
My Life Journal 2.0

Ikbal_Saputra_7683 · History
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Sometimes people leave your life and that's it they don't come back, and you don't get the apology that you wanted and there's nothing more for the relationship that you shared beyond that point, sometimes people leave not to come back but to make room for others who are yet to come into your life.

And you must accept their departure as an end of everything between you two even if you didn't want things to end this way sometimes one thing needs to end this way sometimes needs to end before another can begin.

One chapter needs to close before you can start another new one, one friends needs to leave before another can enter, one hearts need to break before another can mend, and that is the only way you can look at it without letting it break you,

“You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.” ―Good Will Hunting

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