
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two

Third Person POV

Max don't know if he should take his friend advice or not, he is afraid of losing the relationship he is trying to build with Ella. He love her so much and he is not ready to lose her for his stupid mistake, so he decided not to tell Ella what happened and try his best to avoid that lady he did not even remember her name. I have decided not to tell her, am not ready to risk losing her, Max told his best friend. What if she hears it from somewhere else, what will you do then? George asked him. I will make sure that she will not hear it from anybody else, Max answered him in confidence.

George did not say any other thing cause he can see his best friend had made up his mind on what he want to do. Max and George we're sipping their drink while at the far end of the bar, sat a woman who have that wicked smile on her face. Max and George left the bar and walked towards their suite, the woman at the end of the bar stood up few minutes later and walked to her suite, still with that wicked grin plastered on her face. George inside his mind contemplating whether he should tell Sarah or not.

And finally decided not to tell her cause he know how Sarah love her best friend and he can't determine what her reaction will be if he tell her. And also he don't want her to feel guilty when Ella will finally find out about this cause his gut kept on telling him that Ella will find out about this cause no one know what is on the mind of that sly lady. While at the suite Sarah and Ella sat down and was playing cards. Sarah don't you think we should go for grocery shopping, Ella suggested. Why? Sarah asked. We will go to Hollywood Bowl this evening and I read it online that while coming that we should come with our own picnic baket and wines, Ella answered.

Sarah looked at her with wide eyes cause she never heard of that but she will try this place out cause it sound fun. Okay then let's go shopping but do you know where we should go for shopping? Sarah asked. I don't know but we will ask the receptionist, so get ready let's go, Ella urged Sarah and walked into their room to change totally forgotten about the cards on the table.. Sarah walked out first and wait for Ella to be ready so that they can leave. Ella and Sarah left the hotel after they asked the receptionist where they should get what they need for their picnic. They arrived at the supermarket, they got their cart and started picking varieties of chips. While they were picking what they want, Ella can't hold it in anymore and decided to voice out what have been bothering her.

Hey, Sarah did you noticed that Max was awfully wait today, so unlike him, Ella pointed out to Sarah. Yeah, I noticed that too when you were bombarding me with questions, I was expecting him to do the same to George but he kept quiet all he did was smiled at George, Sarah responded. Do you think something is wrong with him? Ella asked. I don't think you should ask me that question the person that have an answer to that question is you, cause you are his girlfriend so you should know what is wrong with him, Sarah told Ella.

You are right Sarah, Ella answered. Though she noticed him spacing out while they were playing cards but she decided not to dwell much on it. But his quietness during the lunch and before the lunch when Sarah and George wake up, Ella was expecting her to start teasing George but he did not got her worried but she don't know how to go about it. Listen Ella if you are worried about him you should let him know that you are worried and what is making you worried, that way he can open up to you and the two of you can sort out whatever it is, Sarah advised.

I hear you Sarah and I promise that when he come back from wherever he and George went to, I will ask him what is wrong with him, Ella assured Sarah. Ella I don't want you to see me as a relationship expert but I want you to listen to what am about to tell you and try to work around it, Sarah said to her. Sure go ahead an all ears, Ella assured her that she is going to listen to all that she want to tell her. Sarah took a deep breath before she started talking to Ella. I think you should be more open with Max, Sarah said

How do you mean be more open with him? Ella asked. I mean try to show him your emotions and mind you that doesn't make you weak rather it makes him to realise that you care for her even for a tiny little bit, Sarah said. Ella kept quiet cause she know that what Sarah said is nothing but the truth. Also let him know that he is not alone in this relationship that you are there with him, don't allow him to think that the relationship between the two of you is one sided, am your best friend and I know you too well cause I can tell you have a soft spot for him, Sarah said.

Ella halted in what she is about to pick and blushed, Oh my God! Ella you are blushing, Sarah nearly screamed but quickly reminded herself that they are in a public place. They finished shopping and paid for what they picked, Ella is very determine to her feelings that she is trying to ignore and explore it and see where it will lead her to.