
My Hero Academia: Thunder God

He is the world's most powerful user of thunder and lightning abilities. Having mastered numerous thunder-based techniques such as Raikiri, Thunder Armor, and the Heavenly Cloud Sword, he is revered far and wide as the "Thunder God." His abilities range from basic electrical charges to the legendary "Heaven's Thunder," a power so formidable that it's considered the strongest lightning ability, even immortalized in textbooks. However, he's neither a righteous Hero nor a malevolent Villain. He is simply Kaminari Denki, walking a precarious path, one as narrow as a single-plank bridge. If given the choice, he would move forward without hesitation, as long as there is still someone in this world that he holds dear. And so, everything begins with the song "Only My Railgun"... Super Electromagnetic Gun. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 我的英雄学院之雷神 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · 漫画同人
45 Chs

Chapter 22: Encounter

"Hero" is a hit, a total hit!

Kaminari had gained some level of fame. While not a nationwide superstar, he had carved out a name for himself, especially in the small circles of Saitama Prefecture. He was a recognizable figure, at least enough to be considered a local star.

As he stood on the subway, he noticed several boys and girls with their phones out, aiming their cameras at him.

"You know, you really are a star. I never noticed it before..."

Tetsutetsu, standing beside him, couldn't help but glance enviously at the excited group of girls nearby who were too shy to approach.

Though rough around the edges, Tetsutetsu was still a teenager, and like most boys, he couldn't completely ignore his interest in pretty girls.

"By the way, have you been ignoring Japanese MTV completely?" he asked Kaminari.

Kaminari, ever the charmer, kept his smile intact while waving to the middle school girls. After hearing their soft gasps of admiration, he signed his name for them and posed for a quick photo.

Well, he was aiming to be a big star after all. Gotta start building the fan base young, he thought. Though it also caught the attention of a few confused adults who didn't recognize him.

Well, getting surrounded was just part of being a star. Just gotta get used to it… yeah, just gotta get used to it.

"Ah, music, huh? I used to listen to some... but not anymore," Tetsutetsu replied, rubbing his nose awkwardly as the lingering scent of the girls' perfume made him feel a little self-conscious.

The girls, after excitedly taking their first-ever photo with a celebrity, returned to their seats, still giggling and sneaking glances at Kaminari, whispering amongst themselves.

Still smiling, Kaminari asked, "So, what have you been up to lately?"

"I've been working on that technique you showed me," Tetsutetsu began, sounding a bit proud. "The moment I got home, I went straight to the garden in my apartment complex and started practicing. I've been—"

But before Tetsutetsu could finish, Kaminari interrupted, frowning slightly. "Didn't I tell you? It isn't something you can master in a short time. Don't focus all your effort on it."

"I know, I know. But listen!" Tetsutetsu insisted. "I'm not just practicing that. A couple days ago, I joined a judo gym! I've been training with Sensei Daimon!"

"Judo?!" Kaminari blinked, surprised. He looked Tetsutetsu up and down, then said thoughtfully, "Honestly, with your personality and Quirk, you'd probably be better off training in karate or maybe even Chinese Bajiquan."

"Really?" Tetsutetsu grinned, though his enthusiasm for judo didn't waver in the slightest. "But I kinda like judo. The throws and grapples are pretty cool!"

Of course, he wouldn't mention that right now he was the one being thrown around every day. But he believed that soon enough, he'd be the one tossing people left and right. Maybe he'd even try it on Kaminari!

"Alright, as long as you're enjoying it," Kaminari shrugged. For someone like Tetsutetsu, physical, strength-based combat styles seemed like a perfect fit. But in the end, everyone has their own preferences. Kaminari could only wish him success.

By now, it was already February 26th, and the Shinkansen they were riding was speeding toward U.A. High School in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Since Shizuoka was a bit far from Saitama City, the journey took nearly an hour, even by high-speed train. To pass the time, Kaminari played one of his new songs for Tetsutetsu, thinking he'd enjoy it.

Sure enough, as soon as Tetsutetsu finished listening, he grabbed the headphones and started looping the track. Kaminari had guessed right, he was into that kind of rock music, full of passion, struggle, and fighting spirit.

Though he didn't seem to care much for Kaminari's "Only My Railgun" ... Well, to each their own, Kaminari thought. Personal tastes couldn't be forced.

And so, the two fifteen-year-old boys passed the time. Tetsutetsu sat engrossed in the music while Kaminari casually chatted with the girls on the train. They both enjoyed the trip, though Tetsutetsu occasionally cast a complicated look in Kaminari's direction.

One hour, or sixty minutes—3,600 seconds, to be precise passed quietly, and soon the train arrived. Kaminari and Tetsutetsu stepped off the Shinkansen at their destination.

Well, Kaminari did leave with a few new fans. Three more, to be exact.

It was 8:25 AM, thirty-five minutes before the start of U.A.'s practical entrance exam. According to the map, the school was only a six-minute walk from the station.

So, the two weren't in any rush. They strolled leisurely toward U.A., taking in the sights of Shizuoka. Along the way, they spotted other students, all wearing different middle school uniforms, heading in the same direction. Clearly, these were fellow candidates for the exam.

All competitors, Kaminari thought to himself.

Both Kaminari and Tetsutetsu were also wearing their old middle school uniforms, as per U.A.'s request. It seemed the school wanted its candidates to present themselves as students.

This made Kaminari a little nostalgic. He had thought he'd never wear a school uniform again, but now that he was, he realized he'd grown somewhat attached to it over the past three years.

"We're here."

Soon, Kaminari and Tetsutetsu, along with candidates from all over Japan, reached the gates of U.A. High School—gates they had only seen on TV before.

"The Heroic Protective Wall!"

A massive gate made from a mysterious alloy. According to rumors, not even a main battle tank could take it down.

The gate was open now, welcoming the candidates. Signs reading "U.A. High School" and "Entrance Exam Venue" hung beside it.

Some candidates had already arrived, entering either alone or in pairs. The atmosphere was tense and quiet.

"It's about to begin. The big exam with an acceptance rate of 300 to 1," Kaminari muttered to himself as he stepped through the gates. Even with his laid-back personality, he couldn't shake a bit of nervousness. After all, this was a huge moment for him.

"I heard they're only accepting forty students out of over a thousand applicants..." Tetsutetsu muttered, his face tight with anxiety.

In front of them were three large red doors. Only the one marked with a "2" was open, with a sign beside it indicating it was the briefing room for the exam.

Just as Kaminari and Tetsutetsu were about to head over, a sharp voice broke the silence from behind them.

"Move aside, weakling!"

"Get out of my way, or I'll crush you!"

The harsh tone echoed through the otherwise quiet area. Kaminari and Tetsutetsu, along with the rest of the crowd, turned to see who it was.

A second later, everyone turned back, going about their business. It was just some loud greeting between friends, though the approach was a bit... intense.

Kaminari did the same, but for some reason, his eyes lingered on a flustered green-haired boy who seemed rattled by the encounter.

"Let's go, Kaminari," Tetsutetsu said, curling his lip in mild disdain. He wasn't fond of people who got so easily shaken up. How could someone like that hope to be a pro hero?

"Yeah, let's go," Kaminari nodded, but there was an odd feeling nagging at him... Maybe it was just the nerves from the upcoming test?

But just as they began to climb the steps toward the red door, a voice called out behind them.

"Kaminari Denki!"


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