
My Destruction System:Love of the Creator

She was born from the void at the very beginning of everything with a purpose, to create and to make the universe flourish and it did, through her gifts. Her purpose was achieved then she wondered now what.....? ........................................................... Alexander McQueen the one known as the destroyer, who wrecked havoc upon the Earth is now dead. Now Azar'El Salvatore is born with a purpose, a system and a slightly yandere lover. Follow Azar'El as he journeys through the universe carrying out his purpose with her by his side. Ascending to the pinnacle of existence. Tags: SYSTEM | OVERPOWERED | ROMANTIC | ACTION | MAGIC | VILLAIN |DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS |

Hunterlight_17 · 奇幻
7 Chs

Chapter 1

"So this is what death feels, it's like I'm just floating around with no direction".

I can't even see anything but I can feel it, all around me. It feels just like it always does, 'Darkness' that feeling of comfort of eternal bliss it brings, it's the same.

"I wonder if those bastards are in this space also, cause if they are I will just have to kill them again"


"Oh yeah what was it again, yeah Alex that's was my name Alexander McQueen, though i can't remember the last time someone called me by that name"


"I'm not that old, so why I'm I sighing like an old man". Though looking at his life despite it was short-lived, he had gone through a lot"

As Alex was floating in the darkness, he began to recall very memory, every moment, every encounter, all of it racing through his mind in a blur.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief of that death brought him as he thought;

"Since I'm dead this should all be over right ?".

Remembering where it all began. The special task force that's were he was, where they were trained to clear the dirty laundry of power hungry politicians and he was the best of the best.

Job after job, mission after another he grew tired if it rather he grew bored of it.

Yes Alex was just bored, since his earliest of memories nothing really gave him joy or thrill.

It was like something inside him was broken. When he joined the special forces his mind was pondering if it would be interesting and it was, on his first mission he found out he loved sending people to the after life.

Even till his final moments the thought that his life was rather boring filled is mind.

One might think he did what he did for justice and whatnot but he knew the truth he was just bored.

So he decided on something fun. Feeling like being a dark saviour would be a fun endeavor he became one.

Though he loved killing or just wrecking havoc he was still sane. He knew he couldn't just go around slaughtering people wantonly, so he just chose to do it to the power hungry bastards that stressed him out during his time at task force.

As Alex floated in space, he couldn't help but wonder if he would be stuck there forever.

Suddenly, he saw something that caught his attention. A light shined brightly and in the vast expanse of darkness that surrounded him was like the sun. He wondered what it could be, but he froze when he saw what it was.

It wasn't an angel or the devil. It was a woman, a young lady whose beauty was beyond words.

Alex couldn't believe his eyes. He had expected to be taken to heaven or hell, but instead, he was face to face with a stunning woman. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.

Alex was far from a simp, but even the most devout preachers and monks would struggle to resist the allure of a woman like her. Her grace and elegance were so ingrained in her being that it was as if they were woven into her very soul. Though she was covered from head to toe, her body was nothing short of absolute perfection. She exuded purity, cheerfulness, and a dangerously seductive aura that left Alex breathless.

As I looked at her, I was struck by the radiance of her hair. It shimmered like the sun, with a myriad of colors dancing within each strand. Her eyes were a mesmerizing silver, as if they held entire universes within their depths.

And her skin, was as smooth and flawless as the finest wheat. It was pale, but not sickly, and seemed to glow with an otherworldly beauty.

But it was her curves that truly captivated him. Her body was like a work of art, crafted to draw out the darkest of desires. Her bust was ample, and seemed to defy gravity with its perfect shape.

It was as if she held a power over him, a power that he couldn't resist. She was like a siren, luring him in with her beauty and grace.

As he watched her move, he couldn't help but feel enraptured. She was a goddess for sure, a creature of pure beauty and grace. And yet, there was also something dark and dangerous about her, something that made Alex's heart race with excitement.

As he gazed upon her, he couldn't help but ponder if this was the fabled love at first sight.

And then, with a single utterance from her, his jaw dropped in awe.The mere sound of her voice left him utterly spellbound.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Hunterlight_17creators' thoughts