
Chapter 1 Finale Episode 50: Imago's Zeal

Scene 50.0: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle [Shadow's Room], 9:00 AM, Day 90 of 365


For the past few days after defeating Minerva and obtaining a New Diary Crystal, Shadow is nervous if he should open it alone especially now that he knows that Krystal is his Half-Sister. Everything he knows now explains what Krystal has undergone is not Growth Spurts, but in reality "Accelerated Aging". As he is trying to decide what to do, there's a knock on his door he opens it and sees all of his friends – Blaze, Luster Dawn, Florid Harvest, Yavish, Slipstream, Gatz, Flurry Heart as well as the CMCs & their new little sisters, Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow, Silver Spoon, Spike, The Faculty of the School of Friendship, Fenrir, Chancellor Neighsay, Dragon Lord Ember, Auntie Holiday, Auntie Lofty, Thorax, Pharynx, the Mane 6 along with Twilight as well as their relatives and to his surprise, his Sister, Krystal accompanied by both Elric & Fraulein. Meanwhile The Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer and Lysithea are watching them from a distance and different locations away from each other. Shadow is happy to see everycreature who he bonded with by visiting him as he smiles nonchalantly.



So Shadow…Did you open the Diary Crystal?



That's the thing…I'm still undecided.



Why? I know you are hesitant to know more about your dad and all, but that hasn't stopped you before.



These crystals…

(Looks At Krystal)

are not just mine to see by myself anymore. Don't you think, Krystal?



(Happy Smile)





I'm glad you always have been there for Krystal even before we all learned the truth. That she's Imago's Daughter…Chrysalis' Granddaughter…Jack's Daughter and your Younger Sister.



That's the reason all of you hid the truth, didn't you? You didn't know who Krystal's Parents really were, especially that she was undergoing accelerated aging.




What do you mean?



This is just conjecture, but I believe Chrysalis created your mother was to maintain the Status Quo of the Changeling Hive if something were to happen to her. I believe she purposely made your mother into a Changeling Drone, close to a Proto-Queen instead of a making her into a full Changeling Queen out of fear of an insurrection if the Magic of my Ancestor, Princess Stardust Memory were to overtake Imago's Thoughts. So Chrysalis made sure Imago was more of a Commander than a Successor and if Chrysalis was truly gone, Imago would give birth to the Next Changeling Queen to take her place. With Chrysalis gone for more than 9 Years, we can conclude you are the Changeling Queen as the Changelings' Magic is getting weaker. Of course like I said, it's all conjecture.


Or it could be all true since the Changeling Hive Birth Rate is on the decline as well. Only the Queen's Succor has the power to restore the glory of the hive, hopefully that will be years from now. I want Krystal to remain innocent for as long as possible.



It makes sense, but this raises too many questions.



(Out Loud)

Such as?



How did Jack and Imago met? If your father was looking for a way to save your mother, why did he go for Imago? Lastly – Imago left the hive as soon as Chrysalis left to look for the queen, but never returned, what happened during that time?


Before Shadow could say anything, the Diary Crystal activated on its own and teleported everycreature inside of it unlike before that would project the images of Jack's Memories.


Scene 50.1: Everfree Forest, Dark Region, 11 Years Ago [Events of Season 8 Episode 13 – The Mean Six]


Shadow wakes up along with everycreature, but as ghosts as they see Imago healing her Renegade Changelings with a warm yet sad look on her face but she looks like a Normal Changeling and not like Chrysalis, but does have her trademark colors as everycreature is wondering why is that; but Pharynx and Thorax confirms that Imago always looked like this.


Male Changeling #1:


Forgive me…Lady Imago…



Don't speak. You need to save your energy. Once we find the queen, we will retake the hive from Thorax and the rest of those traitors.


Female Changeling #1:

I wonder where she is.



Last I heard, she's hiding around here. If she's here, we'll find her.



I would not recommend that, especially that Chrysalis has lost her mind.


From the bushes, Jack exits and his appearance resembles that of Shadow: Platinum Silver Mane, Coat as Black as the Night and Slit Eyes, but unlike Shadow, Jack has Golden Eyes in contrast to Shadow's Emerald Green. Shadow and Krystal are surprised to see their father and her mother meeting like this, especially that Shadow wasn't expecting to see the similarities between him and his father that he feels like he's looking into a mirror, with the exception of the golden eyes just like his mother told everycreature. Everycreature are also surprised to see Jack resembling Shadow which makes them wonder how he attained the form they have always seen him in.



(Distrustful Glare)

Who are you?



My Name…Is Not Important.

(Notices Changelings' Disdain, Laughing)

Forgive me! My Brother's Bad Sense of Humor rubbed off on me and I can't resist in using that joke of his. But I got to admit it does produce the results he wants which is what you are feeling right now.




SILENCE!!! Answer the question or I will tear you apart where you stand!



(Notices Imago's Aura, Curious Stare, Evil Eyes, Invading Imago's Space)

You seem familiar…Have we met before? You aura is quite…Ardent.



(Furious, Hard Hoof To Jack's Face, Sends Jack Flying, Blushing)


(Thinking, Happy, Hiding Happiness Behind Angry Expression)



Everycreature is in shock that they can hear Imago's thoughts and what they hear is too perverted, they finally conclude that she is in fact the Daughter of Queen Chrysalis, but her behavior is not completely like Chrysalis' as she would never blush as hard as Imago is right now or admitting her heart is beating too fast, which means she's madly in love with Jack, which also confirms that every version of Stardust Memory, either Natural Born or Manufactured like Imago are destined to fall madly in love with Jack which annoys Shadow to no end. Krystal can't believe what she heard, but somehow she can relate as she wants to do the same things to Elric and just like her mother, she can't understand why she wants to do that. After everything calmed down, Jack sits with the weakened Renegade Changelings and their current leader, Imago as he still giving her curious stares which visibly annoys her to no end, but at the same time she's happy that he's paying more attention to her than their surroundings.



(Blushing, Tsundere Attitude)

So, what do you mean the queen lost her mind?



Her resentment towards her enemies has reached the boiling point that her sanity has been compromised. I just heard her plan and has gone into effect.



And that is?



She plans on cloning Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends using a forbidden spell.



I know that spell. Acquire an image of the subject along with something that belongs to them like a mane strand. If they are a pony, mark the inanimate object with the pony's Cutie Mark, attach the image & mane strand to said object and infuse said object with your essence in order to give it life.



Well, she did just that. She disguised herself as a photographer, got pictures of Twilight & her friends as well as strands of their mane and cloned them by using old trees.







I know. Using trees that old will create an unstable flux in their personalities that can cause them to betray her. She needs healthy trees in order to instill a great sense of loyalty to her; however that is also a danger as healthy trees tend to lead to high moral values than what Chrysalis has planned. Maybe that's why she went to use dead trees instead. She's taking an awful gamble here, don't you agree?



But why would the queen do that?



Like I said – I overheard her plan. She wants the clones to take the Elements from the Tree of Harmony and use its powers against the Real Element Bearers.



But if she used dead trees for those clones, their personalities will be…Oh, No…



We can tail Chrysalis until she get to the Tree of Harmony. If things turns out as you expect, what will you do?



(Serious Stare)

I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.



I hope you don't fall through said bridge while crossing it, my dear.


Imago glares at Jack, hoping he's wrong that her mother and creator, Chrysalis crossing the line she fears that she might do. They followed Chrysalis and much their horror, "The Mean 6"reverts to their original form in a very gruesome way; but what hurt them the most was what Chrysalis said after their destruction: "Servants Always Fail You In The End!" meaning that even losing her place as the Queen of the Changelings, she doesn't care for anycreature other than herself. But none is more hurt than Imago as the Mean 6 were, in a way her younger sisters. Disgusted by Chrysalis not showing any emotion other than resentment towards what happened, Imago decides to abandon Chrysalis to her own devices as she sees her true colors. Krystal looks at her mother with sadness in her eyes to see that Imago lost faith in the Changeling who is technically her mother. After returning to where they met, Jack decides to break the ice…






(Furious, Distraught)




I know that feeling myself. I was once a soldier fighting a war against tyranny only to be captured and experimented on by said tyrants. They used my powers against my family and friends.






Morgana Mode Gone.






In a certain reality, there was this male that fell in love with a very strong willed female. He was such a coward, he never told her how he felt about her before tragedy struck. He believed that the only way to honor her memory is to have a spiritual daughter with her traits. He created an artificial being named "Morgana Mode Gone". Morgana had 1 duty, give birth to this Spiritual Daughter, but Morgana learned that if she did that, her existence would be put into question. So she decided to prevent the birth of said daughter and outright abort her. Thanks to a young lad and his friends he not only made sure the birth of this Spiritual Daughter, but Morgana was repurposed to have a new mission in life. Speaking of that…how about I do the same for you? I will grant a new purpose and new powers for you to command. I will do the same for your Changelings here.



After all of this I know there are strings attached! What do you want in exchange?



I want your help to save my wife.



Haaahhh!? That's a very odd request. What's going on here?


Jack tells Imago and her Changelings everything between Stardust Memory & himself and what he wants to do; the Changelings are in shock while Imago felt strange hearing all of that, giving her mixed emotions: Sadness, Horror, Jealousy, Worry and many more as she can't understand, but everycreature with Shadow including Krystal and himself know why that is. Shadow secretly is distraught as he sees that Imago behaves more like his mother than Chrysalis, that makes him happy and sad at the same time. Imago's "Chrysalis Influence" doesn't want to agree to Jack's Proposal, but "Stardust Memory Influence" within her embraces Jack in all he says. With her Tsundere Demeanor, Imago agrees to Jack's proposal so he infuse her and her Changelings with his power. The Changelings feels stronger upon the infusion of the Power of an Ancient, but Imago undergoes a drastic metamorphosis that she transforms into what she looks like today: an almost exact spitting image of Chrysalis except much more youthful and red colors in contrast to Chrysalis' green colors. The Changelings are not shocked nor surprised, but overjoyed as they knew that Imago was Chrysalis' Daughter as they kneel before her only for her to tell them not do so as she is no queen. Imago is grateful to Jack, she approaches him with a scary look on her face as she towers over him, making herself as imposing as her mother. Everycreature is worried what is about to happen, but Shadow and Krystal have a feeling what is about to happen. Imago grabs Jack by his nape, pulls him to her and kisses him passionately and he returned the kiss, even though he can't explain why. Everycreature even the Changelings of the past are shocked that Imago and Jack are kissing in such a manner. However, thanks to that kiss, Jack obtained the ability to Shapeshift just like a Changeling which answers the question on how Jack can actually do that.


Scene 50.2: Canterlot Castle, 9 Years Ago [Days After Twilight's Coronation]


As the New Ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle is meeting Celestia and Luna's Surrogates as well as new creatures with the skills to improve Equestria along with her friends in the Council of Friendship. Everycreature that wasn't there, see how Twilight & Spike handled the proceedings which makes them proud as both siblings are calm and collected unlike how things went down before the coronation. There they see Jack in the look they all know him from and to their surprise, they see that Jewel who Jack jokingly call her Juli is Imago's alter ego. Everything went just like Twilight and Spike remembered with the Princess giving them a room in the castle. Once in there, Juli reverts back to her true form as Lady Imago as she is annoyed that she had to set hoof in this castle again after what happened with Cadance & Shining Armor [Season 2 Episodes 25 & 26 A Canterlot Wedding – Part 1 & 2].


Lady Imago:

I can't believe I'm back here again. I have every right to flay you alive for this, Jack.



(Casual Smiling, Unpacking Bags)

This is necessary to get the resources only Canterlot can provide. You want to reclaim the Hive? This is the only way to do it. Same goes to find the means to save my wife.


Lady Imago:

(Jealous, Hiding Jealousy Behind Tsundere Demeanor)

I wish you would keep your focus on the task at hoof.



I am, but I know she will be fine if I slack off just for today. Tomorrow we need to start looking for a means to save her and help your Changelings.


Lady Imago:

No need to worry about them thanks to the Ancient Magic you provided all of us.



Somehow your body can Assimilate my Magic easily…

(Pondering Expression, Looking At Imago Closely)

almost like we're highly compatible…no different from lovers…


Lady Imago:

(Extreme Blush, Panicked, Hiding Emotion Behind Exaggerated Tsundere Persona)




(Laughing Out Loud)

I didn't know you knew the tongue of the far east?


Lady Imago:

I'm the Daughter of Queen Chrysalis. Of course I know things that every fool around me would never believe.

(Thinking, Shocked, Blushing Profusely)

KKKYYYAAA!!! WHY DID I SAY THAT TO HIM!?!?!? NEITHER MOTHER NOR MYSELF HAVE BEEN TO THE FAR EAST!!! HOW AND WHY DID I SAY THOSE WORDS AND WHY THEY FELT SO RIGHT TO CALL HIM THOSE THINGS!?!?!? What did I call him again? Baka, Ecchi, Hentai and Sukebe? I think "Baka" means "Idiot" while the latter is different variations of saying "Pervert" but much more vulgar than the last. Why do I know this?




Shadow, Krystal:

(Annoyed Scoff)

Because you are also a repurposed soul of our Ancestor, the Previous Stardust Memory.

(Look At Each Other, Surprised, Blushing)








To be honest you both are kinda cute speaking at the same time like that.



(Agreeing In Unison)


Shadow, Krystal:

(Hiding Happiness Behind Tsundere Demeanor, Blushing)




(Thinking, Smiling)

So Cute!





My points is…your Changelings don't have the same gift as you. When you took in my magic, I wasn't expecting to see you transform to resembles your mother. That is a sign that your body has the capability to absorb & assimilate magic and symbiotically infuse it into your very being. There must be a secret your mother used to make you to be like that.


Lady Imago:

(Covers Herself, Blushing, Furious)





Looks like I stepped in it yet again. Sorry if I sounded I was going to invade your privacy again.


Looks like I'll have to get a sample of her when her guard is down. Now how will I do that since I can tell she downright hates me and her guard will be up even more than ever?


Lady Imago:

(Thinking, Blushing Profusely, Hiding True Emotions Behind Tsundere Expression & Glare)

I…really…really…really…hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoping he does something like groping me, touching me…I'll even allow him to jump me to get what…THE HECK AM I THINKING!?!?!? I'M SUPPOSED TO SAY HATE, NOT HOPING!?!?!? WHY AM I ACTING LIKE THIS WHEN I'M NEAR HIM!?!?!?


Shadow & Krystal face-hoof upon seeing their parents acting like this as everycreature is surprised to see the truth behind their relationship which is kinda funny and weird, but also feel sorry for the siblings that their parents are like this. For the following scenes, Shadow & Krystal witness their parents' contributions to Equestria throughout the months, witness their bonding even though Imago stays being a Big Tsundere all the time. They also re-witness the times Jack pleaded to Discord & Thanatos to save Stardust, but they now can see Imago's point of view and they notice that she is saddened seeing Jack suffering as she wants to do anything to help him even if they don't end up together. Then the day comes…


Scene 50.3: Canterlot Castle [Jack & Jewel's Room], 9 Years Ago [Day of Reckoning]


Jack managed to get his hooves on a mane sample belonging to Imago and is shocked to see what went into the creation of Chrysalis' Daughter: The Founder of the Crystal Empire, Princess Stardust Memory's Essence and Power went to her construction. He is overjoyed as he finally found a way to save his wife: He needs to destroy Imago and use her essence to restore what Stardust lost. Everycreature is appalled that Jack wants to kill Imago in order to save Stardust; Krystal is distraught and Shadow is disgusted upon seeing how far Jack is willing to save his wife. Shadow understand better than anycreature why his father is willing to cross that line, but if it means ending the life of somecreature, even if said creature was born artificially, Shadow refuse to condone it. As Jack is about to look for Imago, he felt somecreature calling out to him; he looks back and is in shock to see 2 Alicorns, a male and a female as he recognizes them. The male looks almost like him but his coat is ruby red with an azure blue mane as the mare has White Coat and Dark Orange Mane; but both have blue eyes similar to Shadow's. Jack calls them "Father and Mother" which catches every creature off-guard as he falls to his knees as he notices the stares of disapproval in their eyes. Jack curses himself as he begins to sense Stardust's life ends and starts imagining his son hating him for abandoning his mother; this fills him with despair which is right on the money as everycreature witnessed Shadow behaving like that before. Far from that location, Imago could sense not only Jack's suffering, but Stardust's life disappearing. This filled Imago with an unusual feeling of sorrow as she feels like she lost somepony important to her, like a sister she never met. Imago fears in seeing Jack as she doesn't know how to console him or how he will react if she does, but she goes in anyways and hopes for the best.


Imago arrives to the room holding a tray of food for Jack as she sees him at his working table staring into nothing. Imago carefully places the tray next to him only for him to snap at her as the food she cooked is literally the same thing Stardust would make. He knows that she doesn't do it intentionally anymore since part of Imago belongs to Stardust's Family Tree. He pins her down on the bed and starts berating her; not taking his insults, Imago snap backs using Chrysalis' Tactics, but the harder she tries to act as high and mighty like her mother, she starts to get emotional and breaking down without losing her straight face. She tells him how much she "Hated" working with him, seeing him being friendly with everycreature even though he was always hurting, always bragging on how perfect his wife and son are that made her "Sick"; but the truth is that even though he's hurting more than ever, he can tell she's still being a Tsundere. Seeing the deep sorrow in her eyes as she tries to hold back her tears, Jack sees Stardust more and more as he looks into her eyes that he forces a passionate kiss on her. Imago is in shock at first, but returned the kiss without so much of a struggle that lead to a scene that the adults had to shield the eyes of the little ones; however the scene changes to the next morning without going into a more explicit territory.


There, Jack profusely apologizes to Imago, but her demeanor changed from her usual Tsundere self to a more Deredere Persona similar to Stardust which makes Jack's guilt grow even further. Imago tell him how she really feels towards Stardust and she considers her as the sister she never knew as she couldn't explain why Imago wanted to meet her. Jack explained to Imago her connection to Stardust, to a normal creature this revelation would have shook them to the core, but thanks to being Chrysalis' "Spiritual" Daughter and in a way being the clone of the Founder of the Crystal Empire, Imago is not even the least bit surprised, but in a way happy and sad that the deep connection she felt to Stardust was something she wanted to believe in. She starts bawling her eyes out like a young girl that Jack consoles her with a hug. Everyone feels sorry not only to Jack & Imago, but to Shadow & Krystal too as seeing this actually is tearing them from the inside with Krystal crying and Shadow looking away in shame that he now admits only to himself that he misjudged his father. The following days, Shadow learned that Jack & Imago in her Jewel disguise actually visited Shard, but that was the time Shadow was being trained in the Chaotic Void by the Ancients. Since Jack knows the time differences between Equestria and the Void, the both of them leaves Shard but not before talking to Elder Miro, asking not to tell Shadow about them just yet, thanking him for caring for his family and apologizes for not being there when he should have when Shadow was born. As they try to return to Canterlot by teleporting there, Imago started to violently throw-up once they arrived. This worries Jack since he has gotten attached to Imago and after losing Stardust, he fears for Imago's well-being.


Days later after a few medical studies, it is revealed that Imago is pregnant with twins. Since a Pregnant Female has to limit her magic usage in order to make sure their young to be born healthy [This Goes Double For Heavy Magic Users Like Unicorns And Changelings], so that time until the birth of their children, Jack had to work alone. Months later Imago gave birth to the twins in a very unorthodox way for a Changeling: Imago laid a Changeling Egg and gave birth to a Male Alicorn Foal as black as the night. Seeing the foal makes everycreature wonder if this is Limbo and if it is him, how is it that he's now full grown, something that they learn pretty quick as Jack states he wants to create a future where his children will be happy, so he decides then and there to make the world an even better place than it is now. He admits that Twilight's Ideal World is not Wrong and it is a Great Utopia resembling the Ancient Alicorn Nation of Arcadia, but that is where he is concerned. Equestria does have great leadership, but in time that leadership will be replace by a new generation and said possible generation will not hold the same values or ideas as the current world. Worried with his wording, Imago asks what intends to do as he replies: "The Price of Freedom Is Eternal Vigilance". Just because they are in an Era of Peace, that doesn't mean a Cold War isn't being fought in the darkness and usually the villains that will destroy the world always win in these Cold Wars; as the world is unaware that it is even happening. Jack takes the Alicorn Foal to the Ancients and Imago needs to decide what to do with their egg. Imago torn with this as she looks at her egg in sorrow.


For days, Imago was looking to whom to leave her egg with, then it hatches and she is overjoyed to see Krystal's birth but then she is overcome with despair as she sees that Krystal's Aura which is similar to Chrysalis, in other words Krystal is destined to be a Changeling Queen. Since Equestria and beyond hates Chrysalis, Imago fears that the world will not give her daughter the chance to be accepted. Right there, she made a choice that broke her heart. She shapeshift into a Female Unicorn, places a hood over herself and places Krystal in a basket as they head to the one place she knows her daughter will be safe: The Changeling Hive. Since she was originally from there, Imago knew all of the Hive Patrol's blind-spots even with the vegetation returning there. Imago places Krystal's basket where anycreature can easily find her, places a note on top of the basket with a sturdy tape and kisses Krystal goodbye. As Imago is about to leave, Krystal starts to cry loudly which breaks Imago's heart that she started having second thoughts, but before she could get back to her daughter, she hears voices getting close which forces her to hide nearby. The voices belongs to Thorax, Pharynx and a beautiful looking Changeling who everycreature recognizes her a Thorax's now wife as they approaches the basket. They are shocked to see the "abandoned" Krystal as Imago curses herself as she did not want anycreature from the current leadership to adopt her daughter as Imago still resents them. But looking at a different angle, this is a good thing as it will restore the Changeling's Hierarchy back to its original lineage even if Krystal embraces Thorax's Ideology, she will still become the next leader of the hive as she proudly smiles with tears falling through her bloodshot eyes, says goodbye to Krystal as next they meet…they will be enemies. The Diary Crystal ends on that moment with everycreature now understanding why Jack joined forces with Blight Terror as they worry for the well-being of both Shadow & Krystal as they are hurting after seeing this.


Scene 50.Chapter Finale: Arctic North, Blight Terror's Castle [Throne Room], 11:59 PM


Siting around the Cutie Map(?) table, Blight sees Lady Imago's sad expression which means Shadow and Krystal learned what was behind the newly acquired Diary Crystal.



Looks like things are proceeding as Jack and I have planned. The Mother Crystal is overflowing with the Power of Darkness. The question is…Are the Mass Produced Crystals completed?



They are.



(Evil Smile)

Excellent. Now the question at claw is this – Which of you want to challenge the most powerful warrior living in Equestria today?



He managed to match Minerva long enough for Cozy to retake her body. He must posses too much magical reserves for me to become a God and if his sister is as powerful, I can surpass you all. You don't mind if I end them, do you?



If they can't fend you off, then they are not worthy of living.






If that's the case, there can only be 1 Queen of the Changelings and that is ME!!!



Is Blaze a target as well? He did awakened as a Child of the Ancients.



Indeed. All of their friends are your targets, but you already knew that.



Finally! I was wondering when you were going to say that! I will be the first to go.








You stay away from that one if you know what's good for you!



(Arrogant Ojou-Sama Laughter)

Puh-Lease! I'm from the future and I can tell you that—



I suggest you stop right there if you want to remain here in the past, princess. Right now we need to focus on the present than on what might not happen if we do succeed. And to make sure the future does change, you will be the first to battle Shadow & your desired target.



(Ladylike Bow)

Thank you for your blessings…

(Evil Smile, Evil Glowing Eyes)

…Uncle Blight.


Episode Bonus:

The Daughter Of Discord


Somewhere In The Everfree Forest, Time – Unknown


At the Everfree Forest, there is a ruined castle that looks like it was made of advance technology similar to Cybertronian Tech, but with purple lights around there still glowing there indicating that this was possibly a Decepticon Base; 3 shadowy figures can be seen there with one of them being an Male Alicorn the same height as Celestia wearing a much more detailed armor than Shadow's with a royal blue cape included; the second is a Female Alicorn that resembles the Adult Twilight, but both her mane & coat are as black as the night and the highlights on her mane & tail are Lavender Purple; the third figure is a beautiful Female Draconequus that has cute long bob-cut hair with an eye-covering bang on top of her right eye, big round eyes similar to a Pony's although still uneven, thin feminine eyebrows, hourglass figure stating she's in her late teens, short yet defined horns similar to Discord, but her left eagle claw is even in size as her right lion arm; she doesn't have a goat beard and a beautiful angelic voice as the Alicorn activates a portal using a nearby control panel.


??? (Male Alicorn):

Are you sure about this, kiddo?


??? (Female Draconequus):

I need to…Sis blames everycreature for what happened. If I were her, I would go after Aunt Twilight in order to accelerate the prophecy of her demise.

(Looks At "Black" Twilight)

I can't let Sis kill her before our friends…her daughters are born. Thank you for guiding me here, Uncle Shadow.


(Future) Shadow:

(Warm Smile)

I'm your teacher, Kiddo. I know I'm forbidden to teach you Time Travel Magic, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to give you the means to send you to the past. Trying to get you and your twin sister back to the future will be the issue.


??? (Female Draconequus):

(Confident Laugh)

You're lying. I don't see an Older Version of Sis or Me running around.


(Future) Shadow:

(Teasing Smile)

You'd be surprised.


??? (Black Twilight):

Whatever you wish to do, you better do it now! I do not know how long this technology will stay operational!


??? (Female Draconequus):

(Serious Expression)

I promise to keep your mama safe until you are born.


??? (Black Twilight):

(Sad Smile)

I wish to go with you and finally meet her, but it seems it is not meant to be. She was taken from us when I was 2 years old, and my sisters a year apart from each other.


??? (Female Draconequus):

I promise to bring back a souvenir for you girls. Anyhoo! I promise to bring Sis back too.


(Future) Shadow:

Remember that you are going to an Age you and your sister haven't been born yet. Do not use either of your real names.


??? (Female Draconequus):

Got it. I already know what name she'll be using and I already chose mine. I know Papa's Cousin will find it annoying, but I will be using her name. Everycreature will call me – "Eris".


Chapter 1: The End

To Be Continued…

…In Chapter 2: Rise of the Black Hearts

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts