
My Life Journal 2.0

Ikbal_Saputra_7683 · 历史
16 Chs


My childhood is not went very well because i was living in really middle class family and i was teach by mom to live the way we are and just to be like that and she said we didnt needed to changes our way of living just because want someone to admire us.

My childhood is really bad because many of kids the same ages as me they dont like me i dont why maybe its because i am not rich person and also maybe because my way to enjoy life is not the same like them because i just went everything is simple and easy way.

And also my mom said we do not need to be someone else to get someone impress with us my mom just said that we could be who we are and just not think to much about what people think.

Because we are always could be happy with the way we are and we dont have to worried about it and if people dont like our way its their problem we just needed always to stick around with what we have and what we used to do.

“Things are simple. Situations are clear. Hurdles are easy. It’s our mind which makes it complex and complicated.”

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