
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty One

George POV

Weird that Max have not started teasing me about last night cause am hundred percent sure that he has an idea of what transpired yesterday night. Ella is the only one indirectly poking Sarah for answers and I can see how uncomfortable she is with the whole thing but they are best friends and am sure Sarah will know how to handle her best friend. Max just kept quiet all this while silently enjoying his meal and this silent attitude of his, is making me to be nervous and worried at the same time cause no one can be too sure around Max cause he is unpredictable.

We finished lunch quietly after the episode of Sarah almost choke on her food cause of what Ella whispered to her. We headed to our suite, on our way to our suite Max suddenly clear his throat. I think this is the moment he will start teasing, am ready for him cause I have toughened my mind to bear all his teasing. Sarah, can I borrow George for some moment? Max requested from Sarah. Sarah looked at me with raised eyebrows silently asking me if I have any idea why he want to borrow me, I shook my head in negative affirmation. I wonder why he want to borrow me is not like I am money to be borrowed. Sure but where are you guys going? Sarah asked.

We are going to the bar to have few drinks and I promise none of us will get drunk, Max answered and at the same time promise her that they will not get drunk. Okay that's okay with me, Sarah answered. Thank you so much Sarah and babe am coming back okay, Max appreciate Sarah and pecked his girlfriend and dragged me out of there. Hey, can you slow down a little bit cause I don't understand what the hurry is all about, I said to him cause I still don't understand what's going on.

Max did not say anything but slowed down so that I can catch up with him. We arrived at the bar, Max sat down on the stool and signal for the bartender to come, now Max quietness is getting to me. Why is he so quiet, this is so unlike him to be this quiet when he find something to tease me with. Hey man is everything alright? Cause you seem awfully quiet, it is so unlike you, I said to him cause am now getting worried by how quiet he is. Let's drink first, so that I can loosen up a bit and tell you what happened, Max answered and gave the bartender the drink he want and I ordered for whiskey and water.

We just sat down and wait for our order, none of us is talking to each other, I decided to let him be so that he will be able to gather himself together and be able to tell me what he want to tell me.Our drinks arrived and Max took it in one gulp, I gasped at that cause this really indicate that something serious is going on with Max. Max looked at me and shook his head, I fucked up man, he said. Oh God this is not good one bit, I mused.

What do you mean by you fucked up? I managed to ask him. I messed up yesterday night and once Ella find out she will leave me without looking back, Max said with that gloomy look on his face, he must have done something really bad for him to look this way. Max can you tell me what exactly happened? I asked him. Well yesterday night after our dinner, you and Sarah walked into your room and Ella and I walked into our room as well but I couldn't sleep, I needed water and I checked the fridge but there is no water there. So I walked out of our suite to get some water.

While I was outside trying to get water, I bumped into one of my old flings, Max said and paused. Seriously, I don't like where this story is heading to, And what happened next? I urged him to continue. Well she look so pale like someone who is sick, I can't help but pity her, even if she is an old fling she is still a human being and I have to help her. So I asked her where her suite is cause it's very obvious that she is lodged in here, she told me her suite number, I took her there and try to make sure that she laid down on the bed comfortably.

While I was adjusting her head, she suddenly pulled me down and kissed me deeply, I was shocked at that sudden kiss my brain froze and I was not quick to react. I was able to come back to reality when I felt her move my hand to her chest, I quickly detached my lips and left her room, Max finished with his explanation. I looked at my friend and I can understand the dilemma he is in. Max if you are seeking for my advice on what you should do, then I will advice that you tell Ella all that you told me right now, I told him.

I think that's a bad idea, Max said. Why is it a bad idea? I asked him cause I don't see how this is a bad idea in the first place. You seem to have forgotten my reputation that I am trying to change and you think that Sarah will believe this, if I tell her, Max pointed out.  Like he said I totally forgot about his reputation and he is trying to make Ella believe that he have changed from the person he were before to who he is now. So what do you want to do now? I asked him cause I don't have any idea on how to tackle this problem.

I think I will not tell her anything now and I will also try to avoid that sly woman, even her shadow I will avoid them all, Max said. That's a good idea I mean avoiding the lady at all cost but I still insist that you tell Ella cause it's better she heard it from you than another person, I advised him.