
My Destruction System:Love of the Creator

She was born from the void at the very beginning of everything with a purpose, to create and to make the universe flourish and it did, through her gifts. Her purpose was achieved then she wondered now what.....? ........................................................... Alexander McQueen the one known as the destroyer, who wrecked havoc upon the Earth is now dead. Now Azar'El Salvatore is born with a purpose, a system and a slightly yandere lover. Follow Azar'El as he journeys through the universe carrying out his purpose with her by his side. Ascending to the pinnacle of existence. Tags: SYSTEM | OVERPOWERED | ROMANTIC | ACTION | MAGIC | VILLAIN |DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS |

Hunterlight_17 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

As she stared at him, she was utterly bewildered. She had spent countless hours daydreaming about this moment, envisioning what she would say and how she would act.

But now, as she stood before him, it was as if her tongue had been stolen by a mischievous feline.

She was at a loss for words, her mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions. How could she have prepared for this? How could she have known that the reality of meeting him would be so overwhelming? It was as if the universe had conspired against her, leaving her stranded in a sea of uncertainty and doubt.

But still, she refused to give up. She would find her voice, no matter how long it took. This was her moment, her chance to make a lasting impression.

And she wasn't going to let it slip away.

"Welcome, Alexander. I have been expecting you," She spoke with a voice that echoed through the void. Her eyes were fixed on him, but he seemed to be lost in a trance. She had spent eons perfecting her appearance, and it seemed to have paid off.

She had taken the time to learn his preferences, to understand what he desired in a woman. For so long, she had existed without a physical form, without anyone even knowing she existed. But now, with Alexander before her, she felt a sense of purpose.

As she watched him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He was in a daze, completely captivated by her beauty. But they couldn't spend eternity staring at each other. There was work to be done, a destiny to fulfill.

With a flick of her wrist, the room transformed. The walls shimmered, and the air crackled with energy. Alexander's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the new surroundings.

"Welcome to your new home," she said with a smile. "We have much to do, and little time to waste."


"Uh what happened ?"

*Yeah I was captivated by the goddess's beauty, somehow she made the darkness around us disappear and suddenly, we were in a castle straight out of a fantasy book.

The hall we were in was like nothing I had ever seen before. The floor seemed to be made of clouds, and the massive pillars in the distance were made of a metal that resembled a night sky filled with stars.

Above us was a breathtaking display of stars, planets, and other spacey stuff that looked to be moving like water. It was like we were in the middle of the universe itself.

But as I looked back at the goddess, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She was definitely way above my league and I was rather insignificant when compared to her. And why was she looking at me like that? I couldn't shake the feeling that her worshippers were among those I had killed.*

Before I could even process what was happening, she spoke. "We have a lot to do," she said, her voice echoing through the hall. "This is your new home. You are not dead, but you are not alive either. You are here for a reason."

I was completely bewildered. What did she mean? What was my purpose? And how did I end up here? As I tried to make sense of it all, the goddess simply looked at me with a smile.

"What do you mean we have a lot to do also my new home I'm I not dead and I'm not alive either no scratch that why am I here"

"You died and you where supposed to go to the Netherworld to face judgement by his hands but I brought your soul to this realm."

"By him do you mean Hades or Thanatos?"

"He as many names so don't bother about it, I am the Creator or rather CREATION and you are the chosen candidate selected for the purpose of being my counterpart DESTRUCTION."

