

Chimobi_Princess · 奇幻言情
3 Chs


There I was in the middle of a garden, the garden was beautifully decorated like couples were to meet up in it. I tried to find a way out of the garden but could not, the was surrounded by maize tunnels which all led back to the garden, I gave up an decided to wait till it was morning to help see better but I became very restless cuss it seemed like a forest was near by, I could her the howling of a wolf, suddenly something or someone start rustling around in the maize, I got up from where I sat terrified of what would become of me. The sound became louder and closer, I stepped away from the maize one step at a time and then I bumped into something, I turned around to see what I bumped into, behold I set my eyes on the hottest guy ever, I kept staring not knowing what to say, I was lost in his eyes "l'm so sorry, didn't see you there" they guy said bringing me back to reality "no, I'm the one meant to apologize here, I didn't watch where I was going" I replied back "it's okay" he finally said stepping closer to me, we stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, he pulled me closer to himself and kissed me.....

Beep beep beep

I moaned as I fluttered my eye open to see my alarm clock which read 5:30am, I hit the clock to sleep and rolled off my bed still feeling sleepy, I walked over to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror 'last night was amazing' I thought only to realize it never happened,

"fuck, it was a dream, why was it a dream. I finally fell for a boy only to realize it was all a fucking dream"

"will I ever find true love (sighs)"

I decided to focus on the real world now, I took a shower and put on a blue jean trouser with a with crop top and my favorite black sneakers.

"now what do I do with this"

I said picked a strand of my hair, I hought for a while and simple just tied it in a ponytail.

I'm pretty much a talkative when alone, sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Stephanie Scott, I am fifteen years old and live in Port Angeles. Washington state. My skin is pale white and blemish free, I have a natural vibrant wine colored hair with dark blue eyes, I'm quit tall for a girl of my age, I'm 5'9 feet's tall and do you know the best part, I'm very beautiful, not that I'm bragging, just stating the fact, every girl at school is envious of me cuss of my beauty and fame. Though I'm popular at school, ion really have friends, I have trust issues. Before I moved to Port Angeles, I lived in Florida, my friends at school then took advantage of my selfless nature, they even leaked a secret of mine ones, since then I decided to be a lone wolf but I do have one friend tho, not only is she my friend, she's also my best friend and we've been friends since then, her name is Avery Crawford.

I live with my dad stepmom and step brother, people often say that step parents and siblings are the worst, well I say they're wrong, I was gifted with the best stepmom and bro ever, Chris and Sandra are both so lovely, thy always make me happy and accepted, at least I don't think of my late mom that much anymore.