
My Legendary General System

All these young men chasing harems don’t seem to realize just how much trouble one woman is! - a strangely old looking 25 year old ... Please, officer, I swear he walked into my axe. It wasn't me, truly! ("I'm convinced, Captain...") - testimony from recently released convict ... Instead of stealing my woman, can you steal my wallet? Please... Actually, never mind. I preferred my wallet. - a merchant undergoing a raid

Nick_Alderson · Fantasy
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891 Chs

The Strongest - Part 7

The next fireball came and she was on her feet more quickly now, ready to meet it. The Fire Sprite groaned a roar. It was hard to tell whether it was a pleased or enraged sound. There wasn't much range to it, it was merely deafening noise.

Only at the very last second did Vale attempt to dodge. She tracked the path of the magic all the way through with narrowed eyes, and only at that last second did she allow her feet to decide her course for her.


The fireball went skidding past by the barest hairsbreadth, but then it exploded into the ground just behind Vale, catching her in the back regardless. It wasn't a hard hit, but it was a hit nonetheless.