
Internship pt4

It was the third day of the internship. So far everything was going pretty well. Technobbable was a tad frustrated from yesterday because he couldn't find the serial arsonist who kept burning down random buildings. They lit up nearly 7 different buildings most of which were just abandoned. It was pretty funny to hear him curse over our communications.

I also stopped a purse robber which was kind of depressing. The guy literally tripped when running and his pants ripped when he tried to pull away from me. Technobabble really only sent me to easy situations. Right now I was flicking through my phone as I headed to a place Technobabble had sent me.

----This means over a radio or phone. "^Example^"------

"^Hey kid stop getting distracted this one is important.^"

"I get it, I get it. Except there's a live stream from an incident in Hosu. Can you look at it?"

"^Uhhh, I might already be doing that. Look I'll tell you the interesting details once your done okay.^"

I picked up the pace running to a street that had some high buildings. "What is this another burning building?"

Technobabble didn't answer and when I was about to repeat my question he spoke. "^Nothing like that, a uhhh middle schooler is threaten suicide. There is actually a few heroes trying to talk the kid down along with some of the police. Except they aren't making progress. If he does jump they can save him easily, but in situations like this its best to give the kid a heart to heart.^"

I froze up, "Why are am I going then? I don't think I will be much help..."What did Technobabble expect from me with this? What could I say that others haven't already?

"^Don't worry Finch, trust me. It'll give you some character development and if the kid jumps well it will scar you for life. In all seriousness heroes help in situations like this because they are treat as role models. Except sometimes a softer touch is needed you need to learn how to do that.^"

I sighed running faster. A softer touch, that made no sense. I wasn't any older then this kid. Not to mention depending on this kids reason I would be the worst type of person to help. I reached a crowd of people and I pulled out my ID and a smaller Walkie-Talkie so Technobabble could speak to the people.

"Hey Whoa there! Who are you..." A police officer stood in my path. I threw my ID and the Walkie-Talkie at him. Running over to the building. A few people tried to grab me, but the officer had followed me waving them off. He was speaking into the Walkie-Talkie and I heard the echo into my ear buds.

The officer grabbed my shoulder, "Hey Darwin's Finch right? At least have some patience. Personally this is stupid...but You are working for a hero who has a decent head on his shoulders. Be-careful and if you need a megaphone we can give you one."

"^Eh? Look at this guy calling me smart, I'm blushing.^"

I ignored Technobabble in my ear and spoke over him. "I actually have no idea of what he expects from me. I don't have confidence in this... and I don't think I will need a megaphone."

"Alright uhhh can I call you Finch?" I nodded, "Alright then Finch, look I assume you mentor expects you to connect with the kid since you are also a student. If the boy jumps we can save him so don't be worried. Since he is in no real danger here you got your chance to try and talk him down. Honestly we have been at this for an hour and the kid hasn't jumped yet so we want to try and get the kid down peacefully."

"Why don't you just pull him down?" The officer looked a little wary, "His quirk won't allow anyone close. A hero tried to grab him earlier, but... he fell asleep."

That made more sense, "Is his family nearby?"

The officer shook his head, "No we have been trying to track them down. Though with your mentor, that shouldn't take much longer." The police officer gave me a shove, "Good luck Finch."

I stepped over to where others stood. I inspected the area. It seemed two of the officer's had quirks to save the kid from falling. The kid was on the roof of a 3 story building. How was I suppose to do this? I guess first things first get the boy's attention.


Everyone jumped slightly at me yelling. I guess it was a little loud... However it got the middle schooler's attention.

"Taekahashi! What do you want!"

"To talk! What else! Can I come up there!"

Taekahashi looked down and then behind him. "No, I barricaded the roof!"

I looked at the people around, and I got some glares, but I shrugged. "So if I can get up there without enter through the building can I come up!"

Taekahashi shook his head, "No I'll put you to sleep! Go away or I'll Jump!"

I sighed, "Its been an hour if you wanted to jump you would've! So can I come up to talk? So we don't have to yell?"

Taekahashi frowned slightly and a few heroes gave me death glares. The police officer who spoke to Technobabble just sighed. Even Technobabble was laughing through my earbuds. I gestured with my arms out.

"F-Fine just don't get near me or I'll put you to sleep!"

I stepped against the wall and it gave me leverage. I slowly climbed up the brick wall and pulled myself up onto the corner of the roof. I wasn't near the kid and he stood closer to the ledge. I rotated and sat down.

"Taekahashi I'll just go ahead and say it, I'm just an intern. So not much is being expect of me here."

"They think someone closer to my age will talk me down. I can read your thoughts..."

"Then you know I'm not lying when I say by standing up you are less likely to land on your head when you jump. So sit down with me."

Taekahashi stood still, I didn't know if he actually could read my mind. If it was anything like my emotional sense I could understand it. It was a common ability... Taekahashi spoke, "It's telepathy... I can hear your complete surface level thoughts."

"Ah, that's not bad. Would be a great quirk for the Public Security Intelligence Agency of Japan."

"Y-you don't need to say the entire name."

I shrugged, Taekahashi sat down with me. I had to wonder why he didn't talk to the heroes or police like this.

"That's because you don't think you can do it... They think they can, because its their job...."

"Ah, that's fair. How do you put people to sleep?" He looked at me as I kicked my feet against the building.

"By pinching their Brain Stem they black out when I do that. Why don't you care I can read your thoughts?"

"Huh? Oh it likely won't last long. My quirk will either give me an resistance to it or some kind of second hand thing." Thought thinking about the resistance is likely the better effect. Last time my quirk evolved my brain I was pretty out of it.

"I suppose if you don't have to worry about it in the future you wouldn't care in the present."

I shrugged, "Everyone has secrets they want to keep. I assume your up here because of something like that? Kids avoided you at school or something?"

I hit the nail on the head with that one when I watched his emotions flicker around. Taekahashi nodded along, "Yeah something like that."

I scratched the back of my head, "So then why this? If you waited an hour here you likely aren't gonna jump. Whether because you don't want to die or you aren't at a low enough point in your life for this. I don't know what to say to you, but..."

I thought about what to say. Taekahashi solved that for me though. "I wanted to be actor, like my idol. Except like you said everyone has their secrets. I meet him a week ago, my idol...His thoughts didn't match his words, and after I overheard my mom talk about it. Well you can figure it out from there."

I nodded unfortunately that was just more ammo for people to spit back at him. He likely knew that too. "Why not just use it? If some kid harasses you over it or..."

"A teacher calls me a cheater?"

I smiled, "Just make something up, If you have a teacher saying you are cheating. Ask them if their degree is real. After all they did cheat all through high school math. What are they gonna do? Disprove you?"

"I could get suspended..."

"Then bluff some more, honestly I can't see a downside with it. If you get caught lying? Well are you actually reading their minds then? If they believe you and you aren't caught well the person is embarrassed or worse. Now I don't mean to say hurt people with their secrets, but well... My middle school class literally tried to kill me because I was a bully."

There was a lot more to it then that, but Taekahashi understood what I meant. "I see, so even if they do suspend me for back talk or lying...It would be the school that is in the wrong. I-I think I want to be a lawyer..."

That was a quick leap and I had no idea how he got there, but he seemed happy. "I can literally know if people are innocent or not! I can literally be a human lie detector! Now how do we get down..."

Huh... Well at least everything was fine. I felt a little warm, Though I can't say I actually did much.

------Okay so this whole chapter is a reference to something. A cliche of sorts, if you know it. : ) if you don't ah well. In the end this chapter is set up. Also MHA literally saying no one has telepathy... 7 - 7 yeah right fucking Ragdoll literally having search as a quirk. Just wanted to dunk a bit of salt, hope you enjoyed!-----

Taekahashi's quirk-Big Brain: Has a highly developed brain, more advance then any normal human brain. Granting abilities such as telekinesis and even the ultra rare telepathy.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts