
My Idle Cultivating System

Hiro died and reincarnated in future.He got a system which was pretty similar to the game which he used to play.Follow the journey of Hiro in Intergalactic war and race to top of world.

Book_Monster · 都市
15 Chs

Using Pills

Host : Yu Hiro

Cultivation Technique : Emperor Cultivation Technique (Origin)

Cultivation Base : First Layer of Foundation

Body Refinement:First layer of Mortal Flesh

Bloodline : ???

Technique : Basic fist technique(80/100) , Basic footwork technique (62/100)

Magic Art :None

Storage : One true beast pill

Points: 1 Spirit stone.

Seeing that True beast pill was placed in system panel ,Hiro turned his attention to System storage.The System Storage was except one grid was taken place by a brown looking pill.He took out it from system panel ,now was the serious question do he use this pill as he used as rest of pills or use method he read in novels.

While Hiro was thinking which method to use system suggested.

'System suggest Host to eat the pill.'

Then, he gritted his teeth and put the pill into his mouth. The faint neutral chi turned into a warm flow that fused into his body. It was like flames burning his body; Hiro's skin went red from all the heat generated by the pill.Suddenly Emperor Cultivation Technique run its own.It began to guide the powerful energy to refine his body and spirit.

The guidance from the cultivation method began to refine his skin and refined his skin.Dead skin receded and his skin became tighter. The cells were renewed and his skin became livelier. It was even emitting a faint glow.

The energy in true beast contained whole lifetime cultivation of the beast so,there was massive Chi.The skin refinement went on for whole evening and beginning of night.

Opening his eyes slowly feeling tremendous power in his body ,Hiro was over the moon.Wanting to know his current progress ,Hiro turned on system panel.

Host : Yu Hiro

Cultivation Technique : Emperor Cultivation Technique (Origin)

Cultivation Base : First Layer of Foundation

Body Refinement:First layer of Mortal Flesh

Bloodline : ???

Technique : Basic fist technique(80/100) , Basic footwork technique (62/100)

Magic Art :None

Points: 1 Spirit stone.

What? All that cultivation and he didn't jump to another layer.And he thought he would soon reach 3rd or 4th layer.

'sshhhh... Why is it so hard to cultivate.'

'Explore has been refreshed.'

Hearing that Explore has been refreshed ,Hiro didn't feel down.'System run Explore.'

'Teleporting host to Westmount Map.'

Suddenly, Hiro felt a shock in his brain, and his consciousness sunk into darkness.When he recovered consciousness again, the insect chirping was gone. What came instead was the fresh smell of grass brushing into his face.

Hiro's heart beat fast, and he opened his eyes.When he saw the familiar grass plain he almost jumped in excitement. Hiro's lips raised up. The purple light flashed across his eyes as he searched the surrounding.

Wolfe ,where are you guys at? But Hiro didn't let his guard down. After all, there were unknown dangers here. He still didn't know how he died last time.

Soon, Hiro saw a giant wolf sun bathing ahead.

It was a bit smaller than the giant wolf yesterday but was still nearly 2 m tall.

Hiro came to a 50-meter range of the wolf, and the wolf raised its ears in vigilance.

When its red eyes saw Hiro, it bared its sharp teeth.

Hiro's mouth spasmed. Why was this thing cute than yesterday.Why did he have erg to pet it.

But he wasn't the same person yesterday. He looked calmly as the wolf charged over. Hiro's eyes went cold. When the giant wolf reached him, he shifted and at the same time, struck a heavy punch on the wolf's neck.


There was a crisp sound and the giant wolf kept falling forward a few meters and kicked its legs a few times before becoming still.

One punch kill.Did he really became Saitama. Hiro raised his lips. He was much stronger than yesterday.


He heard a familiar chime. Something had dropped this time.

Hiro wasn't too excited. Even if a True beat pill dropped,He had first to survive here.

However, when Hiro identified the item that dropped, he was slightly taken aback. "Killed Giant wolf. Discovered Jade."

A system notice popped up. It left Hiro surprised and delighted.Jade were currency that only whales had in his past life.

Then, Hiro started searching again. Soon, he found two more wolf.

One was about the same size as the huge as one yesterday. There was another one who looked liked a twin of the one he just killed.

Seeing Hiro, the two wolfs charged over with red eyes as though they saw beautiful meat lying over.

Hiro dashed and charged up with red eyes too.

They were his cultivation resource.

He dodged the claws of the two wolf. Hiro punched the small one to death and then focused on the huge one.

The huge wolf had a stronger defense than the small one and was also faster. However, Hiro was not the same as yesterday. He struck five punches on the neck and the wolf spasmed as it fell to the ground.

"Killed Qi Gathering creature,Giant Wolf. Discovered True beast pill."

"Killed Qi Gathering creature,Giant Wolf. Discovered True beast pill."

Two Beast pill harvested.

An hour later, Hiro sat panting in the grass. In that hour, he killed two super huge wolf that were larger than yesterday's. He then killed 6 huge wolf and 13 small wolf. He was cruel and merciless!

Including the 2 pills he got from the start, he collected 16 pills in total.And extra 3 Spirit stone.Some wolf didn't even dropped a thing.

This was amazing!

Hiro never stopped smiling. The laborer was the most honorable indeed!

Seeing all these little pills, it should be enough to upgrade his layer by 2 or 3 times right? Hiro's smile froze. His eyes were wide open as he stared into the grass ten meters ahead in disbelief. Sweat was coming down his forehead.

It was a huge dragon that was 10 m tall. Its scale was a pure black color that was very similar to the black hole. It looked smooth and thin. It was definitely a top-level scale.

Hiro sat on the ground and looked at the huge dragon. The dragon also looked at Hiro. The dragon's red eyes shot out a frosty light. It also seemed a little careful as if he had never seen such a living being before.

Their eyes met and they were both dazed.Moments later, it opened its mouth showing its fangs and roared at Hiro.

Should I act dead?

Just when Hiro was thinking about this, the huge dragon seemed to be getting impatient. It shot out a its arm that sliced across the air making screeching sounds. Before Hiro could react, it sliced mercilessly on his chest.

His entire chest seemed to have been cut open like paper.Huge amounts of blood came out.

Ah~ I finally know how I died yesterday…These were his final thoughts before his consciousness sank into darkness.

In the dark room,Hiro who was sitting cross-legged opened his eyes. A painful sensation came from his chest covering him in cold sweat.

'Explore has ended.16 True beast pill ,3 spirit stone and 1 jade stone has been added to storage.'

'Chances to enter Explore has ended.Refresh time has been set to 12 am.After the cool down .Host may enter Explore to plunder drops for cultivation.'

Not listening to system message he was shouting in his mind.

He didn't really die, but it really did hurt.He felt his tears were coming out. He died once a day. It seemed that from now on, he would die every day.

If this continued, would he be used to death?

Hiro felt going mad thinking about this. He rolled around on the bed and put the blanket over him.Hiro sighed. From the looks of that , Hiro was no match for it at all. He should just kill wolfs until he had power.

Although he knew that the dragon would drop great things, his life was more important. Although death wasn't scary, not caring about death is scarier.

Hiro looked at the time, it was twelve. He clearly only stayed in there for an hour or so. Time didn't seem to match.

It seemed he needed to be careful.There were other creatures in Explore.He may or may not have seen all of them.Thinking all the things a small pill appeared in Hiro's hands. He put it in his mouth and started cultivation.

The pill carried intense chi as it entered his mouth. Hiro frowned and began refining his skin.

Soon, an hour or so later, he finished devouring the light orb. Hiro took out another and continued.

After devouring the third pill, Hiro felt that his skin grew very tight. Each skin cell emitted a faint glow. His flesh and blood were completely different from before.


Hiro broke through.He opened his eyes and looked at himself.He felt more powerful and stronger.He looked at the clock, It was only 2, the night was still long. The constant feeling of getting stronger soon mesmerized Hiro. After devouring the pill, he had a lot of stamina.

After eating another pill, this time the scorching energy didn't just flow on his skin but towards his cultivation base.A light feeling from from his base.It was like bathing in sun and his muscle were being massaged.

Pills were devoured one after another. The sky outside the window began to light up red. Birds were still chirping.

Hiro opened his eyes and spat out Dirty chi.

It was then 6 am. After he reached perfection for skin refinement, his devouring speed grew faster. In around four hours, he devoured 7 orbs, but his cultivation layer only reached halfway.

Why was his base so big.He still had 6 pill left. It seemed he wouldn't be able to breakthrough with that.Then he brought system panel.

Host : Yu Hiro

Cultivation Technique : Emperor Cultivation Technique (Origin)

Cultivation Base : First Layer of Foundation

Body Refinement:Second layer of Mortal Flesh

Bloodline : ???

Technique : Basic fist technique(88/100) , Basic footwork technique (66/100)

Magic Art :None

Storage : 6 true beast pill

Points: 4 Spirit stone, 1 Jade stone.

While looking at system panel he noticed that his basic fist technique and footwork has upgraded a little.He felt happy and began to hum.

Just when Hiro was humming , the sound of door knocking came."Young Master,Her majesty wants to see you at training ground after 15 minutes."Ina's cheerful and energetic voice came.