
My Legendary General System

All these young men chasing harems don’t seem to realize just how much trouble one woman is! - a strangely old looking 25 year old ... Please, officer, I swear he walked into my axe. It wasn't me, truly! ("I'm convinced, Captain...") - testimony from recently released convict ... Instead of stealing my woman, can you steal my wallet? Please... Actually, never mind. I preferred my wallet. - a merchant undergoing a raid

Nick_Alderson · 奇幻
891 Chs

Battle - Part 1

"…Varsharn," Pandora said, undisguised disgust in her voice.

Only when Pandora said it could Vol sense it himself. There was something around Vale. A rippling of the air that encircled her, as if from the heat, but no heat that Vol knew could exert such a pressure.

His Fragment gave him the name for the phenomena. They were in the presence of a Goddess.

The Fire Sprite hissed again, as it realized the loss of its eye. All the fire that it had conflagurated, and it doubled in size in an instant. Whether that was mere showmanship, an animal effort to intimidate its prey, or if it was actually a boost in the creature's power, it was hard to say.