
Meeting with the youngest Todoroki

After Shun made the new apartment, he and Sorahiko were busy with the paperwork and all. They were also busy comparing the prices of various apartments to choose one for theirs.

Shun also shifted all the stuff that was in his room in the new underground workshop, while also setting up furniture in one of the apartments for living purpose. Though most of it was Chiyo's stuff since she would be living with him on weekends or whenever there was no need for her to go to UA.

Shun invited Melissa over when she asked him to show her the buildings he built, including the underground workshop and there she met with Itsuka and Nejire who too came to see the apartment building.

Once the three of them gathered together, Shun felt something unsettling there and decided to be a good boy and let the three girls to get to know each other better...while he went to give Rumi a personal tour.

Unaware of what Shun was doing the three girls got to 'know eachother better'. In the end Shun sent Rumi back by teleporting her and did the same with Melissa as well. The other two Nejire and Itsuka asked for a few details about how he knew Melissa, since she 'mistakingly' told them that he was the first out of the three of them who met Shun and had probably spent the most time with him as well. since he visits her place from time to time.

Keeping all that aside there was another thing that surprised Shun a lot..... apparently the green haired quirkless boy whom Shun met during the slime tentacle incident was taken in by All Might to be his successor and this pissed him off by a whole lot.

Not because he didn't get to be his successor and get his quirk, not by a long shot. To Shun it doesn't matter whether he given his quirk to a total stranger of even an animal, that quirk though cool and powerful had a lot of negatives such as getting you back targeted by the strongest villains who want that power for themselves and what not. The thing that pissed him off was the fact that the two of them were messing with the treasure trove of parts at the dump yard beach, where Shun would get a lot of materials for free.

Once All Might saw him fixing the broken appliances to make them totally new and selling them he immediately stopped him and prohibited him from doing so again.....there goes another source of his income.

Though Shun was Shun, no way he was going to follow that order and still fixed and sold some of the goods from time to time but the quantity decreased by a lot since he didn't want All Might to get suspicious of him.

Just like that time passed and currently Shun was standing in front of UA highschool where the students who have got recommendation from someone would be giving their entrance exams.

"Listen Shun, don't hold back and crush them all." said Sorahiko with an excited look on his face. He came along with him to see how the other children of his grandson's age were compared to him.

"Yeah, and reveal all my abilities to them, no thanks I will just do the bare minimum to be at the first spot." said Shun.

"....That's fine as well, but don't you dare go easy on anyone." said Sorahiko as he shrugged his shoulders, according to him if Shun holds back against the other it means that he the way he prepared and trained him was better than the others.

Suddenly Shun's phone stared ringing as he looked at the screen.

"Hm...hello...yes Natsu...yeah I am giving the recommendation exam.....a red and white haired emo looking kid.....yes there is one like that.....sure." said Shun as he looked towards Sorahiko and said, "I will be going then, bye."

"Bye, best of luck. I will be with Recovery girl in the observation room." said Sorahiko as he walked away.

Shun then ran towards the red and white emo looking kid and asked in the phone, "What is his name?....Shoto? Ok."

"Hey Shoto Todoroki, right?" asked Shun as he patted the boy's shoulder.

"...Yes?" said the boy as he turned around and looked at Shun with a scoul on his face.

"Your brother Natsu wants to talk with you." said Shun as he passed his phone to him.

The emo boy's scowl lessened a bit at that as he looked at Shun with a curious look before taking the phone from him.

"Hello?....Natsu, if you wanted to talk, then call on my pho-...oh it's at home....yeah, thanks...no he is not with me. Probably doing some hero work.....don't worry I will pass. Bye." said the boy as he returned the phone to Shun.

"Done....ok thanks see you next week then...ok I understand." said Shun as he ended the call and started walking away.

"...Wait..." said Shoto as he stared intently at Shun.

"Do you know Natsu?" asked Shoto.

"Hmm, yeah. I mean we are friends for quite a few years now, your sister Fuyumi-nee as well." said Shun as he looked towards the boy.

"Best of luck for the exams. It's starting now, so let's talk later." said Shun as he walked towards the building where the written exam would be taking place.

Shot looked at Shun for a while before he looked away and followed the other students who were entering the building.