
Combat training! damn shinobis

'jab, jab, hook... is that a feint? damn-' I was once again hit in the chest by Edgeshot's punches, taking a deep breath I focused on Edgeshot's stance. 'he's going to lunge!' seeing his ankles flex I dashed to the side and aimed a hook to his side only for it to be dodged easily. Damn shinobis 

Edgeshot's training was very forward, fight until you get better, we were fighting nonstop for 30 minutes already and I have to admit that it was working pretty well.

'hook, jab, jab, that's a feint!' I quickly reacted and instead of blocking I parried and hit his stomach, finally managing to get a hit in I felt proud of myself.

"Good job, now faster." With no time to prepare he began attacking even faster, jabs became blurs hooks became unblockable and feints were unrecognizable, fortunately, I finally memorized the pattern he fights with quickly analyzing I noticed he tries to get me to block more than dodge

'jab, jab, hook, jab hook again, this one is a feint!' I prepared myself for the real hit and- 'huh?' the pattern changed, getting a rough hook to my side I finched breaking my defense and making him chain attacks to my chest and neck.

"Don't rely on patterns to predict your enemy, everyone fights differently" That's right! I got used to how Edgeshot fights, if I fight a real villain he'll obviously be different. Instead of relying on my intuition, I tried to actually analyze, I tried to understand how each attack he sent worked.

And then it clicked like the world slowing down his movements became clear, my blocks, parries, and counterattacks became more fluid, I reacted to every attack, my lungs burning from exhaustion but I wasn't stopping. 'Patten changed again' But this time it didn't affect me, adapting I changed my flow to match

"Very good," I could tell Edgeshot was smiling behind his mask, suddenly he sped up, again and again. his speed became almost inhuman but suddenly I was hit in the stomach

'how? none of his hand touched me' I looked down to see a kick blowing me back to the edge of the rooftop.

"Next level, kicks. Use your whole body to attack, your legs aren't just for walking and running" Edgeshot said while changing his stance, instead of a rigid defense his legs hopped back and forth, agility it is.

And thus we began to spar again, this time he fought with both fists and legs, he swung his legs when his fists missed and swung his fists when his legs missed. 

Hit after hit began to tear me down, blocking his attacks hurting my forearms, and my breath started to become unsteady. 

"Why aren't you kicking?" He suddenly asked me a question making me lose concentration, getting hit again I fell onto the floor


"I'm kicking but you aren't" He suddenly stopped the spar, relaxing his posture 

"Use your legs, if you keep blocking nothing will happen" I suddenly remembered a moment in the anime when Midoriya finally figured out he could use his legs, I was confused as to why it took him 3 seasons to finally figure that out.

Before I could answer Edgeshot suddenly flew away, looking at him fold himself into the window I felt a little jealous. 'I wish I could do something cool like that... wait' I remembered teleportation, If I could use my power I would've beat Edgeshot right?

Edgeshot returned and threw a water bottle at me.

"Drink, rest, and we'll continue once you're ready," He sat down next to me looking at the scenery, he wasn't a man of many words but I guess it fits his persona

"Hey, If I used my quirk I could've won right?" I asked between gulps, I was curious how powerful Edgeshot would be going all out.

"No. if I went all out you would be dead," he said with a deadpan expression, number 5th top hero... makes sense 

"You aren't ready to fight with our quirks, build your foundation first" He continued, standing up he began stretching, he was surprisingly flexible, damn shinobis.

without further conversation, I stood up and took a stance again, this time I got ready to incorporate kicks into my attacks. As soon as I took my stance he lunged at me 'jab, jab, hook, uppercut, kick!' I dodged the first kick, but Edgeshot rotated 360 and went for another axe kick hitting me in the shoulder.

I noticed he didn't aim for my head or face, luckily I don't have to suffer from concussions or broken noses. I began counter-attacking, In the beginning, my moves were simple, a jab or a hook but now I kicked in between hits from blindspots, and I started to push Edgeshot back. Feeling ecstatic I sped up and hit more and more, some attacks were dodged and blocked but I still got hits in.

"Interesting" He muttered as he was pushed back, he somersaulted back and observed me carefully.

"Your attacks are inhumanly fast... Superhuman almost" He rubbed his chin while dodging, I was taken aback as suddenly Edgeshot dodged almost every attack! Damn shinobis.

Before I was pushing Edgeshot back, now he's pushing me back. His attacks were even faster! now not holding back he aimed for my face, my knees, joints, and anywhere that wasn't defended well would be struck.

As Edgeshot went for a 360 kick I suddenly got a devious idea, as his legs reached for my chin I held onto his calf and my knee aimed straight for his family jewels. 'I'm sorry for your next generations'

"While this is a spar, I'd like myself to be in one piece" I suddenly heard his voice from behind me, looking at my leg as it struck the air.

"You used your quirk! not fair!" 

"That move was smart, but remember only to use it in real fights and when you can guarantee you wouldn't get hit" 

"Let's go back, tomorrow you'll have a day free, the rest of the week we'll continue training" Edgeshot disappeared into smoke appearing inside his office. Damn Shinobis!

I teleported back into his office and laid on his sofa, Egdeshot began to look at random papers and type on his desktop, not a drop of sweat on his body.

"There's an icepack in the storage room, you can use it"

"Thanks" I groaned as I stood up, my whole body aching. Entering his storage room it looked rather plain, paper, pencils, pens, and first aid kits. Picking up an icepack from the cooler I suddenly noticed something in the corner of the room

'Huh...? is that..' I noticed 3 plushies hidden away in the corner, a plushie of himself, Mountain Lady, and All Might all 3 of them having a cat-like expression with their mouth like an upside-down V.

"So he's a collector huh?" I noticed that the All Might plushie was a limited edition Neko-Might, it was only sold for 3 weeks 4 years ago, it even came with the Neko-silver keychain.

Exiting the storage closet I had a teasing smile on my face as I pressed the icepack to my chin.

"Did you have any trouble? it took you a while to exit," Edgeshot asked while still typing on the computer, my grin only got bigger.

"Nothing nothing! I was just reviewing your Neko-plush collections, although small they're quite pricy in today's selling value" I chuckled as Edgeshot flinched, his finger momentarily stopped

"Ahem, I only had the mountain lady plush at the release date..." he scratched his cheek and continued

"But I had to get the Edgeshot one, for publicity you know..." He averted his gaze in embarrassment.

"You Definitely needed the limited edition silver Neko-Might right? For publicity, ya'know the one worth 60k yen... pfft" Seeing Edgeshot's serious persona melt away I couldn't help but laugh

"Shut up.... anyway you don't have to come tomorrow, I have a commissions meeting and you can't come, confidential" He changed the topic, now that I think about it tomorrow is the Hosu incident right...? feeling the connection to the smoke I left at Hosu I tucked it away close to the alleyway I think hero-killer would show up.

"Sure sure Commision meeting, not some plushie convention right?" I heard Edgeshot's teeth grit, I quickly left the office afraid I would have to spar again

Looking at the sky I noticed it was evening already, we sparred for much longer than expected. I got to the train station and headed back to Musutafu, walking the way back home.


"I'm back...." I opened the door to my home, I felt all the exhaustion from today hit me like a truck, I made my way to the dinner table following the smell of food.

"Welcome home! I already prepared dinner just sit down" I heard my mom say from the kitchen as I melted into the chair.

"So, you how's work studies doing for you? you picked Edgeshot right? he was my Idol once" My father asked while sipping on his 3rd cup of coffee, his being overworked is an understatement.

"It's tiring, I had to train all day! Damn Shinobis" I complained

"Well, you're a trainee hero now! soon you'll be just like mom! retire after 6 years hehe" Suddenly both of us felt chills run down our spine, father spat out his coffee as his hands shook violently.

"Food is ready~~~" My mother exited the kitchen with a chilling smile. she served us Fish with vegetables and rice (A/N: I have no idea how Japanese eat their dinner...)


Putting some in my mouth I was surprised by the flavor 'damn spicy' I felt my tongue tingle but it was so delicious I didn't mind

"It's so spicy! I feel as if my mouth is on fire!" My father suddenly screamed as he forcibly chewed on his food.

"uhh... it's because it is" Seeing actual flames exit his mouth I glanced at my mother whose smile got even more chilling

"I'll eat in my room thanks for the food..." I tried rushing to my room but I felt as if my legs turned to ice.

"Let's eat together as a family" I gulped down as my mother's murderous eyes were aimed at me, Bakugo has nothing against my mother, she's a straight-up menace.


I returned to my room after dinner, cold sweat covered my back as it felt like I just had to defuse a bomb. Taking a quick shower I hit my bed and played some music while scrolling down my phone, unfortunately, there isn't something like TikTok or YouTube shorts but YouTube still exists which is useful

[Jiro: How were your work studies?]

[Tokoyami: Hawks tried to teach me how to fly it was cool! SmilingCrow.gif]

[Rimuru_Tempest445: I sparred with Egdeshot constantly I feel like dying. Damn Shinobis. Despair.gif]

[Jiro: You fought against No5 hero in Japan! so cool! WowCat.png]

[Tokoyami: How was your Jiro?]

[Jiro: We didn't do anything interesting, only patrol. :Crying.Emoji:]

[Rimuru_Tempest445: Skill Issue]

[Jiro: Fuck you Rimuru]

[Tokoyami: Fuck you Rimurux2]

"tsk" clicking my tongue I turned off my phone and went to my desktop, pulling out notebooks I began studying, and while I might have experience as I studied in school two times already that doesn't mean I'm a genius. I'm still very much terrible at math.




My phone kept vibrating while I tried to study, It appears that Tokoyami and Jiro are still chatting, sighing I went back to studying





"Lord have mercy for what Im bout to do to them" I prayed in my heart as I picked up my phone

[Tokoyami: RimuruSpining.gif]

[Tokoyami: RimuruSpining.gif]

[Tokoyami: RimuruSpining.gif]

[Jiro: CatDance.gif]

[Jiro: CatDance.gif]

[Tokoyami: RimuruSpining.gif]

[Rimuru_Tempest445: Can you stop I'm trying to study!]

[Tokoyami: wait you study? since when?]

[Rimuru_Tempest445: I swear to god-]

[Jiro: RimuruSpinning.gif]

[Rimuru_Tempst445: Why did you make this a GIF Toko??!?]

[Tokoyami: Because it's funny]

[Jiro: It's funny]


[Rimuru_Tempest445: I'm going to sleep]

[Jiro: WAIT-]

Turning off my phone I lay down in bed and tried to nap, tomorrow would be an action-filled day, if I'm exhausted I might actually die... or something.


A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I uploaded this early because I don't have school so I have a bunch of time to write 👍

Drop some powerstones if you want