
Achieved: New Skill!

The dramon froze and looked down at the stone. 

Tiara slapped Percy's arm. "What did you just do?" Percy smirked, "Taking risks." 

"We could die!" 

Percy laughed, "Does it matter?" 

"B-but…" However, Percy's smile was contagious, probably because he rarely smiled that bright. She laughed too and decided to enjoy this while they could. "Alright then. So no plan." 

"No plan, let's just do what we feel like doing." 

"Okay," she watched the dramon pick it up with curious eyes. No one else noticed, which made Percy land at the conclusion that the dramons were familiar with these red stones. The half-grade dramon turned towards the direction of the entrance and the both of them hid immediately behind the walls. "Did it see us?" Tiara asked with wide eyes. Percy shrugged and they waited.