. but the condition you would find yourself in would be trash. you would have no talent unless you sleep with others to improve your talent, and even gain the talent to use the power of that world. you could pick a place to appear, you would just appear within that world without a background." the pink said, to which I went on to pick Fairy Tail. this was the best one.

"I want to appear around the beginning of the story, around the fairy tail guild," I said with a smile, and at my words. the screen disappeared. nothing happened for some time, but all of a sudden the white orb began growing... no, it wasn't growing. I was being pushed towards the orb.

the world suddenly became blinding, forcing me to close my eyes. but I slowly opened them feeling I was on the ground. Opening my eyes, I slowly sat up. I looked around for a second, stunned at how beautiful the world was... no, it wasn't the world, but because my eyes were amazing, far above that of a normal human.

I had eyesight that was sharper than an eagle's, my hearing was sharper as an elephant's, and the list went on. all my eyes were unmatched by a normal human. but my attention soon went from my senses to a new limb I felt like I had, I felt like I had a total of 3 new limbs.

turning back, I saw the limbs. two bat wings and a long tail... I was no longer human, but an Incubus. standing up, I looked closely at my body. the fact I was far taller than before was something I would need to get used to, but I couldn't help but look at the tool between my legs. a large 7.5-inch tool, which caused me to smile slightly.

"Why am I naked?" I asked with a sigh, the least the system could have done was give me some clothing.

{host, clothing is something the system couldn't create... greeting host, I'm the lustful system. due to your greed of wanting all 7 systems, the lust system would be different, please sit back as I explain my capability.} the system said, it sounded a lot like the white orb. at the system words, I sat back and went on to listen closely to the system

[The system had many tabs, a stats tab, a harem tab, an upgrade tab, and a store tab

[Stats tab]: you can see the stats of yourself and others. the stats are split into 5 parts. body, soul, spirits, power, and Potential.

Body- this stat measures physical strength, speed, dexterity, durability, and stamina. they are all added together and divided by 5. As you are a unique case, all 5 will be the same stat before they are added together. remember, just because someone has a high stat, it doesn't mean their speed, strength, dexterity, durability, stamina, and Charm would be at the same level as you.

Soul- this measures the power of your soul. if high enough, then even if your body died you could live on as a soul. the higher the stat, the longer you could live on as a soul. the higher the stat, the stronger the soul.

Spirits- this measures the power of our spirits. If high enough, the stronger one's mental power would be. If high enough, then one's willpower would be enough to overpower life and death and overcome defeat, fate, and even creation. 

Power- this measures the power of one energy. the higher the stat, the more density, quality, and quantity of one energy would be. the energy goes for all forms of energy, physique energy, mental energy, and so on. Power is heavily affected by the body, soul, and spirit. these 3 stats are added together and divided by 3.

Potential- This measures one's growth capability. the higher the stat, the faster one could grow within a short amount of time. if high enough, one could instantly gain the power to master just about anything with a thought, grow in battle, and so on.

[Harem Tab]: this tab allows for one to keep a tab of one harem, from allowing you to upgrade the harem capability and many other such things. 

[Upgade tab]: this tab allows you to upgrade anything, with enough Lust Points, you could even upgrade your bloodline, stats, and many others. the system could even be upgraded, giving it new abilities.

[Store Tab]: this tab allows you to buy things with Lust points. from abilities, skills, and items. you can buy them all with the right amount of Lust Points.

{Host, as you have noticed, you are now an Incubus. but not just any Incubus, but a new unique type of Incubus. this new bloodline has no name, but before you pick a name I will give you this race abilities.

[Enhanced Sex Appeal]- Users possess a particularly high level of sex appeal that far surpasses human standards, which makes the user carnally irresistible. One would have an extremely lust-inducing physique with heightened sexual features, a sexually attractive voice, an appealing scent, an arousing touch, and an intuitive mastery of the associated body language, expertly sending all the right signals of a most desirable partner.

[Sex Empowerment]- The User gains 1% of the partner they have sex with capabilities. 1% of their stats would be added on to yours, you would even gain their abilities, and so on. form just having sex, you gain the other person's capability. after 100 times after having sex, you would gain the power to become an almost perfect copy of the other party, all but their memory, personality, and form unless you have a way to perfectly transform into them. At the same time, they would gain 1% of your stats.

[Natural Weaponry]- The user of wings, nails, and claws are natural weapons. the power of these natural weapons is highly dependent on your Body stats, they are a +2.} the system said leaving me stunned for some time,

{is +2 impressive?} I asked in confusion,

{Yes host, the system stats are unique. every 10 stats is a new tier. so a plus 2 is extremely impressive. the tiering system went as.

Tier 10: Human- stats from 0 (Below Average Human level) to 9 (Athlete level)

Tier 9: Superhuman- stats from 10 (Street Level) to 19 (Small Building level)

Tier 8: Urban- stats for 20 (Building levels) to 29 (Multi-City Block level)

Tier 7: Nuclear- stats from 30 (Small Town level) to 40 (Large Mountain level)...} Looking at the tier list before me, I couldn't help but take a deep breath, my nails, wings, and nails would only be more broken over time. I went on to look at my stats next.

{Name: Alex Morningstar

Age: 3 minutes old/ 500 years old

Race: [Unnamed Incubus race]

Tier 9: Superhuman



body- 15 (Tier 9: Wall level

soul- 6 {Tier 10: Human-level

spirits- 6 {Tier 10: Human-level

power- 9 (Tier 10: Athlete level

Potential- 6 {Tier 10: Human-level


Ability: [Enhanced Sex Appeal], [Sex Empowerment], [Natural Weaponry]

Techniques: [none]}

'Interesting, pretty much it's a mix of all other systems... all but wrath, gluttony, and sloth.?' I thought calmly, the pride system allowed one to upgrade just about anything, my system also allowed me to do such a thing.

The envy system allowed one to become anyone, this was gained through my bloodline ability [Sex Empowerment]. although I couldn't become a perfect copy. The greed system also showed its power through [Sex Empowerment].

[Wrath system would show itself once you upgrade the system, the same for sloth. Gluttony on the other hand also shows itself through [Sex Empowerment]. The host, should not look down upon [Sex Empowerment], as it's an extremely powerful skill that could also be upgraded. note that [Sex Empowerment has a cool down time of 24 hours] At the system word, I sighed before looking at my race, and thought of a name

'I will name it at a later date when I get a good name... for now, I should go join Fairy Tail. By the way, when did I appear?' I asked while looking at the city up ahead,

{Host was sent 5 years in the past, before the start of the plot. I wanted to bring you further back, but as the host wished to be near the start of the plot, I went for this route instead. currently is year 779, a year before Erza becomes S class, and charm magic became outlawed.} the system said making me sigh softly, I spoke without thinking. I should have gone far back so I could have more time to grow and develop. 

Walking towards the village, I took the time to get used to my body, and get the basics on how to use with my wings. I of course had to learn how to recall my wings, which I quickly got the hang of, and continued the rest of the journey on foot.

Along the way, I asked the system and found out that the system knew a lot of things about this world. It wasn't all-knowing, but knew everything I knew and simply forgot or had slipped my mind. for one, I didn't know what year charm magic was outlawed, but the system explained that I had seen this information on the fairy tail fandom and simply forgot it. but who would remember something so useless?

Knowing this, the system had wanted to send me further back in time as the magic I could awaken in this world might have some charm-related effect. after all, just my passive ability [Enhanced Sex Appeal] had a charm-like effect on others around me.

In fact, the reason I was so strong was because my charm stat was so high, leading it to affect my other body stats. but since it had to be balanced, my charm stat was also suppressed to some degree while the other stats were strengthened.

Anyway, after walking for some time, I arrived at the Magnolia Town. Magnolia Town is a city located in Fiore. Magnolia has a population of 60,000 inhabitants and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. Such reputation was supported by the fact that the town, houses the strongest Guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail.

I of course caught everyone's eyes, a naked handsome man just walking down the streets. The females couldn't help but blush while covering their eyes, although their eyes were not fully covered as they looked out to watch me.

'Odd, I feel nothing...' I thought calmly, back on earth, I didn't have the balls to walk down the streets but naked. but now, I felt nothing but pride

{Simple host, you are a unique type of Incubus. your lust, greed, and other such emotions had been increased. that along with your pride, how could you be ashamed of the world looking at your tools? they should be lucky that you allow them.} the system said, and indeed thats how I felt at the moment.

"Sir, where are your clothing?" A man who saw his wife unable to help herself from looking at Alex's tool asked while stepping forward.

"I was robbed on the way here, So i'm here to join the fairy tail guild and start working to buy new clothing," I said calmly, my voice wasn't small or loud. it was just right enough for those nearby to hear. and being male and female, they couldn't help but be charmed by my voice. it was almost like my voice held some power over the mind which pushed them to have a good impression of me,

"If thats the case, how about I take you to the store and buy you something to wear." A woman stepped forward, but the other females seeing this grew displeased, they quickly stepped forward to offer to take me shopping, leading a battle amongst females to almost break out,

"Why are you guys fighting? you need not fight over me." I said after snapping out of my shock seeing how nice these women were. at my words, the females all blushed, there were a good 20 who were about to fight, a scene which left all the guys standing there stunned.

"But I want to help you." a woman said with a blush, she lowered her head, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the tool between my legs. she wasn't alone, it was as if the tool had some pull that pulled their eyes towards it.

"I was the one who stepped up to hand him a hand first." the first woman who had stepped forward said unhappily while looking at the other females. at this I sighed softly, it seemed like being handsome had its trouble. those virgins out there are super lucky...

Seeing as a fight was about to break out once more, I quickly pushed my head to find the best way to deal with this... 

"Wait, since you all want to help out... how about you all help me pick clothing to wear, and show me around? In the future when I have the money, I will surely repay you all." I said to which all of the females froze, while the guys cursed.

"Alright." a woman said while jumping forward, she wanted to take my hand, but remembering I was naked, her face turned bright red. the others also wanted to take my hand, but they were too shy. honestly, they were not normally so shy, but before someone so handsome, they felt like high school girls in love. 

"Alright, then let go. where is the clothing store?" I asked while stepping forward to walk ahead, causing the girls to open a path for me to walk through, before quickly following me, fighting for the spot to be near to me. but the more perverts amongst them walked behind me, their eyes locked on my butt.

"..." the males who were left behind held onto their wives or girlfriends, they felt it. their wives almost walked ahead to follow that guy. They couldn't help but through hateful glares at Alex, before looking at their lovers who had an envious look with an unhappy look...