
The obstacle race

"Contestants! Take your positions!"

Hearing Midnight's voice all the students got tense and looked towards the signal that just lit up.

"All right, looks like it's time to get into the game."

"Oh, Shun is about to get serious. That is not a sight that one sees quite often....It's honestly making me even more excited."

"Itsuka, don't think much of what I am going to do to you in a moment and just focus on the race."

"Huh? What are yo- Wahh!?!?"

"BEGIN!!!!" shouted Midnight and immediately all the students started running.....or atleast tried to. They just got stuck amongst each other with none of them being able to get out.

"STAND DOWN BITCHES!!!" yelled Shun who jumped up with blue aura coming out of his body and Itsuka in his hands in a princess carry totally flustered about what was happening.

Blasting forward with a burst of kinetic energy through the soles of his feet Shun shot forward along with Itsuka reaching the entrance of the track in no time.

"You are on your own now, annoying seat neighbour." said Shun as he dropped off Itsuka at the front and then landed outside the with blue aura coming out of his body.

"OOH! The first one to come out is the wonder boy of 1-A Shun Kazami!!!"

Yelling out loud Present Mic and the audience got excited seeing Shun who was covered in his blue aura.

"Gotta win this race and earn that money!" said Shun as he looked back towards the entrace and saw a wave of ice coming towards him.

"Not today Shoto."

Turning back to look forward Shun's expression changed to a determined one as immediately cracks appeared on the ground and Shun's body bolted forward at a ridiculous speed.

"Shun Kazami is heading forward at incredible speed! He is already halfway to the first obstacle! Now there comes out Shoto Todoroki! The boy who is hot and cool at the same time!"

"Finish first get the money. Finish first get the money. Forget the villains who will be keeping an eye on me after today's event. They don't know that I am holding back.....What the hell?!?!?!" said Shun as he noticed a lot of huge green robots in front of him.

"Careful there, we now have our first obstacle. ROBO INFERNO!!!!" declared Present Mic as he saw Shun who appeared as a blue blur running towards the robots.

"Really? You guys are using this outdated junk?" asked Shun.

"Now I know why those folks at I-island started manufacturing these again."

Shun who looked at the huge robots with a disappointed look on his face immediately jumped to the side as he saw a huge metallic fist coming towards him.

"Yeah, it's slow. As it was before."

Jumping onto of the robot's arm Shun ran up to the top of robot's head without stopping or hesitating and started jumping off from one robot head tothe other.

"Woah!! Participant Shun is jumping off those robots as if he is out on a walk!! And the most amazing thing is I don't even know if that's true 'cause all I can see is just a blue blur. That's seriously cool!!! Yeah!!!"

Ignoring the overly excited Present Mic Shun, who was on top of the last robot shot forwad with a burst of kinetic energy and soon landed back on the ground.


"Haha see that! That out there is my grandson!!"

Sorahiko who was witnessing Shun from the VIP box had a proud and excited smile on his face and bragged about him to some of his friends he met in the VIP room.

"Your grandson is really something else Sorahiko. Totally amazing. By the way what is his quirk?" asked one of the men who were talking to Sorahiko.

"Sorry Shinji, but that is something I can't tell. Shun really don't like that sort of information to be told to others."

"Hey Sorahiko, how about having your grandson join our agency once he-"

All the bussinesmen and other people who were in the room started to move closer to the short old man with expectant looks on their faces.

"...Shun really is getting popular. What do you think about him Kaguya-sama?"

"He certainly is an amazing fellow, someone who would definitely be an asset to the Shinomiya conglomerate. By the way Hayasaka, wasn't he the one whom you were talking to earlier?"


"How do you him? And what kind of person is he?"

"Well I don't know much, we talk online sometimes and we had a couple of dates together so....I can say that he is good person."

"Oh really in th-.....wait did you just said you had a couple of dates with him!!!!!"

Kaguya who just got a sudden revelation looked towards Hayasaka with a shocked look with a blush on her cheeks.

"Yes, but we are not dating. It's not what you are thinking about." said Hayasaka as she looked back at her master without any change in her experience, though I'm the inside she was laughing seeing the flustered look on Kaguya's face.

'I expected that she would react that way.....But still he is getting more amazing and mysterious the more I meet him.' thought Hayasaka as she looked at the blue blur running through the field.'

'Hmm? What happened?'

"Oh!! Shun Kazami the one who was in lead suddenly stopped running and in now just standing still....no looks like he is out of breath!!!" announced Present Mic.


'Well can't let the hostile ones think that I am too problematic to deal with. So let's have them notice the little weakness that is totally not being made up by me.' thought Shun who stopped using his quirk and stood still.

He then turned back and saw that the others were just about to reach the first obstacle and sighed.

"What all I do to not show off my capabilities....Still money is important so let's just wait for another 5 seconds."

And just as he said after five seconds he used his quirk once again and started speeding up towards the second obstacle.

"Oh come on! Really? Are they even trying?" said Shun as he saw the huge pit with a lot of platforms commected by ropes.

"Shun Kazami is back in the game!!! And looks like he is on his way to the second obstacle! THE FA- HE HAS ALREADY CLEARED IT!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS AMAZINGLY CRAZY KID!!!" yelled Present Mic as he stood up from his seat and looked at the blue blur who just jumped of from platform and continued to run without even thinking much.

"Well, I am just badass." said Shun as he shrugged his shoulders and looked back to see where the others were.

"Oh no they are far too behind....oh well time to take a break." said Shun as he stopped running once again and deactivated his quirk.

He then started to take deep breaths pretending to be tired and soon started running once again.

"Shun Kazami is back once again...and once again I can only see a blur, Say yeah if you guys are the same as me, YEAH!!!"


"What about you my buddy, can you see him?" asked Mic as he looked at Aizawa.

"Shut up I am trying."

"OH!!! Shun Kazami who is now at the final obstacle with am amazing lead!!!"


"Oh even Katsuki is cheering me?" said Shun with a smile as he chuckled just imagining how mad must Bakugo be looking right now.

"So the last obstacle is a mime field... customize create scan." said Shun as he used customize create on the area and easily found out the position of the mines.

"Now we are at the final obstacle and very close to the finish line. But watch your steps, cause you are now stepping in a MINE FIELD!!!"

"Watch my step huh....let's get crazy and go upto 40% just showing 35% was getting a bit disrespectful....of me."

"Oh even participant Shun is careful around this obstacle!" announced Present Mic as he saw Shun stop in front of the mine field with his aura still surrounding his body.

"I am totally going overboard over a small competition....and I am totally enjoying it....a bit."

Dashing forward at full speed Shun ran straight towards the finish lime totally ignoring the mimes that came under his foot.

"What the hell!!!"

"This is what happens when you are too fast." said Shun who appeared at the other side of the mine field in an instant and then widely opened his arms.


"A flashy and cool background explosion."

Looking back towards the mime field Shun smiled and then slowly walked towards the finish line.

Walking out of a dark path Shun appeared into the stadium once again with a smile on his face.

"The winner of the obstacle race is none other than the amazing wonder boy of 1-A, SHUN KAZAMI!!!"


"I can already feel the money that will be coming to me." said Shun as he stopped and turned around.

"Today is something really crazy.... Izuku you came in second!! That's awesome!"

"S-S-Shun-san t-thanks. You were amazing as well. If not for you walking the rest of the way after the final obstacle you would be here much earlier."

"I know that and it would have been boring(and too much of a show off) if I came in much earlier. Now then if you excuse, oh Katsuki~" said Shun as he walked towards Bakugo who was looking way too pissed by the results.