
My Delivery System

Being reincarnated in Chainsaw Man isn't as easy as it seems, and even more so that he's apparently reincarnated as the older brother of the second protagonist of the story Asa Mitaka. But with the [ Delivery System] he will survive and protect what's important to him in this shitty world he's living in. A/N : A fair warning this is a crossover fanfic, while there isn't any additional crossover yet, there will be in the future. Current Crossover Series : Chainsaw Man Kenichi The Strongest Disciple

Charlottes · 漫画同人
12 Chs

A Coincidence

After the promise of being taught martial arts, well not really a 'promise' but an agreement, and he was sure that Shigure would train him with martial arts, as she isn't a liar and is beneath such a thing.

He wasn't sure what kind of training he's going to do, but he should mentally prepare himself for tomorrow.

After taking him home safely, like she promised, she left after she was sure that there was no danger that would befall him and his home.

But before she left, he asked where they would meet tomorrow afternoon, and immediately she answered. "Don't…. worry…I.. know…where…to…find…you…"

From an outsider's perspective, those words are quite creepy, like she's the ultimate stalker for saying that.

But this is Shigure, her words don't have any double meaning, and whatever she's trying to convey, it's what it is.

She's that pure and innocent.

Hiru nodded and replied. "Alright, see you tomorrow."

Shigure nodded and vanished like a ninja, honestly that action was so cool, he wondered if he could do something like that in the future.

After that he went inside the apartment he rented with his sister.

"Welcome home, nii-san"

His sister doesn't fail to make him smile with such a simple gesture, and he answers. "I'm back Imouto-chan."

The alarm clock rang, and a groan was heard across the room. Waking as a student or a working employee is the hardest thing to do in the morning, literally.

Because at times like this, his futon and pillows might be clouds due to how comfortable they are at the moment.

But he had to get up, opened one of his eyes and saw that it was still 5:00 am, and thought. 'Too early, I should sleep for 5 more minutes.'

And so he did, and went he opened his eyes once again it's already 7:00 am.

(A/N: Have you guys experienced something like this? I did, like multiple times. XD)

"Bwuh- what?!" Immediately he stood up from his futon and hurriedly went to the bathroom and saw that his sister was already dressed up with her uniform and anything necessary.

"Asa?! Why didn't you wake me up!" Hiru complained to his little sister.

Hearing his words, she could only shrug and replied. "I did, but I gave up after calling you a dozen times."

"Really..? I didn't hear anything about you calling me though…" He raised his brows at her.

"You're too sleepy to hear and that's why you're bathing with cold water today." Asa smirked at him.

Hiru's eyes widened and exclaimed. "Are you for real..?!"

"Yep, and if you try to heat the bathtub now, you would be late for school." Asa mentioned without mercy.

"You know it's almost winter right?! I might catch a cold if I take a bath this cold!"

"Not my problem, it's your fault that you overslept."

Gritting his teeth out of frustration and then letting out a sigh. "Alright, fine."

"Maybe next time you shouldn't oversleep, brother." Asa replied smugly.

Although Hiru didn't say anything, his eyes were on fire and thought. 'One day sister, one day I shall have my vengeance!'

"Anyway, I already cooked breakfast, you better hurry, it might get cold like the water you're bathing with." With a winning smile, she left the bathroom.

Hiru rolled his eyes and glared at the cold water in the bathtub. "Screw it!"

And after that he dived into the cold, cold water.

Even after changing his clothes, he still could feel the coldness all over his skin, he couldn't help but shiver.

Hiru went to the kitchen which is also the dining room, 2 in 1 but hey, they can't be picky they're lucky enough to have a roof to sleep in everyday, unlike some people who have terrible life conditions, it's not too bad.

He saw his sister packing her lunch including his, from it looks she already finished eating breakfast.

"Nii-san, we don't have much time left before the class starts, hurry!" Asa urgently told him.

Looking at the clock, he noticed that they only have 15 more minutes before the class starts, without hesitation he dug in.

He didn't care if he looked stupid, does it really matter? Certainly not, a minute later he finished his breakfast and went outside the apartment with his sister.

Naturally they didn't forget to close and lock the door and after that both of them rode the scooter and he drove as fast as the law allows him to.

Thankfully, they managed to reach in time and the first subject for today is math, realizing that he planted his face directly to his desk and exclaimed. 'And I went to school for this crap?!'

He slowly started regretting coming to school, when the first subject ruined his day. He really doesn't like math, even history is more interesting than this crap.

It wasn't like he's particular bad at math, in fact he's quite good with numbers, however he just doesn't like math because to him, math is basically a legal version of mental torture.

Math is basically a shorter word for.

M - ental

A - buse

T - o

H - umanity

And he's a firm believer of that, why does human kind subject itself to self torture? He would never understand because he too was a participant, although unwillingly.

A single hour of this subject is basically equivalent to an eternity to him, thankfully the next subject was his favorite. English was too easy for him.

Honestly he couldn't understand why the majority have a hard time with this particular subject.

Either way, it seems that today we'll have an oral test, basically each of them would speak the sentence that was selected for them in English.

And to be honest, as much as he dislikes himself for this, it was honestly amusing for him to hear his classmates reciting the sentence in English.

Hiru was trying not to laugh out loud, from his perspective the way they say it, not to mention that clearly japanese accent.

It was really challenging not to laugh, his humor is broken.

"Thezzsu apple iyo foundit~o za kitczhen."

(This apple I found it on the kitchen)

"Motha gotz zick so isy helpu her do za chore-u."

(Mother got sick, so I helped her for the chores)

Oral tests like this never failed to entertain him, as a foreigner, at least his soul is while his physical body is no doubt a 100% japanese in blood.

Now, it was his turn and everyone's attention was on him, as they know how perfect his pronouncecation is.

In fact he was quite well known for it.

He cleared his throat and started reciting.

And as everyone expected his English was near flawless and they were impressed, because it was like an American who spoke.

After he finished reciting, everyone clapped at his performance, with a smile he sat down at his table.

Lunch arrived, normally he would eat with his friends in the classroom, however today he had a different plan, as it's been a while since he ate together with his sister.

Today he would go to her classroom and eat with her, and so he said his reasons to his 'friends' and went outside to go to his sister's room.

However, on his way to the hall, he saw someone he didn't expect and so did the person who also didn't expect him.

"You…study here?" Hiru asked the person in surprise.

"Y-yeah…I just transferred yesterday…" This person was Yaeko, who he met yesterday at his delivery job.

He never would have thought that she was that transfer student from the other class, looking at her in uniform, he couldn't help but think. 'She looks really good in our uniform..'

Seeing that she's alone, he decided to change his plan at this very moment and asked her. "Say, do you want to eat lunch with me?"

Although she was surprised by the unexpected invitation, she accepted.

"Sure, I guess…"

He doesn't know if this was fate work, but he'd be damned if he didn't get to know her better especially when they're studying at the same school.

At the school rooftop where there isn't any student around, this was the perfect spot to have a conversation without interruption.

He looked at her and decided to strike a conversation first. "So, a coincidence huh? I didn't think we'd meet again so soon."

Yaeko nodded in agreement. "Indeed, I didn't expect for the delivery guy yesterday to be studying at the same school as me."

"Me either, I didn't think the beautiful girl I met yesterday was my school mate." Hiru replied with a smile.

Yaeko blushed with those bold words. "R-right, I don't think I know your name yet."

Hiru blinked and realized that he didn't introduce himself yet, and quickly tried to give her a handshake. "Right, I almost forgot my name's Miru Mitaka, a second year high from section 2-B."

"Yaeko Nishimiya transfer student from 2-A." Yaeko received the handshake.

A/N: I'm sure you expected this to happen as it's already obvious as I did a cameo in the previous chapter.

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There's currently 8 advanced chapters

there and would increase in the future