
USJ pt3

Me and Deku ended up getting the monstrous fuckers attention. Ultimately we were able to start stalling. The hand man guy ended up getting pissed though yelling at the Nomu guy to just focus on one of us and get rid of us. Thankfully Mr.Aizawa got him under control. I was pretty sure he was gonna reprimand us though.

Soon enough though, we no longer need to trade fighting the Nomu guy. As I heard from the the doors we enter through be destroyed. "Deku! Clear!"

"What?" "Fucking move you dolt!" I jumped out of the way along with Deku. Though we went to different directions. Almight took out all the small time villains within a few seconds. Making a move to strike the main boss. The Nomu creature blocked the way. While Mr.Aizawa ran over to us. Tsu and Mineta also ran over, "You kids okay?"

"Destiny took a punch from that monster earlier." "I'm fine, probably. Nothing that can't be healed Mr.Aizawa. We can run, you need to hep Almight, that monster has more than one quirk!"

Each of them looked at me, with the same reaction. "What?!?" "I blasted him point blank when he punched me. He regenerated from that, I don't know if Deku used his quirk on that thing, but I punched it as hard as I could and nothing happened. Not too mention the super strength, it has to have more than one quirk."

-----Mc's last name, I don't actually remember it... If I had mentioned a last name tell me.-----

Mr.Aizawa paused, "Shit, that actually makes sense. On second thought Midoriyia and Amashido I want you to be prepared to attack just in case." We stopped running and nodded, Mr.Aizawa made a full turn and ran back to help Almight.

"I guess we get to watch." I started to charge energy just in case. If need be I would blast the villains...Me and Deku watched Almight grab the Nomu guy and prepare to smash him into the ground. However that misty guy came opened a portal. Except the portal suddenly vanished and Almight's attack succeeded.

I heard the Hand man yell out. While The warp gate guy appeared as well and apologized to his boss. "We need to..." I grabbed Deku, "If you plan on running in you will turn into a hostage. Besides... They already have help."

Deku stopped and saw what I pointed to. Shoto, Kacchan and Eijiro showed up. The Nomu guy was frozen while the Warp gate guy was suppressed by Kacchan. How unlucky, "Hey Deku?"

"Huh? Yeah what's..." He stared at me and my likely paling face. "How do you know if you have internal bleeding I think one of my cracked ribs pierced my lung."

"Oh I-I don't, Should I take you to..." "No, not yet, but if I pass out." "R-Right." I figured it was best to make sure Deku knew that I might pass out. Just in case I actually did, however I did drop slightly onto my knees. The Nomu broke free from the ice and started regenerated its lost arm and leg. Mr.Aizawa stood up next to Almight, it seemed they broke into Almight dealing with Nomu. While Mr.Aizawa kept the two other villains in place.

I had to admit, Almight real was fast and powerful. I had to wonder if I could achieve that. How long it would take. One punch from that Nomu guy and my organs were fucked up and my lower ribs were broken. I thankfully had the ability to suppress my pain, but Almight was fighting through the pain. What really was Almight's quirk, honestly? His strength seem too much for his age. Maybe I was just delusional from the everything really.

I hated this, watching this battle...Almight would win, but I felt like shit. Once Almight got started punching the monster with rapid consecutive strikes it started to show that it was working. The monster was reacting and soon after Nomu was sent flying. Unfortunately for Mr.Aizawa I could see him getting grabbed. Ending with him having to back off. Which allowed the two to begin an escape.

I figure it was now or never and raised my hand in a finger gun. Firing a beam of sound it whipped through the air without a sound until it struck him. Sending him backwards into the portal. All the hands latched onto his body were sent flying around. I did get a head shot so he likely had a concussion so that was nice.

I looked over at Deku who seemed pretty shocked I just shot the Hand guy. "Hey Deku, Imma pass out now, don't do anything weird to my body."


"Exactly." I fell over and dropped onto the floor and fell into sleep. I would say it was a nice sleep, 8/10 really...

<Entering Sleep state...Beginning sequence...Activating queued Sub-quirks...Sub-Quirk Grouping and Creation Beginning...

Complete-Quirks: Evolution, Outer-Mind

Newly Acquired:Outer-mind, Quirk Aura, Empathic Pressure, Golden Ratio(---from previous that you didn't get to see---)

Sub-Quirk category enhancements: Muscle Augmentation, Zirconic Bones, Super Regeneration, Dense-Elastic Skin, Energy Infusing reinforcement, Perfected Organs, Acid Blood, 67% Copied Rabbit-Quirk, 32% Copied Frog-Quirk, Hunting Sight, Stockpiling, Energy Weighting, Stockpile Reinforcement, Electoreception, Golden Ratio...

Sub-Quirk category Acquisition: Evolutionary Quirk Coping, Energy Spectrum Absorption, Empathic Pressure, Pure-Progress, Cryptic Animal, Unnatural Enzyme production, Chemosynthesis, Surplus Learning, Quirk Aura...

Sub-Quirk category Survival:Dormancy revival, Hyper Curative Immune System, Ageless Genetics, Fire Resistance Minor, Energy Storage Stockpile, Energy Sustaining, Energy Expel, Major Pain Suppression, Sub-Quirk Stealthing, Major Drug resistance, Addiction Immunity, Dead Sleep, Mental Resistance Minor, Self-sustaining cycle...

Sub-Quirk category Exposure: Anti-gravity Exposure, Toxic Saliva, Venomous spit, Tardigrade resistances...

{Quirk Aura: Things within the aura can be felt, acts as a 6th sense. Can be used in conjunction with other quirks to create substantial and new effects.}

{Empathic Pressure: upgraded from Touch Amplification and suppression, Can control ones own emotions. Can be used to check and manipulate other people's emotions. Can create a pressure of emotion to effect others emotions.}

{Golden Ratio: With perfect form and body. The person's body is the golden ratio muscle.}

{Series of upgraded quirks, Ideal Enhanced Organ Structures---> Perfected Organs, Complete-Cellular Regeneration---> Super Regeneration, Muscle redefinition---->Muscle Augmentation, Enhanced Bone Density---->Zirconic Bones}

{Shock Repulsion changed to Kinetic Absorption, Kinetic Absorption fused with Energy Spectrum Absorption. Kinetic Absorption only works on immediate contact and has a set absorption amount that must be raised through training. Piercing or slicing injuries are harder to absorb the energy from.}

Sub-quirk creation complete...>

----I forgot to put this here, so here's the updated chapter. I am currently trying to sort out personal life matters like College, Driver's license, and some mental health problems. So I am changing the schedule to mass releases of chapters. So a series might take 1-2 weeks to update now, but I will try to write several chapters for that series. My more favorite series-es will actually receive more constant updates probably. However the schedule might also just be effect on how much am i thinking of that specific series.-----