
Episode 49: (Cozy Glow Arc Finale) Acceptance & Forgiveness

Scene 49.0: Ponyville, 2:45 PM, Day 87 of 365


Final Phase:

Vs. Dark Goddess Minerva


Everycreature is in shock upon seeing not only the resurrection of the Dark Goddess Minerva, but witnessing the awakening of Luster, Blaze and Krystal as Children of the Ancients upon seeing their avatars glowing behind them as well. Minerva laughs heinously and maniacally upon seeing the one behind Blaze as she easily recognizes it.



(Maniacal Expression, Evil Smile)

The Seed of Bahamut made it to this reality? This is perfect! Once I make your power my own, Not even The Dragon King of Old will be able to stop me.



What do you mean by that? Who is Bahamut?



(Ecstatic Expression, Heinous Laughter)

You do not know!? He is the most powerful dragon to have ever existed in most realities. His power is so great, there are so many dragons that has taken his name. But unlike those pretenders, you are a direct descendant of the most powerful of them all, the only one worthy of owning the name. But…I can see you just awakened, meaning that you are still green. Still, I will enjoy making his power mine no matter what. Also…

(Looks At Luster & Krystal)

…Your friends are nothing to sneeze at either. The Descendant of the one who sealed Grogar away and a strange fusion of the power belonging to the Queen of the Changelings and the Element of Life. Your power can be compared to the King of Dragons. The power to seal away the ultimate evil and the power of an Ancient fused with the power of the Changeling Queen…with that assimilated into my very being, I will be invincible.




The power that sealed Grogar!? You don't mean—



Yes, Your Ancestor is Gusty The Great. As for the Changeling…I can't put my hoof on her…I can sense the power of Queen Chrysalis, Stardust Memory and…

(Maniacal Laughter)

I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! I DID GET RESURRECTED IN THE BEST TIMELINE!!! The Power of the one that can overpower Grogar and the power of the King of Dragons right before me…along with the power of Queen Chrysalis and 2 of the most powerful Ancients of them all.




What? Is Krystal's heritage really that powerful? She said "Stardust Memory", meaning Shadow's Ancestor that was killed by Chrysalis; and now we know that Krystal is related to Chrysalis in one way or another because of Lady Imago. But…who is the other Ancient Minerva is talking about? And…Is Lady Imago...Krystal's Birth Mother…?



But this body…so young…so easy to shape and mold…taking your powers and making them my own will be very simple, especially that this young filly already has experienced absorbing the magic of others. Assimilating you will require no effort whatsoever and I will enjoy every second of it. Once I'm done, everycreature will either submit to me or be mummified as I drain even their life-force into nothing.



(Out Loud)

We won't let you! We will stop you and save Cozy in the process!



(Heinous & Maniacal Smile)

We shall see about that.


At that moment, Minerva begins her assault by summoning fireballs the size of small meteors that Blaze smashes them before it hurts anycreature, meanwhile Krystal & Luster attack Minerva with everything they have, but Minerva takes the brunt of their attack and shakes it off with an evil smile on her face, then rushes both the mares in a brutal fashion. Seeing that Minerva wind both Krystal & Luster, Blaze starts going on the offensive against the resurrected Dark Goddess; meanwhile inside Minerva's mind locked in a cage similar to the one in Tartarus, both Cozy Glows are seeing the battle rages on with the real Cozy Glow losing the will to live as she now knows she was nothing but a tool. The Copy Cozy Glow sees her Alpha and is furious falling from being one of the infamous trio member that almost brought Equestria to complete collapse to going Full Emo.


(Copy) Cozy Glow:

You are just going stand there and see everycreature get killed?


(Real) Cozy Glow:



(Copy) Cozy Glow:

If we don't do something, Dia and everycreature who believed in us is going to die!


(Real) Cozy Glow:

(Furious, Crying)



(Copy) Cozy Glow:

I know how you feel, but if we stop Minerva, I can help you just like Dia and Shadow helped me. I know we can get you to be accepted just as everycreature has accepted me.


(Real) Cozy Glow:

And how will you do that!?


The Copy Cozy Glow whispers to the real one and is shocked to what she hears as the copy gives the real one a sad smile. The battle against Minerva is one-sided as Blaze, Krystal and Luster are being beaten down; even with their powers finally awakening, they are still new to this experience, they do not know how to fully draw this new power to their advantage. From Blight Terror's Castle witnessing this battle, Lady Imago snaps and wants to rush to save Krystal only for Jack-Of-All-Trades to stop her. Even though Lady Imago was created to carry the will of Chrysalis, the love in her heart is more akin to Stardust Memory. In Ponyville, The Dazzlings want to jump in as well as memories of both the Human Version of both Luster and Krystal flashes before their eyes and the Human Shadow caring for an Orange Labrador Retriever he once owned who turns out to be Blaze; but stop as they know Blight Terror will reprimand them if they do. Everycreature watch in horror as Minerva brutalize all 3 of the younglings as they beg her to stop. Even a lot of them are wishing Shadow to be here as Diamond Tiara rushes in to plea to either Cozy Glows to reign Minerva in, but this infuriates the Dark Goddess that knocks her out with a powerful Bitch-slap. Deep within Minerva's, both Cozy Glows are enraged upon the sight especially with Minerva's taunting laughter.


Suddenly out of nowhere, a powerful hind-hoof impacts Minerva's face, sending her flying towards the statue of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Jack-Of-All-Trades, shattering it to pieces. After brushing off the attack, Minerva looks at who it was that gave her that kick and sees that it is none other than Shadow wearing the fully restored armor his mother once wore, but instead of Princess Celestia's Royal Crest, the armor is sporting a unique Crest which resembles a red and purple lightning bolt in the shape of Platinum Shadow's Initials combined into 1 shape with one of the letters with said color and a new version of the Soul Katana that looks more like a broadsword that a Dark Knight wields. Upon seeing Shadow's new look, Minerva is shocked to see him like that as it resembles the Assassin of the Ancients…


Rose, Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Jersey Mac, Little Cheese, Regalia, Lucky Star:

(Overjoyed Smile)




I didn't expect you to be resurrected so soon. Sorry I'm late everyone, but I was getting some special training to deal with Minerva.

(Element of Life Glows: Casts Healing Spell On Everycreature)

It's not much, but it should help you get to safety.




This spell…?



That's why I'm late. My teachers knew this would happened and the situation with Blight Terror, they helped me understand the power of my Element of Life. Now I have a better understanding of it, I can use its power to a better extent than before.



(Disturbed Stare)




(Surprised Yet Amused)

Never expected to see the infamous Dark Goddess like that. Do I remind you of your late lover/nemesis?



No, you resemble someone worse.



And who would that be?



The Full Armored Alicorn.



(Annoyed Stare)

The Assassin of the Ancients? I'm the Bearer of the Element of Life, being an Assassin would lock me out of my family's heirloom.




You take me for a fool!? I am aware that a Pure-Blooded Ancient can bypass all the restrictions the Elements of Virtue can impose on them. So do not treat me like these ignorant worms surrounding us. You, your Changeling Sister & the Spawn of Bahamut are Pure-Blooded Ancients and before I fell, there was a prophecy about the Return of the Full Armor Alicorn. "During The Age Of Great Peace & Prosperity, The Fallen Will Rise Again; Restoring The Blight And Terror Of War Upon The World. This Age Of Calamity Will Berth 5 Children With The Blood Of The Ancients To Restore Balance To The World. However, A Direct Offspring Of The Fallen Will Usher The Mantle Of The Full Armored Alicorn, Eradicate Those Who Threaten The Status Quo Created By The Gods And Enforced By The Ancients, Will Do So Yet Again Upon Resurrection."



I rather die than become the Full Armor Alicorn. And what do you mean Pure-Blooded Ancients? Blaze, Krystal and me are Children of the Ancients, but that doesn't necessarily make us Ancients ourselves.



(Heinous Maniacal Laughter)



I fail to see the humor in my question.



I will admit that you are powerful, but you are also dumb when it comes to the history of your kind.



I think you are buying time in order to get the upperhand in this situation since I attained a power that rivals your own and I am wielding the Sword of Mana once wielded by Zenith Azimuth, the Leader of the Ancients and Former Element of Mana which also amplify it as well.



If I end you, then the prophecy of the Full Armor Alicorn will not become a reality. Whomever says that Prophecies are set in Stone are delusional. They are literally never set. Prophecies are in reality, warnings for the Future and in order to make sure said Future not to take place, you need to take steps and heed the warnings of the one who foresaw it. By doing just that, certain prophecies were avoided and became null and void.

(Evil Smile)

Of course you will get Doomsday Zealots claiming that the Prophecies did came true in the end even if it was a few generations or centuries late. That's actually downright pathetic and typical sore loser behavior.



I agree with that fact – that Prophecies can be avoided if you take certain precautions, but I also believe you are projecting about being downright pathetic and a typical sore loser. Because I expect to see you behave like that once you are defeated.



That overconfidence will be your downfall, child. Before you perish I must know, who are you?



Platinum Shadow, but you already knew that since you took over Cozy's Body.



You do know what I'm talking about. Those 2 Cutie Marks on your flanks does not match which means you are unaware of your true self.



I only have 1 Cutie Mark on my right flank and my left flank is blank.



(Evil Smile)

You truly are unaware of who you are. I will give you a hint on that – Your Power is more aligned to the Fallen than Stardust Memory. The Copy of your Mother that resides in the Element of Life is far more compatible with Stardust Memory's Legacy. The reason for that is because of the Cutie Mark on your Left Flank.



I said that my left flank is blank.



(Evil Laughter)

It seems you are unaware of the full story. Unfortunately for you I will never tell. You will find out once you meet Thanatos after I send you to the afterlife along your friends!



We shall see.


Shadow readies his new sword to battle Minerva as the Dark Goddess summons Bit-Type Weapons surrounding her and targets the Element of Life. Everycreature is worried, but not his friends as they can see Shadow has gotten stronger in the how many more years he spent in the Chaotic Void, as he seems more in control of both of his Chaos & Harmony Magics. Minerva knows that if she fights Shadow up-close, he will cut her to ribbons with the sword; even if he's the Element of Life, she fears that he will use his power as an Ancient to bypass the restrictions of the element, so she will be fighting him at a distance. Shadow rushes at Minerva and she starts to blast him, but Shadow moves too fast as he instantly shift into his Pegasus Form in a blink of an eye without any gimmick like clapping his hooves like usual and as soon as he gets close to her, he instantly shifts into his Earth Pony Form and slams his sword as hard as he can next to Minerva in order to give her the scare of a lifetime; which works that the Dark Goddess jumps away from him as she still believe that Shadow is the Full Armored Alicorn or become him in the future. For the first time in her entire existence, she is actually experiencing fear towards somecreature. Minerva continues to fight Shadow at a distance, but he would always bridge the gap between them using his Pegasus Form, however everycreature notices that Shadow's attack speed is slower than his movements, almost like he's holding back and his friends know why: He's trying to save Cozy Glow and in order to do that, he cannot strike Minerva down. The fight gets intense that Shadow drops his guard on purpose and is injured by Minerva's Ultimate Attack that forces him to kneel to her. Minerva laughs heinously and maniacally that both Cozy Glows within her are furious that they start their plan to retake their body. As Minerva is about to finish up Shadow, he jumps, hugs her tightly and calls out to Cozy Glow to fight back to regain control of her body; but Minerva laughs saying that Cozy Glow is gone forever and she isn't coming back. Suddenly Minerva feels a very sharp and agonizing pain as both Cozy Glows draw Minerva into an alternate dimension: Their Mind.


Inside there, both Cozy Glows battle Minerva in their Alicorn Forms: The Real Cozy Glow in her Chaos Form and Copy Cozy Glow in her Filly Form. They both manage to overpower the Dark Goddess as the Copy is drawing power from both her Crystal and Minerva's own Scroll. They manage to bound Minerva in ethereal chains created by Chaos Cozy Glow, but it doesn't look like it will hold her for long as Minerva smiles because she knows this won't stop her. The Filly Cozy Glow hugs Minerva tightly as Chaos Cozy Glow tries to separate them, but an ethereal wall separates them as Chaos Cozy Glow tells her Copy not to do this. Her Copy smiles at her and says: "Funny. This is just like what happened to them, isn't it?" as the Real Cozy Glow calls out to her Copy out as she is blinded by a powerful flash of light. In the waking world, Minerva gives out a Banshee-like Scream that spooks everycreature that her visage shatters like glass and her body reverting back into Cozy Glow as well as both the Prototype Crystal and Minerva's Scroll falls on the ground powerless. Cozy Glow is unconscious as Diamond Tiara runs towards her meanwhile Shadow picks up the Prototype Crystal and is in shock to see that the crystal is lifeless; meaning that there is not even a glimmer of power, or even a means to regain power unlike the New Models of the Black Heart Crystal that merged with Coastal Garden. He knows that unlike his Older Sister, Starry Night, one of the Cozy Glows is gone forever. Furious of this outcome, Shadow sees Minerva's Scroll, walks towards it and as he is about to pick it up, a shadow tentacle rushes through the ground and snatches it before the Young Alicorn could. The one who did this is none other than Limbo in his true form as he grabs the scroll and holds it in his left claw with an evil chuckle coming from him.



Too slow, brother.



Limbo. I knew you and your master were after the scroll.



We are and our plans are so predictable, they are also unpredictable.



What do you mean by that?



(Crushes & Burns Scroll To Ash, Evil Chuckle)

See what I mean now?




So you were after it just to destroy it!?



Just like Trotter, Minerva is too dangerous to keep around, so we decided to permanently remove her from…well, everything. Minerva, just like Trotter before her, were never meant to live as long as they have, because their longevity was unnatural and didn't earn it. And since they Didn't Earned It, they became monsters with a strong desire to control and rule all those beneath them like the tyrants they are.



(Serious Expression)

And Blight isn't?



You would be surprised on how different he is to them.



Try me.



All in good time, brother.

(Looks At Luster, Amused Expression)

You have no idea how elated I am to see you awaken your true power, Luster Dawn.




Who are you? And why do you act like you know me?



Let's just say our meeting is the reason I needed to attain the power I have now.

(Looks At Krystal, Sad Expression)

The last thing our parents wanted was for you to awaken your power…Sister.




You mean…so…it's true…



I can tell you had your own conclusions about your origins. Even our brother had his own doubts after reuniting with you almost 3 months ago. I believe you also sensed that he is our own biological brother. But Shadow found out as soon as that Ancient revealed that you and Blaze are tied to them in one form or another. Still…You are still too soft, brother. You were planning on sealing Minerva's Scroll in the void, weren't you? You are such a coward. Your Merciful Naivete Will Be Your Downfall.



If I were to cross the line you have, I will lose the Element and worse…



Maybe Minerva's assumption might be right in some way. You becoming the Full Armored Alicorn would a beautiful fate for you in my opinion.



You do realize that the Full Armored Alicorn was, is and will always be a monster that will not only kill its designated target, but also kill everyone around that gets in his way.



(Evil Smile)

That's why I am hoping for you into becoming him.



How can you wish that life on our own brother!?



(Serious Expression)

Didn't you see how much of a softy he is!? He was planning on sealing Minerva away instead of doing what needed to be done! And don't bring me the excuse that she was alive because she wasn't. That scroll had her memories, but not her soul. Destroying the scroll doesn't kill Minerva, because she's already dead. Answer me this – Is Killing Something That Is Already Dead Be Considered Murder?



(Looks Around At Each Other, Surprised)



It seems everycreature is in agreement with me. How sad for you, brother. Even sadder for Cozy Glow, for one of them is no more.


Diamond Tiara:









Why are you angry at me? It's not my fault one of them ceased to exist and unlike "Your" Sister, Starry Night, one of the Cozy's is gone forever…Never to return…


Diamond Tiara:

Shadow! Tell me! Tell me which one is—



I'm sorry, Dia. I can't tell which one we lost…


Diamond Tiara:





I'm sorry…



You shouldn't be apologizing for a decision they made out of their own free will, brother. You had no say in it and neither did Diamond Tiara. What happened to them was their choice, not yours.



Even so, I'm sure there was another way to—







Not all of them. Some of them managed to save themselves.



You and I know that's only a select few realities and all far in-between that it's downright pathetic. Less than 10 Realities over 180 known Realities under the supervision of the Ancients. Only the Gods are allowed to supervise the other realities. Fun Fact – Not All of Us Exist In Those Realities and if there are those bearing our name, they are not our counterparts, but completely different entities altogether…You honestly believe that if you continue down the same path as your other selves, you will be the one to break the cycle!? That is the Definition of Insanity! Doing the same damned thing over and over and over until it sticks!? Only Dictators, Tyrants, Monsters and Villains like Tirek, Chrysalis, Trotter, Xuĕ, Sombra, Grogar and even Cozy Glow are guilty of doing.



Then what do you suggest I do?



You will find out soon enough. I accomplished what I was ordered to do – The Termination of Minerva's Ghost as requested by Blight Terror.



You have a higher chance of becoming the Full Armored Alicorn than me.



(Hilarious Laughter)

You do realize that the Full Armored Alicorn resembles a Paladin than a Dark Knight. Right now thanks to the restoration of your mother's armor, you resemble a Paladin more than ever before. With me being the New Pony of Shadows, I do not have the qualifications to be the Full Armored Alicorn. But only time will tell, in the meantime…prepare for the war to come. As the Puerto Caballans say – "En Guerra Avisada, No Mueren Criaturas." – "In An Expected War, Nocreature Dies."


Limbo disappears through a dark portal with an evil laughter as everycreature is scared on what he just said as Shadow walks towards Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara to help them; but just then a Diary Crystal rises from the rubble of the statue that was destroyed. Shadow wants to open it, but now is not the time as he tends to everycreature's injuries.


Scene 49.1: Ponyville Hospital, 10:01 AM, Day 89 of 365


Cozy Glow wakes up, looks around and sees Diamond Tiara sitting by her side with tears in her eyes, fast asleep and holding the crystal that gave life to her Copy. Cozy Glow reaches to the crystal and starts bawling her eyes out as she hold it in her hooves which in turn wakes Diamond Tiara, who then hugs Cozy Glow as Shadow waits outside her hospital room door as he feels a heavy peg of Déjà Vu similar to what happened to his mother and sister. After they calm down, Shadow, Krystal, Blaze and Luster pays them a visit first because of hospital policies can't allow a big group to be in 1 room at a time, so they are the first to be there; after 30 minutes a new group joins in and with every meeting with the citizens of Ponyville, Cozy Glow couldn't believe that everycreature is accepting of her now, especially that she doesn't have the courage to tell them that the Cozy Glow that died was the one Copy, the one everycreature rather be around with than the real Cozy. Later that evening, Cozy Glow couldn't take it and waited until only Shadow and Diamond Tiara were with her so she could tell them everything. Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara are distraught when Shadow confirms that the Copy is gone for good. Shadow admits that she's gone, but Cozy Glow shouldn't forget what her Copy did for her. She has cleaned Cozy Glow's slate in many ways that all of the creatures in Ponyville came here to see how she was doing. If Cozy Glow really wants to honor her Copy's memory, do not let this second chance at life she gave her go to waste. Cozy Glow thanks Shadow for his words and will follow them for the rest of her life.


Later that night, Diamond Tiara is the only one with Cozy Glow in her hospital room and she caring for the now fully reformed filly by cutting some fruit for Cozy Glow to eat, but she cuts herself and starts to bleed profusely. Before she could call for Nurse Redheart for help, Lysithea appears out of nowhere and easily heals Diamond Tiara's cut which surprises both Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara upon seeing her. However Diamond Tiara is a little distrustful of Lysithea after Limbo confirmed that the many Platinum Shadows of most alternate realities are dead and she knows Lysithea is not originally from this world, so she decides to confront her about it…



I hope you are doing well, My Little Ponies.


Diamond Tiara:

Who really are you, Lysithea? If that's even your real name.



Why are you asking this of me?


Diamond Tiara:

Because of what Limbo just said – Most of Shadow's Alternate Selves are Dead and if what I've heard is true, you are from an Alternate World too. So answer me – Who really are you? Tell me that you aren't responsible for their deaths!



(Saddened, Removes Mask, Crying)



Cozy Glow, Diamond Tiara:

(Shocked In Disbelief)

You are…How!?



(Saddened, Secure Mask, Crying)

Allow me to tell you my story for I do not know why every Shadow I meet perishes. Perhaps you might assist me in figuring out why my beloved always meet his end. It all started over 1,000 Moons…my sister and I were summoned by our master for an important task, but I refused and deemed me a weakling for not being as cruel as he wanted me to be. For too long he mistreated me for showing mercy toward those who could not fight back, he tried to punish me severely for it, so I decided to fight back. I begged my sister…best and only friend to help me, but she chose him over me. Instead of finishing me off, she used a powerful spell to banish me to another dimension. I always believed she did so to show she still cared for me. I arrived in my very first alternate reality…I spawned in an alley wearing what those in that world called a "Bikini" Armor. I fell in a puddle of filthy muddy water. I was nothing but a dirty mongrel once worshiped as royalty in a strange new world I knew nothing of, nor I had access to my magic. But that was not the worst of it…


Diamond Tiara:

What do you mean?



I suffered from Amnesia. I had no recollection of who I was or where I herald from. Even my identity alluded me. The only thing in my heart on that moment was naught but resentment…for whom I felt it was but a mystery due to my loss of memory. I was about to be taken advantage of due to my appearance, but then…he appeared…my hero…my knight…


Cozy Glow:




Indeed…At first I believed he was the reason behind resentment towards all those around me, but…he kept me safe…protected me…fed me…clothed me…gave me love, peace, understanding and respect which at first did not return nor reciprocated. Days Turned Into Months…Months Into Years…Resentment Turned Into Respect…And Respect…Turned Into Love. In order to return my affections to him…I decided to remove a part of myself that was tied to my master. Whatever happened to that part of myself, I do not know. Nevertheless…with that side of me gone, my happiness was absolute. For a long time, Shadow and myself attained pure happiness that we were to be betroth…but tragedy struck…I was in the middle of measuring and fitting my wedding dress. Who would have expected I would return in wearing that dress once again but in the opposite color. A few days later after the funeral…I…I felt completely lost without him that I decided to end it all…


Diamond Tiara:


You…if that's true, then how are you even here?



There were many ways to meet my end, but…deep down to my very core I wanted to feel the wind around me one last time. I decided to end it all by jumping off from the building we once called home. In order not to make a scene, I did so at night. Seeing the moon in full that night felt fitting as I believed Shadow was watching over me with disappointment as I tried to take my own life. My deepest wish was to be in his arms once again. If arranging a premature meeting with Lord Thanatos was the only means for that wish to become a reality, then so be it. When I started falling, the cold wind did not feel like Lord Thanatos' Cold Embrace, but Shadow's cold disappointment for forcing my own end before my time just to be with him. However…I was saved by an unexpected entity – The Dread, Luminescence herself.


Diamond Tiara:




An Interdimentional Evil Goddess with a tendency of erasing realities she despises and resents.


Cozy Glow:

Why would somecreature like that save you?



I confronted her about that and she answered that she seeks my happiness which will make her consider not erasing this reality. For if she does, she would erase Shadow as well meaning that my reunion with my beloved would have been short. She made me an offer – She would grant me access to all realities Shadow exist in exchange that the both of us find happiness. If I decide to end myself again, she threatened to erase everything with no hesitations. That also includes the multiple alternate versions of our beloved Shadow.


Diamond Tiara:

Please…Tell us all the versions of Shadow you've met.



Are you certain of this decision, Diamond Tiara?


Diamond Tiara nods as Lysithea tell her everything on each Shadow she has met and lost; she even went as far as to reveal that Shadow ends up dying after they kiss. In order to prevent that, Lysithea decided to play matchmaker and make Shadow find happiness with another female, but somehow they always end up kissing and Shadows dies soon after. Lysithea paired Shadow with each of the Mane 6 except Pinkie Pie who ends up marrying Cheese Sandwich in most realities; Trixie, Mayor Mare, The CMCs, Celestia, Luna, The Dazzlings and Sunset Shimmer. Diamond Tiara asks if this is the first time Lysithea tried to pair her up with Shadow, Lysithea was hesitant to answer, but gave in and told her no as she tried many times with the same females and all met the same end but with different outcome. After telling her stories, Lysithea takes her leave, but leaves Diamond Tiara torn on what she heard: Is her feelings for Shadow are Authentic or Manufactured by Lysithea's Manipulations? And what is the real reason that every Shadow ends up dying once she kisses him? All of this is bothering Diamond Tiara that she contemplates on what to do…


Episode Bonus:

Cozy Glow's Letter To Princess Twilight Sparkle


"Dear Princess Twilight: I can't believe I'm writing to you after everything that has happened between us. But I need to get this out of my chest. 8 to 9 years ago when Blight Terror set me, Chrysalis and Tirek free, I didn't feel like myself and now we all know why. All that time, I thought I was the copy and vice versa. I might be playing Devil's Advocate here but…Blight might have had a different objective than Minerva's Scroll. Maybe he did this to me in order to not get me involved in his "War" he has planned for you and Shadow. He also did something to my memories because I can't remember what he asked Tirek and Chrysalis to do after he freed us. For so long sealed in the crystal, I thought that I was the copy, I was going to be discarded, so I decided to eliminate her and use Minerva's Power to take over Equestria…only for Minerva to take over me instead. All of my memories before I came to Ponyville are all gone as well of those when Blight sent me free 8 to 9 years ago. I think my Copy took them with her when she passed away, so everything before then are gone. Somecreature once said 'Our Memories Define Us', by her discarding those…my personality just softened…maybe…just maybe…whatever those memories were…they might be the reason I became a villain. I do remember Grim Apex and the love he gave me while raising me, but I don't remember more than that. Looks like my copy didn't want my bad memories to be my defining feature that will keep me being your enemy. I feel that…now I can understand what you were trying to teach me and it took not only my copy to understand it, but also Dia. Even though Dia spent all the time with her, I was watching everything that was going on. If I knew my copy was going to sacrifice herself like this, I would have done things more differently. I really don't know what to do right now, but with Shadow and Dia with me…I don't need to worry what the future will bring. I hope we can be real friends one day and I hope that by then, I have earned your forgiveness. Sincerely: Cozy Glow."


To Be Concluded…

Due To The Incompetence Of Both My Electric Company & Government, My Country Is Suffering Countless Power Cuts Which Is Forcing Me To Delay My Projects. Anyhoo...This Is The Penultimate Episode Before Entering The Next Chapter. The Next Episode Will Dive Into The Last Diary Crystal Of The Chapter & This Will Answer A Few Questions, But Amids Of These Answers, New Questions Will Arise Concerning Blight Terror's Cadre Members As Well As Upcoming Characters That Will Be Presented Next Time Around. Stay Tuned...

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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