
Strange Morality

Being checked over by a few different people was getting annoying. First it was the police, then it was a teacher, and then some recovery workers. By the time I had woken up from my nap I was almost completely healed. Except for a bruise that covered my stomach and even then that was healing while I was sitting here. At least this encounter made me stronger.

I did get a call from Rumi, though it was very brief. She literally only called to ask if I was healing and hung up. I mean it made sense, not like she needed to even call in the first place. Though I did have to wonder who told her? I mean we were still standing around when she called.

That warp gate guy split everyone up randomly. So people like Erin and Shoto were left to trash the mob villains. I was actually surprised to hear that Erin was by herself and slapped around the villains she was around. While standing around Erin just didn't stop, I felt bad for the cat man who was taking notes.

I could've shut her up, but I was more focused on that fact I had gained knew abilities. I mean I could feel the changes to my muscles and organs, but it was such a strange feeling. After all the tingly feeling from my regeneration sort of outlined my insides. It was very very strange.

"Stop drooling and get in the car Des!" Rumi had taken the time to pick me up. She was still off work and was getting antsy. "Yeah hang on."

"What's up?" "My stomach tingles, I mean its from my regeneration. Except it still tingles." Rumi poked my belly, looking smug. "Does your tummy tingle? Do you want some tummy rubs to make you feel better?"

I frowned, "Please stop."

"Psshh! Yeah okay, let's go." Rumi started up the gas and we began driving away.

-----Erin pov-----

Opening up the door to Principal Nezu's office, Ms.Midnight was standing behind Principal Nezu.

"Hello Sir! You asked me to stay behind?"

"I did and I am sure you know why."

I mean I certainly did, I held down a giggle remembering the USJ events. "Its about the villains right? I guess I did tear them up quite a bit. 'Xcept I did managed to get information out of them. I told the officers eveeeery thing I learned."

Ms.Midnight frowned a bit at my answer... It seemed she was not to happy, even the principal seemed a little off. "Ms.Conners I do agree you were helpful about the USJ, but... I believe we need to revisit your psych evaluation."

"Why I did go against any of the guidelines?" I was a little stumped, I used non-lethal weapons against the villains. I didn't kill any of them. No deadly force was used.

"Ms.Conners!" I looked to Ms.Midnight who seemed a little angry. "It may not be said in the guidelines, but do you not think that Torture! goes against the very essences of a hero?"

Yeah I could see how that would put me in trouble. "Is that why your here Ms.Midnight? You believe I am not suitable and thus you are required to restrain me with your quirk? It would certainly work, but I am not entirely convinced you could stop me doing something you consider bad."

"Calm down Ms.Conners, That isn't why Midnight is here. She is just here to assist me on questions, you know good cop bad cop."

i nodded, that did make sense. "So then you wanted to ask me questions?"

"Yes, such as how were you able to..." Principal Nezu looked at a police report describing what I had done. He must know which weapons I was allowed to bring along with me to the USJ. "Err, Remove the nails of certain a villain during your own interrogation."

I tried to remember which villain I had done that to. Then it hit me... "Oh that lady! Right she had reinforced nails that she used as claws. Super scary! Though her nails weren't strong enough to break steel. Scratch it yeah sure, but Whoa! It was easy! By placing her nails up against on of the secured beam for the fake buildings I could break off her nails from her fingers!" I was about to mention more, but the Ms.Midnight beat me to the punch.

"So you found it possible to keep the nails?" "Of course! I broke them off cleanly and its not like they were still attached to her. They are pretty sturdy too! I though about sewing them into some gloves or something so I could use them as my own claws you know? 'Xcept without the breaking of skin and all that. I'd have to consult Hatsume on it though, I don't know how to sew very well."

"Erin, Its best you don't do that okay?" I nodded at the principal's words. He was probably right after all Hatsume would tell me to do it on my own...

"Erin did you use the same... let's call them claws to physically interrogate the other villians you handled?"

"Oh I tried, but one of them had the ability to create bones from their skin which was a little hard to leave marks on you know? So as he made his skin into bone I just bent his arms at different angles. It wasn't like he could stop me right? After all turning all his skin into bone kind of made him clunky to move. So I just pinned his arms behind him and kept twisting. It worked with his legs too! Though he was pretty much stuck like that until the police came by to help him."

Ms.Midnight gagged and looked away from the document Principal Nezu was looking at. I guess there were pictures, but strange that Ms.Midnight felt sick from it?

"Oh boy...This is gonna take a lot to explain. We have one more before we talk about why doing this is...wrong. Keeping people's quirk related manifestation is certain bad and turning someone into a piece of modern art is not recommended. However Ms.Conners, What possessed you to..."

The principal was struggling to find the right words so I knew which he was referring to. "Well if it is the one I think you are looking at it was fairly easy. He had come across me while I was questioning the the lady villain. He totally freaked out on me and called me some pretty mean names. So I figured vivisecting his throat and tongue was a pretty good method."

"Right, I guess you could call that vivisection..." The principal looked a little sad. No maybe disappointed? Was it because I had caused the man to struggle with speaking now? I guess it could be I mean now the police couldn't interrogate him properly... Not like I got much information out of him anyway.

I wonder if any of the other students have to sit through talks like these? Eh it was probably only the ones with villains for a parent like me... Hmmm at least dad would be proud I am putting my skills to good use!

----A bit of Erin backstory...and Hopefully I will release some more chapters with this one at a timely manner, but it might take a day or two to get them all out, I scheduled them slightly randomly so hopefully nothing is wonky.----