
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · History
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75 Chs

Closed Exit

 The infantry, which was in the process of collapsing, was again killed by the well-fed guard battalion and the strong cavalry, and no longer cared about their formation, but turned around and ran away.

 Running, and disliked the weapon too heavy, and hastily threw away the hand weapon, desperately began to flee.

 The Scottish cavalrymen, who were recuperating in the rear, saw the infantrymen in front of them begin to flee, and hastened to mount their own dwarf horses as well, and make for the exit of the glen.

 The cavalrymen, relying on their horses' ability to move quickly, quickly shook off the infantrymen, and one by one, they began to whip the normally cherished and unusual horses with their riding whips, which became more and more powerful as they did so.

 Soon there were fast-running infantrymen who saw the cavalry overtake them, a step away from the fate of death.

 Many of the brave infantrymen saw this and could not help but gallop quickly, rapidly approaching the slower-horse cavalry.

 One such person who seeks the opportunity to live down is Gerner.

 He came from a tribe high in the mountains with a population of just over a hundred, and this time their tribe had been called upon by the Regent to send ten warriors to fight in this war.

 As the bravest warrior of a tribe and the leader of that tribe, he had to take the warriors of the tribe back in the chaos. Otherwise the whole tribe would have been annexed by the neighboring tribes and all of them would have been reduced to slaves.

 As the leader of the Highland tribes, he was aware of the pain of slaves, and he could not allow his loved ones and friends to become slaves of other tribes.

 With a six-foot frame and arms thicker than the average Englishman's thighs, Gerner had been at an advantage in an era when the vast majority of the population was malnourished.

 However, no one who could become a chief was a brainless barbarian, and besides, the barbarian's tribe had been annexed long ago.

 "Chief! What shall we do?" "Yeah! Chief!" "Chief! I want to go home!"

 Looking at the tribal warriors surrounding him, one by one, Gerner pressed down his inner panic and pretended to be calm and said

 "Everyone, don't panic! Let's gather together first, there's always a chance!"

 Ten people led by Gnar, slowly running towards the exit of Pink Canyon, the speed of several people soon saw dozens of cavalrymen who fell at the end. Seeing this, Gerner couldn't help but feel a stirring in his heart.

 "Come here, I'll show you how to escape ...," Gnar said as he gathered the warriors of the tribe and told them his plan, and with that he gained admiring glances from the crowd.

 The next thing we know, we see Gerner and the others approaching the cavalry in action.

 At this point, they first began to run up quickly, keeping their speed parallel to the horses, and the ten warriors were divided into five teams, working together in pairs to force a cavalryman.

 Soon their movements together seemed to be perceived by the cavalry, and the encircled cavalry, seeming to anticipate something, hastened to urge their horses to speed.

 Knowing there could be no delay, Gerner took the lead in demonstrating.

 Running, Gnar picked up the spear that had been thrown to the ground, and with all his strength, threw it at the cavalryman's body.

 "Boom!" There was a loud bang, and as he had hoped, the cavalryman on horseback was hit hard by a spear and fell off his horse, and just hearing that sound made Gnar feel pain.

 The horse, feeling that there was no one left on its back, ran for a few dozen paces, then slowly stopped and lowered its head to eat the tender grass on the ground.

 Another warrior had the good sense to run over and bring this horse to Gnar's side, full of admiration.

 "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Gnar did a demonstration that made sense, and the remaining fighters quickly knocked down their respective targets and gained four more mounts.

 "Chieftain, your way is good! We can finally go home!" The rest of them also nodded in a hurry, their faces cracking into happy smiles, revealing their withered yellow teeth.

 "Okay! Let's continue following this method again!" Gnar still made a serious expression even though he was also happy in his heart.

 For the next half hour, they rode the captured horses, as they had done several more times. Soon, each of them had almost made it to three horses a man, with a much better chance of escaping.

 The Lord Regent of Scotland, on the other hand, while not as miserable as Gnar, was no better!

 Lord Earl Aaron's mood at this time was crumbling, the failure three years ago could still be excused by the reason that the late king passed away and was raided without preparation.

 And this time, it was purely because the Scottish army had confronted the English squarely, with no machinations to speak of. And they did fail miserably, a defeat that was as good as a walk in the park, without a moment's respite.

 "Lord Earl! Let's stop and rest for a while!" Only two hundred shells of knights were left around him, a group of knights without armor to be exact accompanied him.

 Hearing that it was the most experienced of the knights, Knight Baird, who was inquiring, the Earl-sama also responded in a rare manner.

 "No need! Let's wait until we're out of Pink's Canyon!"

 Looking at the original face of a spirited regent, now full of gray, before combing neatly beard are seemingly disorganized, the body of the nobleman's fancy dress also do not know what was scratched, the arm broke a dozen holes.

 "Aye! Lord Earl! Everyone hurry up and hold on a little longer! There will be an escape soon!"

 Knight Baird pumped the exhausted knights, and upon hearing that they would soon be able to get out, the knights instantly summoned up what little energy they had left and drove their mounts forward.

 The Count and his party moved swiftly, and soon saw the narrow exit of the canyon.

 After all, their mounts were the finest, and their running speed was naturally faster than ordinary knights, not to mention that they were the ones who reacted the fastest to escape from the battlefield.

 "Lord Earl! Look, the exit is here!" Baird excitedly said to Earl Argyle, who was lying on his horse behind him.

 "Yeah? Then let's hurry up and get out!" Lord Earl spoke very succinctly.

 In a short while, more than two hundred men fled the battlefield, and the riding crowd breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

 Stopping their horses to rest for a moment, Gray and his warriors also overtook most of the cavalry with a change of horses and took the lead to the exit.

 Before he could be happy for long, he saw the Earl of Argyle and his party resting at the exit.

 "Honorable Lord Regent! The Gnar of the Chekenas Tribe is glad you made it out safely!"

 Gnar clumsily learns the Scottish greeting for knights, and his antics cause the Lord Earl to lose his voice and laugh.

 "My Lord Chieftain! I am glad that you too have escaped the clutches of England in safety; let us now return to Edinburgh together!"

 The Lord Earl cherished every bit of power he had now, than after all, it was a skill to be able to escape!

 "As you wish! Lord Earl!" Gnarl consulted with his warriors and all agreed that this was a viable option for now.

 "It's a folksy choice, my chief!"

 Before Lord Earl could finish his conversation with Gnarl, more than a thousand cavalrymen appeared one after another at the exit.

 "My soldiers! Let's block this exit!"