
My Father's Mistress (No one can take my place)

Have you lost your mind? why are you doing this?This is out of the equation Annabelle ,you know that I have always love and adore you but is this how you're paying me back? Everyone knows that you only care about yourself and your benefits ,you lured My Dad just for your so called revenge ,what then happen to forgiving and forgetting you selfish woman, Anna said to her. You are evil,so....so evil that you even went to the extent of using your daughter as a bit ,how do you expect me to behave. Talking about equation,you thought that am really mad that I have nuts sorry but this is your end dear lovely step-Mother . When she was about to shoot her a voice said "why don't I do the deed for you than dirting your hands with her stinking blood darling. ............ All the people in the room were puzzled ,how can you still be in the lion's den and still be so calm. What benefit will I get if I cooperate with you ?she asked . Don't Tell me that what you need is a bed warmer because I don't deal with shits. Your mind runs wild Annabelle dear but am not like that I can get girls pretty and much more beautiful than you so let me land first. He said in a husky voice. For unknown reason she felt different when he called her name which she haven't felt since she was born but then how can he say that he can have girls more pretty than her what then do he want(author: you're misinterpreting dear),but I won't let my guard down she said to her self. What about a contract love ,how does it sound ? you can get all the benefits but I only ask for one thing.... be by my side he completed in his mind.

Emmanuel_Ogbonna · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Old Classmate

After living the dinning room I decided to take a walk everything has changed,the decorations,the garden flowers and so on . Irises and sunflowers were my Mom's favorite but here all I can see is roses and hibiscus , there is a rumor in mansion that My Step- Mom is allergic to to Iris flower that It causes her to sneeze.

From the garden I passed the guards at the gate and started walking out , I didn't know where I was going but I think a walk would calm my nerves. It's been a long time since I've taken a walk but who would notice that I need it, If I remember correctly I usually take a walk with My Mom but after My Mom died I never took any .

I don't know who is fighting us but I can guess that person has an issue with My Mom because if that was not the case the person would have targeted My father then after he dies he /she can take away his assets but they took my Mom.

Just then a red porche parked beside me, I acted as if I didn't notice because too many thoughts occupied my mind and am not ready to add another one to it.

I walked pass it but stopped to examine it but why do I find this car familiar,I shrugged it off because having many thoughts in my head is making me all dizzy but I think that am bound to be interupted.

Hey!Anna!Anna! hearing my name I turned to look at where my name was shouted only to be hugged so tight that I could barely breathe ,I pushed the intruder away taking to steps back only to see the familiar looking face.

My class-mate as well as my classmate back in college who I never heard the chance to confess to . We were close but not actually that close to share a hug only handshakes were involved. But would have thought that he would actually hug me or were my eyes playing prank on me .I pinched myself to wake up if that am dream but flinching in pain was enough evidence that I was not asleep.

Hey stop you hardnut he said. I composed myself and said "Williams are you alright like -"

I closed my mouth as I saw him smiling at me as if I was talking rubbish. I smacked his arm because him smiling like that is making me feel like a fool.

Hey why don't we go to somewhere and at least talk you know it's been a long time James said.

I don't know anything I said while playing ignorant but who would have thought that he had other plans.

Taking my hands he walked towards his car and opened the door pushing me in .You can't do this it's kidnapping James I said when he had already gotten into the car .

At least you know your kidnapper's name which is good but don't worry I know my boundaries he said.I chuckled and looked ahead .I am happy at least someone is taking me out .