
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · 历史
75 Chs

Results of the Battle

 "What? Lord Earl, why are we blocking the exit!"

 Gnar hadn't quite understood what Earl Argyle meant; he was still too naive.

 "Yes! Your Honorable Count, besides, we can't block that big exit for a while! The English will be after us soon!"

 Knight Baird couldn't help but frown in agreement, clearly still having a bit of a problem with the Earl's orders.

 In this moment of fleeing for one's life, how could there be time for anything else to delay.

 "Then block it with stones and tree trunks, hurry up you guys!" Without explaining anything, Earl Arlen still commanded in a commanding tone.

 There was nothing for it but for Gnarl and Knight Baird to order their men to help together, and it took less than ten minutes for more than a thousand men to pile up a great wall, five feet high, across the mouth of the valley, which was more than fifty feet wide.

 Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, the Earl-sama revealed a smile after a long time, and the heart that had been hanging in the air was finally released.

 "Let's go! My gentlemen! Return to the safety of Edinburgh!"

 With a great wave of his hand, the Lord Regent pointed in the direction of Edinburgh in the distance and galloped up.

 Gnar and his tribal warriors followed on happily, and Baird hastened to greet the knights, as well as the cavalrymen who had just been dismounting to carry things and were panting with exhaustion, to follow along.

 So a Scottish force of 30,000 men followed the Earl of Argyll in his resistance to England, but in the end only a thousand or so cavalry were left behind to return to Edinburgh with the Earl of Argyll.

 At this time in Pink's Gap, the Lord Duke of Somerset and the Earl of Wellington worked together to hunt down the routed Scottish soldiers.

 Indeed, by the time the Lord Duke and the Earl of Wellington came together in support, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the will to fight of the Scottish soldiers was completely destroyed.

 It is no exaggeration to say that, except at the beginning, when the Lord Duke could kill or injure a few Scots, the rest of the time was spent in collecting the surrendered Scottish prisoners.

 In the end, even the Earl of Warwick, who had just delivered the grain, led his wounded, old and sick logistics soldiers to join the battlefield.

 Duke Edward watched in bemusement as the Scotsmen bound their hands one by one, their hands and feet casually tied by the English soldiers, but they would only shiver and most of them had no sense of resistance.

 An hour of such boredom passed, and the whole of Pink's Canyon was not

 "My dear Earl of Wellington, how many of our lads are left now?"

 Looking at the messy battlefield in front of him, the broken limbs and plasma of people of all colors mixed together, an eagle hovering in the sky, as well as flocks of vultures.

 It had been a rare sunny day, but the Lord Duke felt a chill, especially as those English stick men lay groaning on the grass.

 Even for the Duke Lord who had already experienced countless wars, his icy heart was still vaguely touched.

 The Earl of Wellington, who was speaking with the priests of the army, heard his Grace the Duke ask this, and, after some thought, said

 "His Excellency the Duke! By the count of the Fathers, our army has lost fifteen hundred and sixty-three dead and three thousand two hundred and sixteen wounded, of which two thousand four hundred and twenty-nine are slightly wounded and seven hundred and eighty-seven seriously wounded!"

 "And twenty-eight of our knights died valiantly! Their valor astounds me!"

 There was no way around it, in this Middle Ages, the most knowledgeable group of people were the priests of the Church, even the ruling class nobles, most of whom could only write their own names.

 Over two thousand men died in this battle to be exact, and in this age of healing by bloodletting, those soldiers who were seriously wounded were pretty much equal to death.

 "God grant that we have won this victory; what a pleasant battle it has been! Quickly, my count-sir, what are some of our spoils?"

 Duke Edward skipped the poignant numbers and asked directly about the pleasant things.

 The nearby knights seemed to have heard the sounds here, and most of them gathered around and pricked up their ears to listen.

 Seeing that Duke Edward had not the slightest intention of driving him away, the Earl of Wellington was bold.

 "There are only a few accurate figures that we have been able to get so far; in total, we have captured two standard cannons, one variant, a standard heavy cannon, a speed gun, and over 2,000 Scottish ponies!"

 "And over fifty thousand pounds of grain, and five hundred barrels of fine wine!"

 "As for how many Scottish soldiers were captured, I'm sorry! Your Excellency the Duke, due to the sheer number of them, we don't know the exact number yet, we have estimated it to be around 10,000 or more!"

 "Hooray! Long live!" The knights surrounding Duke Edward could no longer restrain their heartless joy, forgetting their physical fatigue and shouting loudly.

 Soon, the nearby soldiers saw the knights shouting with joy, even if they didn't know what the reason was, and followed along when they saw the happy looks of the knight lords.

 At once, Pink Canyon echoed with countless shouts of 'Hooray' for a long time.

 Edinburgh, Scotland - Queen Mary, only five years old, is staying by the side of her mother, Queen Mary the Queen Mother, happily frolicking with her maids of honor.

 Around her supple neck she wore a crimson velvet cloak with an ermine hem and a satin gown with long, jeweled sleeves.

 The joyful hem of her skirt swayed from side to side, and her red face was written with attachment to her own mother.

 Although Queen Mary's eyes were looking at Mary, those beautiful eyes were not focused on her! It seemed to be thinking about something, and her already beautiful face looked even more eye-catching.

 "Mom! What are you doing?" Playing aside Mary turned around to see that her own mother wasn't looking at her, which made her get upset and pout her lips.

 "Oh! My Mary! I'm so sorry about that! Mommy was thinking about things!" The Empress Dowager hurriedly picked up Mary and placed her on her lap, doting on Mary, and her words were in a doting, soft tone.

 After all, this was her only heir, especially after the untimely deaths of her first two sons, and she loved Mary to the bone.

 "Oh! Mom was thinking about things! Can that be with Mary? Mary is very smart!"

 Mary spoke in a smug tone, a come and compliment me look written on her face.

 "Yes! My Mary is the smartest! Mommy is thinking of your far-away grandfather in France!"

 "Since Mommy misses Grandfather, let's see him! I will accompany you to see Grandfather!" Mary said in a delicate voice, and looked at Empress Mary with those deep blue eyes that had an unmistakable cuteness!

 "But Mommy's not doing anything! So, can Mary see Grandpa for Mommy?"

 "Nn... can't! I want to be with mommy! Not Francie!" Mary thought for a moment, then stared at Queen Mary very seriously, in a serious manner.

 Queen Mary didn't know what the consequences of war would be, but she didn't want her daughter to fall into the hands of the English anymore!